How Do You Think PD will Honor Gran Turismo's Tenth Anniversary?

  • Thread starter JohnBM01


21 years!
United States
Houston, Texas, USA
I did a similar thread in the GT4 forums. Now, I'm asking about what you think PD would want to do for the tenth anniversary of this greatly successful franchise. People have loved Gran Turismo. Some wished it had features to really set itself apart or mature better. People have (of course) hated Gran Turismo. I think that the Gran Turismo series has really done well in automotive culture outside of video games. Anytime you have a game franchise which extends its success into the real world, you know you have something special or created something special. It's probably the first racing game of any kind to have a car endorsed by the game. That is, of course, the Nissan 350Z Gran Turismo 4 Edition.

Ever heard of a Forza Motorsport Porsche 996? A Burnout Saleen S7? Even a ToCA Race Driver Caterham Super Seven? This series extended its credence into the realms of automotive competition and racing. Whoever can forget the Gran Turismo-sponsored GT Prototype? You seen Pescarolo at Le Mans, now you can race their cars (except for the 2005 model, which raced last year and ALMOST upset Audi after being back on the lead lap). Gran Turismo 5 looks to up the ante when it's released (hopefully) next year. Love or hate the series, you have to admit that it's done a lot to branch itself into the real world with something people can actually relate to- driving cars. The series isn't something like killing people, stealing cars, being engaged in saucy and sexy scenes, crashing cars so that you cause massive traffic stoppages, and stuff like that. It also accomplishes the task of driving joys with licensed cars of different nationalities and respective performance characteristics.

So, how do you think Polyphony Digital should celebrate the series' Tenth Anniversary? Should they want us to help celebrate with a special GT package? Should it be a private Japanese celebration? Or what? Respond away.
As I posted in another thread about this, I would like to see either Gran Turismo 5 or Gran Turismo Vision to come with a disc loaded with history and videos. Interviews with Kazunori-sama and other members of Polyphony. Interviews with famous people from the automotive racing and design world. Extensive overviews of the supreme cars of all decades. History and videos of famous racetracks, and races which made history, with a very special look at the Nurburgring Nordschleif, and other tracks at the complex. Music from all the different Gran Turismo games from the three different markets. The previous Gran Turismo games tweaked to display properly on the PS3.

How's that for a start? ;)
It Should be a Worldwide release.

Gran Turismo 10th Anniversary Edition
Unique 15DVD 1st class Box (similar to the huge ones that teams use in races to store tools)

- All Gran Turismo games fully compatible with PS2/PS3 (Concepts, Prologues, DEMOs, etc.), All Soundtracks.
- A 4 hour making of documentary
- A 4 hour documentary about history of the cars
- A TShirt with the GT Logo
- A memory card with the GT Logo
- A Key keeper with the GT Logo
- A Cap with the GT Logo
- A pair of GT Gloves with the GT Logo
- 10 Stickers
- Discount coupons on the next 2 GT releases

200 USD.
I would be byuing it for sure.
Tenacious D
As I posted in another thread about this, I would like to see either Gran Turismo 5 or Gran Turismo Vision to come with a disc loaded with history and videos. Interviews with Kazunori-sama and other members of Polyphony. Interviews with famous people from the automotive racing and design world. Extensive overviews of the supreme cars of all decades. History and videos of famous racetracks, and races which made history, with a very special look at the Nurburgring Nordschleif, and other tracks at the complex. Music from all the different Gran Turismo games from the three different markets. The previous Gran Turismo games tweaked to display properly on the PS3.

How's that for a start? ;)
Something like this would be cool, like a bonus disk with maybe a dopcumentary on real racing schools and things that would in general, relate to the GT series. An ofcourse the obligatory, making of, feature. But yeah, feature's on famous race track's, event's etc, I'd love to see a bonus disk like that, even if it emant buying a special GT 10th anniversay pack that cost a little bit more.

The ony thing that wouldn't happen, is the previous GT game's being tweaked to look porper on the PS3, that'd mean re-modelling everything, but maybe have GT:Concept thrown in on the disk for good measure for the vast majority of people that didn't get it.
I like the idea of have the "box set" like this one:

it should include the making of all of the games, history of cars AND the something to do with the tracks histories

Just my 2 cent on the subject!:)
Woah, now that's a pretty picture.

And Dimitrov, woah again! $200?? That's a lot for a videogame package. But... ya know, I'd buy that too! Your post is probably going to be the keeper of the thread.
I like the idea of have the "box set" like this one: PIC SNIP
it should include the making of all of the games, history of cars AND the something to do with the tracks histories

Just my 2 cent on the subject!:)

geeeeez.....i didnt realize there were so many GT games.....ive only got GT1, GT2 (both discs) GT3, GT tokyo to geneva (i think its called GT concept) GT4 prologue and GT4.....they made a toyota demo game??
I like the idea of have the "box set" like this one:

it should include the making of all of the games, history of cars AND the something to do with the tracks histories

Just my 2 cent on the subject!:)

^ If you can include the JDM, Euro, BMW Demos, Toyota Demos, and the GT4 Korean versions. And then I'll get that USD$200 box in an instant! (:
Seeing as how it should be a blue disc...

I could see them putting all of those discs on a single blue disc, making it a bit cheaper that way. I'd also like them to have possibly real video for the driving school demos and lessons, in addition to every companie's history in the form of mini documenteries on the disc as well... So that the game is not only a game, but more of a visual encyclopedia that one could use to research cars and their histories, also having the same thing for the real racing tracks the game will likely feature. Throw in every car and every track the series ever had in it, along with the "big three or six" car companies it's sorely missing and I'd be pretty happy with it as an anniversary package.
Tenacious D
Woah, now that's a pretty picture.

And Dimitrov, woah again! $200?? That's a lot for a videogame package. But... ya know, I'd buy that too! Your post is probably going to be the keeper of the thread.

I would buy it for 200.

>>> Forgot to include a complete hardcover, fineprint catalogue, with all cars used in the series, explaining details, available colors, specs and etc. 1500 pages would be good if circuits explanation (about 5 pages per circuit) were included.


>>> 1 poster of each game
10th Anniversary, hmmm. Well if it's released on PS3, then there should be a Special GT5 sneak peek disc(if it's not finished by then) included with a Blu-ray DVD filled with videos of GT beginnings, kind of like that Icons show did on G4TechTV. Along with any interview with the manufacturers, exclusive car inforation, background on the more famous vehicles in the game, video tribute to the greatest race cars to grace GT. Video of the progression of GT series, everything from the physics, to car builds,to courses. Give us staff interviews, tidbits on the people that made GT happen. Also include on seperate discs the entire GT release package, every GT version released to this date to the general public.

Maybe the Interview and GT5 sneek peek n' play should be on the same disc, reducing clutter, well im just tossing stuff out that appeals to me.
Chances are they'll do like Madden did, which was nothing much at all. A shame really, as it's pretty much as big a name as GT is... Only it was worse for them as it's multi-platform game, so everybody was let down by the final product... At least I was...
Limited edition 10th aniversy di cast model cars available exclusively for people that have proof for 100% completion and all gold license passes for GT1, 2, 3 & 4.
to be honest, i would by the whole set for 200 dollars too. i just love the GT series...its belongs to me!! :D

but i never heard about the BMW and TOYOTA demos....what the heck is that...when the heck it came out??
They were released sometime around 2004 when there was probably a plan to have manufacturer-specific demos of GT4 while GT4 was in the works (and delayed, of course). I know more about the Toyota one than the BMW one. All I do know is that the Toyota Demo had a time limit and only two cars- the latest Toyota Prius, and the Toyota MTRC Concept Car. It also had Fuji 90's and Grand Canyon.

I don't know as much about the BMW demo, though.
I like the idea of have the "box set" like this one:

it should include the making of all of the games, history of cars AND the something to do with the tracks histories

Just my 2 cent on the subject!:)

Wow, never knew GT had that much discs. Did they get around to sell all of those CD's.. or is it just like a limited edition thing.

And for the 10th anniversary, how about a GT car model of your choice.. and a T-shirt!👍
I'd be inclined to say a free car to everyone, but some special edition merchandise would suit me fine.
I think they should honour the anniversary in terms of a re-release of the games in one bundle pack, or a remake of Gran Turismo with some PS2 graphics....but that will never happen, it'll just take up valuable time
How about re-making the original Gran Turismo intro with a re-remix of the Chemical Brothers' "Everything Must Go"? To this day I think this is the best game intro ever!
- A 4 hour making of documentary
- A 4 hour documentary about history of the cars
Don't get ahead of yourself. Most people won't sit through a total of 8 hours worth of information. Of course I would, and probably a lot of other people on this forum, but probably less than 10% of all the GT5 buyers will actually watch it all. After all, many movies are'nt even 2 hours long.
Don't get ahead of yourself. Most people won't sit through a total of 8 hours worth of information. Of course I would, and probably a lot of other people on this forum, but probably less than 10% of all the GT5 buyers will actually watch it all. After all, many movies are'nt even 2 hours long.

Are they obligated to buy? I don't think so.

I wouldn't give up the aquisition of such information. 8 hours for me is little. I spend more time than that per day reading C++, Direct X and other MSDN nonsenses just to make my softwares better (and please the boss, thus raising my income).

Let the lazy people around with a single disc. For me and you, this box, please 👍
I don't think they need to talk about the history of cars, what they need to talk about is the history of Grand Touring, which is what the game is about. Talking about the individual cars is irrelevant, and time consuming.

What they could do is show how Gran Turismo has single-handedly impacted the automobile industry, something no other racing game has ever done before.
Release GT2 with GT5 for nostaglic purposes but make GT2 online compatable mainly if for some reason they fail to include Race modifications in GT5.

Or better yet give us a built in hybrid menu that is maybe unlocked after you complete all of GT5. That would allow us to relative easily mix at match cars that use the same general frame dimensions give or take maybe 25%

But realistically if they could include at least some race modifications for say 25% of the cars in GT5, meaning take normal stock dealership car, tune all the way up with all add on parts etc., then add aeroe dynamic package and race paint scheme. Along with all the GT2 tracks, oh and if they could include all the cars in GT5 that are missing from GT4 that would make for one hell of a birthday party.
I still think Polyphony is going to adopt the Forza model, and give us all the odds and ends to upgrade our cars to full GT racecar status and paint them ourselves. I'm sure that the paintshop will have dozens of default paint schemes for those of us who are less artistically inclined. Having a variety of bodykits and wings, along with a paint shop, will allow us to create as many variations of our favorite racers as we like. Also be able to recreate some of our favorite cars from racing history. Now how cool would that be?

Oh, and as for the 10th Anniversary, they HAVE to do something. Gran Turismo practically sold twenty-five million PS2s or more.
Tenacious D
Oh, and as for the 10th Anniversary, they HAVE to do something. Gran Turismo practically sold twenty-five million PS2s or more.

Dude... I seriously hope so... But if history prooves anything, it's that companies don't really give a crap about all that kind of loyalty and since they know there really is no reason why people won't buy the new game reguardless of content, they don't see making anything over the top as a very important investment. Some one said in another thread that SONY's and PD egos keep them from being concerned about what's going on around them in the gaming world... So, going on what I've seen from the E3 and the Vision teasers, I'm saying that it's going to be a graphic upgrade with more cars and more tracks and basically what you see now is what you're going to get...
Uncle Harry
Limited edition 10th aniversy di cast model cars available exclusively for people that have proof for 100% completion and all gold license passes for GT1, 2, 3 & 4.
Or just a limited edition die cast car (1:64 scale or so) for anyone who buys the game. Besides, how would one show proof of such things?
I don't know as much about the BMW demo, though.

The BMW involved jsut the 1 series, and a bit more exciting, the nurburgring. It was released to BMW dealers, who set it up in their dealership to advertise the 1-series, or something along those lines, kinda gimmicky, test drive the car without driving it...