How do you drive?

GTP_Suitan (w/ an i), SultanRS4
No, I don't mean your driving style. I mean how you move your fingers to control the car you're driving.

BTW this might only apply to DS2 users as DFP users don't use their fingers as much.

I'm pretty bad at the finger/hand naming department, bare with me.

I use my thumb to accelerate, push the analog stick up.
I use my first finger (have no clue about its name, not the index finger though [small one]) to brake by pulling the analog stick down.
To steer, I use both my thumb and the first finger to steer. I think it gets me more precise steering.
I got a thumb on each analog stick...that's interesting that you can drive with both a thumb and a finger for steering, Impreza Addict. I'm assuming you use auto-transmission?


Left Analog: steering

Right Analog: gas/brakes

Triangle: Reverse

Circle: switch view

R1: Shift up

L1: shift down

R2: look behind

L2: e-brake

NO2: directional pad up

I sometimes use X for accelerating if I'm rolling down a long straight and just need to keep rolling. I also use the directional left & right to get "fine tune steering" correctional changes (when rolling down a straight, usually).
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Actually, I use manual transmission (at least most of the time). I use my middle fingers for up and downshifting. Easy once you get the hang of it.
Actually, I use manual transmission (at least most of the time). I use my middle fingers for up and downshifting. Easy once you get the hang of it.

See I got both thumbs up on the top board...both index fingers work the transmission, and my left middle finger works the e-brake.

Occasionally I'll switch views as I drive (from bumper to hood view) and to do this in hairy situations I'll slip my index finger up on the circle, which takes a bit of finesse. I prefer the flexibility of being able to hit R2 (and see what's behind me without using my right thumb since my thumb is doing all the accelerating & brake work) rather than use the circle.
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R2 accelerate, L2 brake R1 shift up L1 shift down, left analogue stick steering. I use the d pad to look behind.

I find this is a brilliant controller set up for throttle and brake control.
Alright, I forgot the rest. I generally go thorugh a sort of complicated process to use other buttons. NOS, I use the normal finger while I put my accelerating thumb at the top of the analog stick, rather than below. Because I do accelerate by putting my thumb behind and below the circular thing popping out. e-brake is basically the same.
In GT1 and 2 I used my thumbs on top of the sticks (GT3 and 4 I use a DFP). However I switched the sticks so the right stick is steering and the left is throttle/brake.
This is a funny topic but I feel like posting in it.
I use the X and square pad area with just my right thumb.
The left analog stick with my left thumb.
My fingers closest to my thumbs (I'll call them x) on the R and L buttons.
However, if I am using N20 for a long time, I'll move my x's to the L1 and R1 and them put my middle fingers over R2 and L2.

BTW, I'm manual lol.

Regards, Nosblast
I have the default controller settings
X-right thumb
Square-right thumb
O-Right thumb
Triangle-Right thumb
Left analog-left thumb
R2-right forefinger/pointer finger
L2-left fore/pointer finger
look behind(L1)-left forefinger
[SELECT]-right thumb usually.

I don't get why you guys use more than 4 fingers, putting my 8 finger on the top ace feels weird, and it stresses my joints.
I don't get why you guys use more than 4 fingers, it feels very strenuous to use my middle fingers to shift, and my indexes/little fingers to touch the top face of the pad.

I'm pretty bad at the finger/hand naming department, bare with me

I do not know which finger is which except for my thumb. So I don't know if my index finger is the small one or the one next to the thumb.

And now, back on topic. :dopey:
1. thumb
2. index finger, also called 'pointer finger', or 'forefinger'
3. middle finger, the longest
4. ring finger , also known as third finger
5. little finger, also known as 'pinky'

I can't use the DS2 at all - I have tried a few times but just cannot control the steering. I know I need practice but I just enjoy using the wheel too much.
R2 accelerate, L2 brake R1 shift up L1 shift down, left analogue stick steering. I use the d pad to look behind.

I find this is a brilliant controller set up for throttle and brake control.

Is it really? How do you get variable amounts of gas or brakes? Tapping R2 or L2? Man that would drive me nuts! :crazy:
right analog - right thumb - up accelerate, down brake
left analog - left thumb - steering
R1 - right index - brake
R2 - right middle - up shift
L1 - left index - nitrous
L2 - left middle - downshift

I find it easier with this set-up to use oversteering to correct steering by powering, and tapping the brakes on R1 with acceleration still all the way up. My EVO VIII MR had a quirky set up that works perfect for me.
Default, i dont bother with that stuff, i've palyed GT for so long since GT to the point all the configurations MUST be the same. I use the X/ Sq, no analogs unless i catch myself driving at a smooth turn then i'll switch from d-pad to Left Analog, No right Analog.

Automatic, since GT1 and drifitng with this too hahaha, quite impossible.
I do the same thing as a Trico Pro. Thumbs for the pads, except I never use analog. Index fingers for R and L 1 and 2.
right analog - right thumb - up accelerate, down brake
left analog - left thumb - steering
R1 - right index - brake
R2 - right middle - up shift
L1 - left index - nitrous
L2 - left middle - downshift

I like that idea, sounds like it could work really well. I'll give it a go tomorrow:tup:
Is it really? How do you get variable amounts of gas or brakes? Tapping R2 or L2? Man that would drive me nuts! :crazy:


I like, stop holding in the button so much, it's easy... :ill:

Also means I can ease onto the brakes as I slowly release the throttle, without having to slide any fingers about or anything. :)
Thumbs off the sticks and on the d-pad/buttons. I only use my other fingers if i want to shift gear or use NOS.
Left thumb - analog steering
Right thumb - standard button config
Index fingers - NOS R1, look behind L1

Been considering a change to analog acceleration/braking - I'm no good with the pressure sensitivity on the buttons. Would love to switch to a DFP but really have nowhere to set it up.
How anyone can use the right stick for accel and brakes is beyond me, with that option it's one or the other.

That's why I like using the shoulder buttons for it, there's more control.
I use the buttons and arrows for driving. I use my thumb for acceleration, braking, handbrake and reverse, and my forefinger on my left hand for looking behind and the one on my right for NOS. Since i've memorised the controller i can literally slide my thumbs around the controller without looking.
I don't know how anyone can use the analog sticks for accel/brake and steering. I use the d-pad for steering, X for acceleration, square for brake, right middle finger for upshift, left middle finger for downshift, and I don't use NOS.

I like, stop holding in the button so much, it's easy... :ill:

Also means I can ease onto the brakes as I slowly release the throttle, without having to slide any fingers about or anything. :)

The L and R buttons are pressure sensitive? Sorry I had no idea. :indiff: I thought they were full on or off.
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I don't know how anyone can use the analog sticks for accel/brake and steering. I use the d-pad for steering, X for acceleration, square for brake, right middle finger for upshift, left middle finger for downshift, and I don't use NOS.

When I was a kid I had several radio-control cars...and the radio boxes I used had 2 sticks that worked in a similar fashion to my dual-shock setup

<> steering

^ gas
v brakes just makes sense to me. 💡
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When i was a kid i had several radio-control cars...and the radio boxes i used had 2 sticks that worked in a similar fashion to my dual-shock setup

<> steering

^ gas
v brakes just makes sense to me. 💡

I know exactly what you're talking about, I did the same. But now, in GT, sometimes I want to use the gas and a little brake at the same time, which you can't do with the analog stick for accel/deccel.