How did you start off in the game?

  • Thread starter iluvgt4
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I wish...
Good luck with that
Tell me a short summary of what you did at 0% game completion. What I did was get a couple licenses first. Then I bought a 1989 Nissan Skyline GTS-t Type M in the Historic Showroom for about 9K. Won the Sunday Cup with it a few times, sold the prize cars, and got me enough cash to buy the HPA-tuned Golf. Won the Easy Capri Rally with it till I could sell the prize cars and have enough to buy the Nissan Z JGTC car. In the meantime, I did the Dihatsu manufacturer races and the Suzuki Kei Car Cup.
So this is a combination "first car" and "starting the game" thread. It might be non-searchable...not sure. Doesn't surprise me that you performed the great "money from Capri Rally" trick, though, nor that you overkilled the Sunday Cup with a Skyline. :odd:

I started the game by poring thru the Options menu (which is what I usually do whenever I start a new game). Just turning music off, turning sound effects up ^^^ Stuff like that.

My "yuppy" was in charge, so he went to the used car lot and YES!!! There's the Infiniti G20! :D It was his first GT2 car as well.

Then I went to some driving runs, track meets, and Family Cups. Just testing the game out. Was really SHOCKED at how differently the G20 drove in GT4. In GT2 it drove with much confidence early on, even as a front-drive, but in GT4 it was really horrible. Felt just like a car that needed a lot of work done.

Then I noticed the little blue flickering symbol on the HUD display. Went to the Parts/Settings menu, and lo...sure enough all the Driving Aids were on!

Even after I turned them off, I couldn't believe how difficult (and different) GT4's learning curve was. But I did the Sunday Cup eventually...and the FF Challenge. I actually did all the Beginner's stuff (or most of it anyways) first.
Oh for the love of exhaust fumes. :rolleyes:
Please, please, please take our advice and SEARCH before creating yet another useless thread. 👎

A search for "Start" in thread titles only in GT4 Forum.

Learn to use the advanced search features here before you create another thread.

Out of 18 threads you've attempted to start here, 1 has been deleted, 11 have been locked. You've only got 5 open threads. You're batting at 30% success rate which is pretty poor. If you did a little research before posting, you may find you create useful threads which have a chance of remaining open. ;)
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