How do you choose your driver?

  • Thread starter G.Cambo
I know how to create a B Spec driver but how do you choose yours?

Theres 6 slots so you can have a total of 6 drivers at once, do you have a certain type of driver for each slot so your prepared, do you always choose cool drivers or hot drivers in every slot, do you only stick with 1 driver, please tell..

I have 5 drivers and have been selecting them based on their starting stats. I have 1 driver who had a high accuracy rating, 1 who had a high cornering rating, 1 with the best physical strength and so on... Now their all around level 20 I haven't noticed any huge differences but I guess it's a good way to make each driver a little more unique..
My newest addition was an attempt to improve my standings in the SLS challenge...I chose a maximum red personality with as much green stuff in the speed parameters as possible (this is key). He was all braking and cornering in equal measure and almost zero accuracy. I get 6900 exp for each attempt at the oval (the first race in the challenge) and this pushes him to lvl6. His accuracy immediately improved to the same level as his braking/cornering, and these also increased dramatically (as expected). Thus accuracy is irrelevant at lvl 0. It comes immediately. I've got him doing a solo Nurnbergring 24 hour as I write. It will be interesting to see if he maxes out his Speed bar (Most drivers don't, which is why I believe the total initial green stuff in the speed parameters is key to acheiving this).
I actually used a transparent ruler and measured the total green stuff in millimeters ;-)
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I find there are two schools of thought on this. There are the people who are attempting to build a great set of drivers for endurance (although at endurance it really kinda doesn't matter on some tracks with a X2010 or FGT), but do so they can use a weaker car in these. There are other people who are after the trophy's for most fulfilled career/experience and reaching lvl 40 driver.

Unless you grind a bob in say extreme dream series indy over and over chances are 500 races will take your pop to both lvl 40 and full experience in about oh 2-3 weeks.

So yes, pick the Bob who was drinking the least last night, ie the blue arrow.
1. Start your B-Spec career.

2. Create one driver with a max-red personality.

3. Use one single driver all the way through the first five halls, using the most overpowering car possible.

4. Add extra drivers only when you get to endurance races. Use the best car possible so you can't lose, and they will level up very fast.
I try to find a somewhat funny/interesting name (but usually give up after a lack of interest), and then make sure that the slider is all the way HOT. That's it for me. 👍
I base mine off of the stats and try to keep them as close to even as possible. I couldn't care less that Bob loves to go fast if he sucks at braking and can't follow a racing line as those will no doubt make him slower overall. Then, if given a choice, I choose hot over cold and the names are just gravy.