Have you ever noticed that in the GT series automatics are not very real? For example: When you drive an Automatic in real life, you get it to 40mph and let off. The car goes from 3rd to 5th for better gas mileage. How come they don't do that in the "Simulator" GT. When you step on it again it goes back to 3rd or 4th from 5th. In the game currently, you get to 40 in 2nd gear, you stay in second gear. Maybe in a manual but most definitely not in an automatic. Automatics don't rev high for no reason if they can move to a higher gear. Who thinks they should implement this in GT5? The cars need to have automatics that shift right. Another thing with automatics is that when you let off the brake, the car moves forward. I have only noticed two cars in GT4 that have done that, the Prius and SL series. Every automatic does that, not two.
Please tell if I'm right or not or if this should be implemented into the next GT.
Please tell if I'm right or not or if this should be implemented into the next GT.