I'm going to assume this topic was inspired from the press confrence thursday........ so I'm gonna talk about that.
The whole time listening, I felt sick to my stomach. I hear numerous statements about how the CIA, FBI, and NSA we're not working in proper conjunction with eachother and with the gov. Fingers were pointed at them countless times, concerning their inability to function together without classification disputes.
According to the gov's investigation team - aka
"Intelligence Panel", the classification proccess is so lame, that the gov's offcials themselves had a very hard time squeezing info out of the 3 agencies.
Now, call me a friggin moron if need be,... but, arent the 3 agencies ALL gov's funded organizations? Isnt it the gov's job to regulate these agencies? If so,.. THEN WHY THE F'N-F-F IS THE GOV POINTING FINGERS IN EVERY DIRECTION ACCEPT THEIR OWN!!!!!!
I have to agree with teh previous comments here pertaining to "how we could've stopped it".
After hearing that press confrence,.... dude's,... I wanted to be sick. I felt like the gov was taking NO RESPONSIBILITY for 9/11, and they actually wanted us to believe that they could pass the buck to their respective "independent agencies".
People,.... the gov treats us like we're mindless robots,... like we cant think for ourselves. In perspective,.... we are clients to the gov and agencies are their "managers". When a client has a beef with a company, the boss doesnt say, "OH, sorry, it's not my fault or my problem, it's my distric managers fault and problem. I'm still the good guy, I did nothing wrong,.... their acting on their own accord, and I cant do anything about it".
LISTEN UP WASHINGTON --- IF IT"S ANYONES FAULT,... IT'S YOURS! YOU CONTROL THE AGANCIES AND COMMUNICATION PROCCEEDURES,..... DONT PASS THE F'N BUCK!!!!!!!!! When I say pass the buck, I mean like when Bush tired to push off the "bad intelligence" info on the FBI and UK,.... "HEY GW,... how about taking a history lesson from your predicessors",... my point being, it's the Presidents responsibility to take responsibility for anything and everything that happens to this country while he's in office,.... that responsibility comes with the job Mr. Bush,... "no-balls-havin'-sob".....
F'n polititions,.... I'm gonna go hurl now,..