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  • Thread starter MazKid


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Staff Emeritus
1.Make an engine have less than stock hp? I'm making a better 323(I made one but it wasn't good...)The only way I've been successfull has been changine the turbo settings, but 323's like mine aren't turbos, and I don't want the sound. I'm useing the '89 Miata 1.6L(323's are 1.6L) without a turbo(took turbo off in program). I want to get like 82hp, I already made the trans a 4 speed and the same gear ratios(looked them up in one of my dad's technical books). I'm useing the Altoworks, it's the most like a 323 I reckon, and made it FF.

2.grip, I need more grip on some of my cars, I've gone into the ini file, but I really didn't notice a difference...I would like grip like the F1 tires, but the F1 tires are way too big for most cars to use and look good...

3.I tryied making a formula Mazda racer off of a Miata with an indy car body, but the body size didn't change...I need it to be the same basig demensions(width and length) as the Miata, but right now it's just as big as it was, with the wheelbase the same as the miata, so it looks dumb...

That's about it, thanks to anyone that can help...
I'm not sure of the exact values, but U can use the HP Multiplier to lower HP. A value of -700 on line 440 will give U roughly your HPx.7

For grip have U tried using zero for DF and Grip settings? Thats 0 without the - in front of it. I haven't tried these settings, but it's supposed to make your car stick.

Have U tried the sample 10 body for the Indy racer? I think its the same as the F090 body, but might be a bit smaller, not sure, I know the wheelbase is shorter cuz it uses the RX7 RZ parts for suspension, chassis, and such.
thanks Heydu...I'll try that stuff tomarrow, I'll tell you if it works...and as of now I got the mock 323 up to 60hp, was 46 by changing the turbo settings, still has that boost noise, hopefully putting the multiplyer at 700 will work...


The first time I was goofin' with the hp modifier, I put in -200.

My Miata had 0 hp and locked up when I tried to go into a race.
yea, I made a Miata with 1 hp by drove when the PC started it, but reving it took for ever, and when I let off the brakes it just stayed at high revs and barely moved...

Well the 323 is at 91 HP now, it's fun to drive, I even put in a 4 speed tranny with the real 323 gear's fairly fast, I won the Sunday Cup races with it, and it get's up to 119mph lol...