How do you guys keep track of friends Bobs?

  • Thread starter Bonker
When I was cycling friends Bob's, I simply did it in my head - I used 2 of his Bobs so start at #3 for the next race, etc. There were times I couldn't remember where I left off but that' what viewing the race results is for. :)
I run whole board of races and am certain I get everyone thats still active ,,you can check to see who has logged in recently , also you can check status of credits earned -I am more likely to run lower lvls with low credits to help them out than grind higher lvls that use Bob for a bank ,,unless its a reciprocal agreement made in advance .
Its normal for friends to give it a rest for a bit .So it pays to try to help the newer gamers who have yet to melt their PS3 yet.
The log within the game will tell you who's been racing your bobs but I've also got a quick reference list on my phone of the regulars.
I use the grinding widget created by Younis and let it choose randomly. I let the PS3 run for several hours a day and hopefully that gets most, if not everyone on my list. Unless you have a low amount of friends I think it's hard to keep track of specifics.

With 10-15 friends, my 6 bobs are earning 250,000 - 500,000 a day. I'll take it.

Younis is coming out with an update to the widget in the future that will let you choose which friends' bobs get selected the most, I'm looking forward to that.
I, go to, click the blue 'Remote Race (currently taking part......)' bar during a race, then click 'View Race Results' at the bottom left of that page and jot down using an abacus method (1 1 1 1, etc) who has had a race.
I then manually start remote races whenever possible for those who I think may have missed out.

I find the 'Log' doesn't go back far enough as I do a lot of races per day.
I installed the Grinder last night and let it run. Woke up to 13 races done and a disconnect error(my network). Very pleased and I'm sure all my friends will be too.