How can I get this game in 2012?

Upside-down in the final corner
I was so lucky to catch an original version of GT1 last year. After having played it to the end, I felt the need for GT2. I had a copy of that game some time ago, and I remember how AWESOME it was. But I can't find the disc and my PS2 can't play copied games (and my PS3 won't play PS1/PS2 at all). So now I'm looking for an original disc. I've searched everywhere, but have found nothing. So I would like to ask if anyone knows a good place to get one (please not Amazon, used them for another job earlier and had almost nothing but problems). Have in mind that I live in Europe and therefore 1) needs a PAL version and 2) don't wanna spent all my money on importing it. Thanks for reading.
Tried ebay?

Are you sure your PS3 won't play original PS games? All PS3's will play PS games via software emulation.
Tried ebay?

Are you sure your PS3 won't play original PS games? All PS3's will play PS games via software emulation.

Thanks for the hint, didn't think of ebay :guilty:
I just picked it up from the local Goodwill for about $5. I frequently have good luck there when searching for old games, or equipment. Dont count it out!
You could try amazon aswell, but yeah look for swapmeats, yard sales, anywhere that will sell older gaming stuff.