How do I How can I make an Eifel Flat of my neighborhood roads?


United States
Long Island, New York
I'm assuming take a screenshot of a google satellite view, then use something to put a black line on the streets I want to use? But if I upload that into the app will it just register the noticeable black line or will I have to then remove the satellite view from under it? I don't have any photo editing programs and they won't run on my crappy laptop anyway.

So basically I'm asking this: how can I make tracks on my own then upload them to the app? The app is really annoying to work with and for some reason can't make certain turns. It's too complicated for me.
I used google maps. Take a screenshot of the area you want to recreate, then just import the picture to the course creator app ans follow the roads you want recreated.
Make sure you click "show scale always" in google maps. I use the scale 200m, when it jumps from 100 to 200. Then just do the same in the GT6 app. Align the bars and you have correct scale.
I used Garmin Basecamp to plot out my local route. Then I exported my selection from Basecamp as s GPX file. Transferred the GPX file into the GT6 Track Editor App via iTunes.
What you can do, is use Google maps, open "my Maps" trace a route out using the "plan route" function, make sure it is under 10km in total length, save it, then hit the icon with the three lines that gives you options, and click "export as HKL" or whatever the extension is. Save it on your desk top, start iTunes, plug your pad in, click app, select the Gt6 track icon, and drag the file off your desk top into the files box for the GT6 app. It will then show up on the pad and you can trace over an accurate line without worrying about accurate scale.
But if I upload that into the app will it just register the noticeable black line or will I have to then remove the satellite view from under it?
The image is only there for you to trace over. It is not used in any way to make the circuit.

You can also export the file as a KML file after drawing it here, and import the KML file to the app, so you have the route in exact size too.
Or you can go out and drive the road in RL while using Google's "My Tracks" app available in the Play Store. Then just export the file as a .kml (it worked a little better than .gpx for me) to your device's "Downloads" folder. Good Luck! :cheers:

Edit: Sorry I just double checked, and it was the .gpx file I had better luck with... Sorry for the confusion! :crazy:
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How i can import my .kml file to the app?

It has to be in your "Downloads" folder, if you're using Android.
I've read that iTunes must be used for iPad's and such.
Not sure about PC a.k.a Bluestacks and AndyOS
I cant get the app to display any reference image, KML or GPX file.

It took me quite a few tries to get it and then at one point it disappeared while I was tracing it and I had to reload it... Sometimes with this app it's a matter of try, try again but, let me ask a couple of questions and hopefully I can help out...

What kind of device are you using?
What app/device did you use to produce your .kml/.gpx file?
Ok then you have to export your track as a .gpx file. It should go to a folder called "my tracks" on your phone. Then copy/cut that file and move it to your tablets "Downloads" folder. From there you should be able to access it from the GT6 course maker app. I did have to try a couple times, and just fyi you can't scale the .gpx/.kml files. Good luck! Hope it works! :cheers: