How about test driving?

One thing I'd like to see in GT5, that I think would be really easy to do, is to allow test-driving of used cars before you buy them. I know some people don't seem to like used cars, but I do. I enjoy the fun of finding an 10 year old car, and building it to where it can run against the new kids. Or better yet, not building it at all and still winning.

I would just like to be able to pay 5 credits (or better yet, free), to pick a used car from the list and take it around the track of my choice, as if it were arcade mode. And no, arcade mode is not an acceptable substitute for this, because many of the cars are not available in arcade mode until you buy them in career mode. I've gotten burned a few times by buying a car I thought would be great, only to have it majorly suck. Some of them were new cars, too. Maybe test drives should be available for all cars - I wouldn't buy any car I hadn't driven if it were real life.

Also, when I win a rally car, I wish it would come with snow and dirt tires. Nothing frustrates me more than having to spend $40k just to race my RALLY car in a RALLY.
I think the price should be more, one tenth of the car price maybe, but you should get it back in case you decided to buy the car.

For example, if you wanted to buy a 30.000 Cr car, you would pay 3.000 Cr for the test drive, but you would only have to pay 27.000 Cr more when deciding to buy it. :)
I think it should be free, or at least fairly cheap. When's the last time you paid anything to test drive a car from the dealership? I haven't I think money comes to easily in GT. I can race 2 Nurb 24s in a real day, sell the F1 cars and, bam, there's over 5,000,000 bucks. That is realistic, I guess, so maybe they shouldn't allow you to do high-class endurance races (le mans, nurb, etc., miata race would be lower class) until you have mastered almost everything else.
But, back on topic, I think test drives would be great, only if they get rid of hte "free money" system.
And if the car cannot be raced (cough) Caterham (cough) there should be a note. Or better yet, disable autosave entirely! Saving immediately after vehicle purcahases is complete BS. I also agree on the rally tires, that's one thing that's really irked me about GT4's rally levels.:irked:
-> I think the test drive mode should be a bar higher than the one in Project Gotham series. For example, any normal/production cars should have a Cr5-20 fee per car to test drive, but it will vary depending on the cars performance on which you will be testing (ex. Cr5 for a Toyota Echo Coupe [USDM] '04; Cr20 for a Lotus Eupoa S '06).

-> And another thing for test driving race cars ([R]), it should be a requierment for you to have a license higher than I-A and a Cr50 to be able to get a hold of these machines. But there will be no test drives for concept cars ([C]).

Depends on your point of view...if you collect the cars as well as drive then you'll buy them anyways...if you race only...well...when it comes to handling...there's tune ups and settings for a reason
I couldn't agree more about the Caterham. Honestly, though, I don't see why there should be "special cars" at all. At first I thought that it had something to do with rendering open-wheeled, open cockpit cars against multiple opponents, or crashing (ever seen 2 open-wheelers rub? It isn't pretty!), but then I got the F1 car. So really, I wish I knew what the reason was. I blew money on the Caterham, too, and I was really hoping to drive it against other cars, having read about how great they are IRL. Another one was the 1936 Auto Union. Again, I've read about that car and Rosemeyer, and I would have loved to see how it's 500hp V16 would fair against the likes of a Ford GT.

Spike, I buy to collect now that I'm pretty far into the game, but in the earlier stages when I wasn't as good and didn't have much money, I bought some cars I definitely wouldn't have if I had known how they drove. I saved up for a long time to get a RUF CTR2 for the Boxer Spirit races, only to find it was so easily outhandled by the Scoobies. That wasn't just my inexperience. I'm not great, but put me in the same car as a computer opponent, and I can usually win. I still can't get the RUF to behave, though. Sometimes, I'd rather get a decent car to begin with, throw on a good clutch, flywheel & brakes (like an amateur racer might), than buy car I thought would be good and end up throwing 30k of parts at it.
I'm kind of torn on the idea of "Test Driving" - on the one hand, I think it's a great idea. I'd love to be able to test drive some of the cars I can't easily afford. On the other hand, though... I think that having so many cars out of reach (and easily accessible) adds to the allure of the game. The ability to be able to save enough money and be drive a car for the first time, after anticipating it for so long... makes it worth it. Well, thats my 2¢ anywho.
yea, i would like this to be included......and maybe with the pricing, when you get to choose the circuit you want to take it to, thats when the pricing should come into it, say, Cr20 for a few laps at midfield, and maybe Cr100 for a lap at nurburgring?

maybe change the pricing, but what about that?
I think 5cr, the same price it costs to buy time at a track, or even free. I bought a few cars I wished I hadn't too, at least at the time.

It was s shame about the Catterham, but I'm glad I bought it anyway. Unfortunately, the PS2 can't handle the polys of the exposed drivers. On the PS3, polygons won't be at a premium.

I do hope that in GT5 Career Mode, if they include it, that you get prize money for winning races and from sponsors you sign with, not get awarded cars. I would like that aspect of racing to be more realistic, assuming they give us some kind of actual career life in GT5.
3-Wheel Drive
And if the car cannot be raced (cough) Caterham (cough) there should be a note. Or better yet, disable autosave entirely! Saving immediately after vehicle purcahases is complete BS. I also agree on the rally tires, that's one thing that's really irked me about GT4's rally levels.:irked:

ive looked for a place to wank about this too. i bought the caterham for the European light weight champ. and modded it to perfection; even went and test drove it to get it perfect. then i went to find it was a "special" car that cant be raced in normal races...whatever :+
I've said this before... It's a great idea, but how it should work is if you break it, you by it. If you rub a wall, hell, even if you don't run a clean lap, you've just paid for the car...
if they had that means that you cant take the car for a test drive if you dont have the cash to pay for the whole car........

i like it
👍 👍 Kind of like that in real life... Even if they're dealing in credit more then cash... I can't go test a Lambo... And if I could, if I damaged that thing in any way... Hell, probably just farted in the car :lol: ... I'd likely have to own it.