How does one tune differently with Chassis Reinforcement?


Well known double poster
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
First, this is not a debate about whether to do chassis reinforcement or not, that's been whipped like a rented mule over and over and is for another thread. And having said that, I'm not looking for a debate of any kind, just information as to how to tune a vehicle differently with vs. without chassis reinforcement. I have seen it mentioned several times, something along the lines of,

"Chassis reinforcement removes some bad tendencies from some vehicles [usually oversteer] and you need to adjust your tune to take advantage of the reinforcement"

That's not a direct quote just a paraphrase. Problem is, I've never seen anyone explain just what you need to do, tuning wise, to take advantage of the chassis reinforcement.

Can anyone provide some specifics? Even as specific as, I tuned the car this way (numbers please) before I reinforced it and these are the exact changes I made to it after reinforcement (numbers please). Did it make the car faster? Did you test specific lap times? How much of a difference did it make in laptimes if any?

If anyone has specific tunes for vehicles before and after chassis reinforcement that would be perfect.
I don't tune for the chassis reinforcement, I tune to correct the car's understeer/oversteer.

If chassis reinforcement changes the way the car handles, then I adjust to the change, not the fact that I've added reinforcement.

I've experienced some mild additional understeer from adding reinforcement. I follow the basic understeer correction tuning methods.
Hi Johnnypenso, I've been on my soap box recently preaching chassis reinforcement, glad to hear someone is listening! :cheers:

iamjajo has the right approach. You just need to re-evaluate your chassis balance and use your preferred method* to tweak it if neccessary. There's nothing unique about the handling of a car post-reinforcement, it's just a bit different from before so you need to tweak the tune. I think people who expect to slap on the reinforcement and have it cure the world's problems are bound to be disappointed.

* each person's preferred method is another massive can of worms!

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