Hotmail vs MSN

  • Thread starter 1mic


does anyone know how to get an msn account instead of the lame hotmail?
i dont like that stuff, id rather have a shorter one like @msn... if u know how please let me know or make a post,
it IS possible...
When you register for Hotmail, you can choose where you want it to be or Atleast you used to be able to do that.
hotmail just sounds lame, cheap
while MSN sounds better -reserved and its shorter
& yes it WAS like that back then where u can choose the last parts (@hotmail @msn) but not anymore, if only i made that name when i had the chance
Stop complaining. If you find @hotmail so hard and long to type, enable AutoComplete so that you can fill in forms quicker.
you used to be able to choose either, but now hotmail is the free version and msn is the one you pay for.
Either ante up or pipe down. ;)
Originally posted by Super-Supra
I know how to signup for a MSN Account...

Wow, thanks for telling us how we can do it. :rolleyes: