How About I Thwart Your Life?

  • Thread starter 1X83Z


United States
Some people in the world actually believe the government is responsible for (as today's AOL sign-on poll says) "failing to thwart the 9/11 attacks."

My take is that this is absurd - the government has better things to do than investigate every single threat they receive; and if you don't think they receive a lot of threats you're crazy. Obviously they could've stopped 9/11, but how do they know if the threat is even true? How does the government know the difference between people seriously plotting to crash planes into buildings and people jokingly plotting to do the same thing?

Your take?
Doug, you also need to take into consideration that poll was completed by an bunch of AOL using idiots.

The thought that the US Govt. failed to thwart the 9/11 attacks is absurd. Just as absurd as the govt. failing to stop Dec. 7th, 1941.
I think what needs to be taken into consideration here is the armchair quarterbacks out there that just love to point fingers and tell everyone else how they would or should have done it. American's always have to have someone to blame. It's purposterous.
I'm sure the US Govt. receives a lot of threats both credible and uncredible and each are probably taken as a credible threat. But the US doesn't posess the manpower to research every threat.

I'm not sure on what criteria a credible threat is based upon or how it's all done, (and I'm sure that 99.9% of those AOL users dont either), but what I do know is that I certainly don't blame our government for failing to thwart what happened that dreadful September day. And even if it turns out that someone, somewhere dropped the ball and failed to put all the pieces of the puzzle together, I'm fairly confident in saying that it was probably a very difficult puzzle to piece out, and I still wouldn't hold the US govt. at fault.
Originally posted by boombexus
I still wouldn't hold the US govt. at fault.
You could hold the government at fault but at what extent? Maybe if they had never quit de-regulation in the 1980s, this never would've happened. Or if the city of New York never erected the World Trade towers in the 1960s.

But it's hard to fault people directly - specifically, CIA workers who had only vague knowledge about the coming attacks.
Originally posted by boombexus
Doug, you also need to take into consideration that poll was completed by an bunch of AOL using idiots.
I think that was all that was required. The argument should have stopped there.
Originally posted by M5Power

Maybe if they had never quit de-regulation in the 1980s, this never would've happened.

I agree with that 100% as would my father as he was in the CIA.

When the US made a shift in there intelligence gathering from using Humit, (human intelligence, these are people out in the field.) to using more technology based (i.e. satellites.) intelligence gathering, is when we really lost a grip on what was going on in the world. Our ability to really gather good useful information was drastically cut. Cut to the point that the US had to completely give up recon and intel gathering in some countries.

I beleive that this is one of the major contrubuting factors as to why the US has had problems gathering good intelligence and continues to have problems gathering sufficient intel. We just don't have anyone in the field anymore.

If the spy business wasn't de-regulated as you put it, then I would have to say that the US Govt. would have had a much
better chance at stopping 9/11 and if they had failed in stopping 9/11 when they had all the resources available to them before the de-regulation, then I think that the American public might have something to ***** about.

Who was the guy's name that really put all that into place? He got on some kick about the CIA operatives being in life threatening situations all the time was a bad thing and the US population followed suit. So the change was made.
I think the security service are made from a bunch of idiots. Instead of focusing on the real pros, they piss us, hispanic people, the honest and working class.

You probably know or not, that they are viciously spying on what we do, constantly making rules, more buts, checking if we have valid social security numbers. While doing this, the real terrorists are slipping thru first class seats in big luxurious planes, probably heading straight to the Pentagon, White House, :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Tercel_driver
I think the security service are made from a bunch of idiots. Instead of focusing on the real pros, they piss us, hispanic people, the honest and working class.

You probably know or not, that they are viciously spying on what we do, constantly making rules, more buts, checking if we have valid social security numbers. While doing this, the real terrorists are slipping thru first class seats in big luxurious planes, probably heading straight to the Pentagon, White House, :rolleyes:

People, please stop voting "No" on the public school tax levys.
Originally posted by Tercel_driver
I think the security service are made from a bunch of idiots. Instead of focusing on the real pros, they piss us, hispanic people, the honest and working class.

You probably know or not, that they are viciously spying on what we do, constantly making rules, more buts, checking if we have valid social security numbers. While doing this, the real terrorists are slipping thru first class seats in big luxurious planes, probably heading straight to the Pentagon, White House, :rolleyes:

Quit generalising. I think you're flattering yourself, anyway, along with being racist.
Originally posted by Tercel_driver
I think the security service are made from a bunch of idiots. Instead of focusing on the real pros, they piss us, hispanic people, the honest and working class.

