Well, when you do not have the option of visual evidence you will probably be asked for sector times, such as T1 and T2, and the times in the replay analyzer. But do not post the lap time from the analyzer. And, note that the replay file time shown on the file is closer or exactly the same as the time in the original run, but if you play the replay it will probably show a slightly quicker time. Use the time listed on the file for the total time. But you may use the replay video for the sector times.
You will notice that the analyzer has multiple sector times and averages, write those down.
But it is best to ask a series manager what they run.
In the Team challenge all that is reguired is a qualifying time and then your 5 best laps. They do not have to be 5 in a row. Just the 5 best. only the lap time is necessary.