How do you know?

  • Thread starter LoudMusic
United States
Hardly any of you have finished GT4, I doubt more than half are 50% through it. And yet you're all rappidly speculating on how GT5 can be improved over GT4. It's almost as if you're spending more time talking about how GT5 can be better when you're not even playing GT4!

So lets all try to do a real good job of exploring GT4, THEN start talking about what needs to be done in the next one. Cool?
I've had 96.5% for a while.

Can I speculate please Mr Music sir.
I have 100% complete in Gran Turismo 4 already...and to top it off, I have 692 cars...Which I am somewhat satisfied with :D

I know that Gran Turismo 5 won't be out for a VERY long time, but if the HEAD of this site makes a new "Gran Turismo 5" forum, I plan to USE it...And yes, I agree somewhat on your statment: If someone doesn't even have 50% complete, they should at least FINISH Gran Turismo 4 first, then start talking about Gran Turismo 5...
So I agree with you, in some ways :) But I think it's wrong to tell people they CAN'T talk about GT5, because they can...and as much as they want too :)

This is all just my opinion and I mean no offense towards you or anyone else...



in at like 94 somethin percent. and GT4 has alot of flaws in it. Half of them are things that were flaws in previous versions too. The worst thing about GT4 is it looses fun really fast.
I'm almost at 80% of GT4 and I'm not arsed anymore, I have all the cars I want. I completed GT2 and GT3, I think I'm qualified to say what I want to change for the next GT game.
I did a restart and now at 12.2% and going for 100%.
Improvments huh? Lets see....
Less lisences next time, please. 60 is enough!
I have 100% complete in Gran Turismo 4 already...and to top it off, I have 692 cars...Which I am somewhat satisfied with :D

I know that Gran Turismo 5 won't be out for a VERY long time, but if the HEAD of this site makes a new "Gran Turismo 5" forum, I plan to USE it...And yes, I agree somewhat on your statment: If someone doesn't even have 50% complete, they should FINISH Gran Turismo 4 first, then start talking about Gran Turismo 5...
So I agree with you, in some ways :)

This is all just my opinion and I mean no offense towards you or anyone else...




lol, I think you like colors :)
no insult intended ;)
lol, I think you like colors :)
no insult intended ;)

Just for fun when I have nothing else to waste valuable lifetime on :D

And besides, didn't it get your attention?? :):)
People will notice my post STANDS out and they will read it most of the time, but other than that I just type normally :dopey:


not offended

Last time I checked, forums are about discussion and helping one another. So unless your going to go against the will of the mods/administrator my best bet is to go with the flow (or shut ya' gob, in other words). No offence, but this thread is a little silly, there might not be alot on GT5 out there at the moment, but having this thread is great. Not only does it allow people to talk about what they've heard or seen, it's here for the future, when more on the game is released. Theres certianly more life in GT4, enough to tie people over 'till GT5 i'd imagine.

End rant.
85% or so. Didn't B-Spec any race so i stopped just before the long enduros. I'll A-Spec them with friends during next summer.

So, for now, I'm done with GT4 and I'm glad Konami released Enthusia, because this game will keep me and my DF busy for some more time. I will - however - in a short while be testing the "replayability" of both GT4 and Enthusia.

When I'm not playing or sleeping, I'm either working or discussing what PD and Konami will do with the PS3 ... meanind ... GT5 and Enthusia 2 :dopey:
uh, I forget how far I am through the game right now. But I really don't think that has much to do with speculating on the next GT especially since Sony and PD have announced it. Now, if everything was pure speculation, then I would agree. But since we have a few confirmed bits of info, I don't see any harm in throwing out ideas for the next one.
I've been stuck of 30% for over a month, it just hasn't got me as addicted as it once used to. GT4 just isn't different enough I think. It might have 700 cars but I've probably driven half of them before even playing GT4 in GT3, GTC and GT : P. Personally GT4 just isn't different enough but it is very refined. Also Forza has sucked away some of GT4 play time.

This isn't to say I won't be playing it anymore, I'm sure I'll have plenty of time before GT5 :lol:
all of you can be very satisfied because you almost or you did finish gt4 but what difference does it make because the b spec mode can do it all for. i think gt 3 is more of a challenge