You probably know or not, that they are viciously spying on what we do, constantly making rules, more buts, checking if we have valid social security numbers. While doing this, the real terrorists are slipping thru first class seats in big luxurious planes, probably heading straight to the Pentagon, White House, :rolleyes:

I am just sick to death with morons playing the race card all the time. You get no pity from me.

I am glad to hear the "security service" is starting to thin the herd.
Your statement was so ludicrous and retarded, I can only say "GO BACK!"
Originally posted by Tercel_driver

That and also the Republicans suck.

Go vote Democrats.
How come there are more blind Democrats than Republicans?

I mean, there are looooads of complete ****ing jackasses on either side - I could go on for days naming the ****ing jackasses on either side and then why they're a ****ing jackass with comments like:

- Donald Issa: Go back to selling car alarms, you ****ing jackass.
- Rush Limbaugh: Have the Democrats ever done ANYTHING good, or has every single bit of good in the world been left up to the Republicans, you ****ing jackass?
- Ted Kaczinsky: Aside from being a failure as a serial killer, you're a ****ing jackass.
- Nancy Pelosi: How about you quit pretending your party actually gives a damn about what you think and pull your head out of your ass, you ****ing jackass?

But as I say, it seems to me there's more blind Democrats who only see things as 'Republicans did this, now it's up to the Democrats to fix it.' I don't like those people.

Did you know Dennis Kucinich is sponsoring legislation illegalising mind control from outer space?
Originally posted by Tercel_driver
Besides, its no wonder that Immigration Service is made up from a bunch of useless people.

That and also the Republicans suck.

Go vote Democrats.

Is there any way we can make this post a sticky?
Originally posted by Tercel_driver
Well dude.

I had three words for you.

Clinton's presidential time

Do you still have three words for me? :P

I know, I know - under Clinton, more people hung Christmas lights, but there's no guarantee all Democratic presidents will be like that. Jimmy Carter was a Democrat and we had four too many years with him; because of his incompetent leadership we didn't elect a Democrat between 1980 and 1992.

By the way - Conservatives who can't think for themselves are going to come in here and start talking about how the economy is like a big boat ('It takes a long time to turn it'). Don't listen to them; their stupid theory is a sham.
I'm going to assume this topic was inspired from the press confrence thursday........ so I'm gonna talk about that.

The whole time listening, I felt sick to my stomach. I hear numerous statements about how the CIA, FBI, and NSA we're not working in proper conjunction with eachother and with the gov. Fingers were pointed at them countless times, concerning their inability to function together without classification disputes.

According to the gov's investigation team - aka "Intelligence Panel":rolleyes:, the classification proccess is so lame, that the gov's offcials themselves had a very hard time squeezing info out of the 3 agencies.

Now, call me a friggin moron if need be,... but, arent the 3 agencies ALL gov's funded organizations? Isnt it the gov's job to regulate these agencies? If so,.. THEN WHY THE F'N-F-F IS THE GOV POINTING FINGERS IN EVERY DIRECTION ACCEPT THEIR OWN!!!!!! :irked:

I have to agree with teh previous comments here pertaining to "how we could've stopped it".

After hearing that press confrence,.... dude's,... I wanted to be sick. I felt like the gov was taking NO RESPONSIBILITY for 9/11, and they actually wanted us to believe that they could pass the buck to their respective "independent agencies".

People,.... the gov treats us like we're mindless robots,... like we cant think for ourselves. In perspective,.... we are clients to the gov and agencies are their "managers". When a client has a beef with a company, the boss doesnt say, "OH, sorry, it's not my fault or my problem, it's my distric managers fault and problem. I'm still the good guy, I did nothing wrong,.... their acting on their own accord, and I cant do anything about it".

LISTEN UP WASHINGTON --- IF IT"S ANYONES FAULT,... IT'S YOURS! YOU CONTROL THE AGANCIES AND COMMUNICATION PROCCEEDURES,..... DONT PASS THE F'N BUCK!!!!!!!!! When I say pass the buck, I mean like when Bush tired to push off the "bad intelligence" info on the FBI and UK,.... "HEY GW,... how about taking a history lesson from your predicessors",... my point being, it's the Presidents responsibility to take responsibility for anything and everything that happens to this country while he's in office,.... that responsibility comes with the job Mr. Bush,... "no-balls-havin'-sob".....

F'n polititions,.... I'm gonna go hurl now,.. :irked:
I felt like the gov was taking NO RESPONSIBILITY for 9/11

Should they take responsibility? If so, why? (I think you can justify a yes to this question).

Was it government officials who hijacked the plane and sent it into the WTC?
Some tax dollars should go toward national defense. It is clear that our nation was not sufficiently defended against terrorist threats prior to 9/11. Is it Bush's fault? Hardly. You could blame any president who came before Bush much easier than you could blame Bush himself for this one. What was it he had like 1/2 - 2/3 of a year to fix the intelligence mess? You can't blame him if he didn't have a chance. Those agencies would have gotten less done in that amount of time than I do on an average weekend. Bush needed at least 2 years to fix that mess. If he hadn't done it after 2 years you could blame him.

If you want to blame anyone, blame Clinton. He had 8 years to fix right up to the 10 months before the attack. 8 years to influence the method of security and to watch terrorist cells forming the the middle east.

Lots of blame lies with the agencies themselves for not figuring it out on their own.

But most importantly, because of the nature of our country. Our open (as much as they can be) boarders and personal responsibility we feel for offering the world a chance to come here and be free, we were naturally susceptible to an attack like september 11th.

The real blame lies with the zealots who got onboard those planes and steered them into the icon of capitalism.
Originally posted by danoff
Should they take responsibility? If so, why? (I think you can justify a yes to this question).

Was it government officials who hijacked the plane and sent it into the WTC?

No, but they let it happen.

They only had control over that to a certain extent, though.

Although they had been warned (and not too subtle either).

But then again false threats are received by the US government all the time.

Lalala, the debate goes on.

And on.

I love the ENTER-key.
Originally posted by Timmotheus
Clinton sucked?
Note the question mark. Prove he didn't.

You are not gonna deny that when ex-president Clinton was ruling the country, those were one of the best years. The economy was far more stable than this one. People could afford more things. He was interested more on carrying the country instead of finishing wars left from his daddy.
Notice that it didn't last. Unemployment was skyrocketing and the stockmarket was plummeting before bush took office. Who's fault is it then? Who's economic policy was in place leading up to that?
Originally posted by Tercel_driver
You are not gonna deny that when ex-president Clinton was ruling the country, those were one of the best years. The economy was far more stable than this one. People could afford more things. He was interested more on carrying the country instead of finishing wars left from his daddy.
No, poor people could afford more things. Not rich people. They could afford less things.
How would you know that the economy was stable? Do you work on Wall Street? All that you know about the economy is what the media tells you. The media is biased. Lousy argument.
The economy was booming largely because of the breakthroughs in the computer technology industry anyway. Too many people jumped on the bandwagon and it crashed on them right at the end of clinton's term.

Clinton's major contribution to the economy was strapping down Americans with lots of taxes and then wondering how to spend his new "surplus".
Originally posted by danoff
Should they take responsibility? If so, why? (I think you can justify a yes to this question).

Was it government officials who hijacked the plane and sent it into the WTC?

Thats the whole point,... it's impossible to take responsibility for an act we didnt commint,.... but their forcing the issue for someone to take responsibility,.. thats why I said,... if it was ANYONES responsibility,.. it was theirs,.. because they are pushing the issue,.. thats why it's so ironically discusting when I think about it.
it's impossible to take responsibility for an act we didnt commint

The press is dying for a scandal. That's why you see the finger pointing game. The true responsibility lies with the people who did commit the act.
Originally posted by danoff
The press is dying for a scandal. That's why you see the finger pointing game. The true responsibility lies with the people who did commit the act.

Thats just the problem though,... my opinions are derived from what the governemt said in their press confrence on thurs,.. not media hype.
Originally posted by M5Power
Some people in the world actually believe the government is responsible for (as today's AOL sign-on poll says) "failing to thwart the 9/11 attacks."

My take is that this is absurd - the government has better things to do than investigate every single threat they receive; and if you don't think they receive a lot of threats you're crazy. Obviously they could've stopped 9/11, but how do they know if the threat is even true? How does the government know the difference between people seriously plotting to crash planes into buildings and people jokingly plotting to do the same thing?

Your take?

All the losers who log onto AOL each day thinking they are somehow "connected" to "what's going on", just like their television comercials imply, are hapless idiots. The "poll" is designed to compliment the mob mentaility while appearing to be a reflection of something significant. It represents the rampant desire to be patronized. AOL is an evil institution which has pervereted computers and the internet into something appetizing for those who aren't capable of grasping what is truly great about the digital age... so it has been reduced to another form of TV. Piss on it. AOL is bad.