How does the cloud work?


United States
Thinking about a 4 Gig slim, but my Forza 4 file already at 3.6 Gigs on my old 20 Gig. Can you get by with a 4 Gig using the cloud or anything? This 4 gig will be for Forza, Left 4 Dead and maybe a few other games as they come up. I don't buy DLC Content or games. Can I get by with 4 gigs to play a couple games at a time?
Guess I will need one too. I own one game for my 4 gig, Forza 4, and the cars dont fit on the 4 gig HD? Thats wacked. Get a Blu Ray drive already Microsoft. 720 Please?
All cars on the two discs will not fit on the 4GB system. I spent $40 and found a 120GB drive new on Amazon and it works fine.
You can get a 120gb 360 drive for $30 or a 250gb for $50 from either gamestop or microcenter. They are the fat 360 drives but all you do is take them out of the enclosure and put them in the slim. You can buy a slim hdd holder if you want but it's not necessary.
Got a 16 gig flash off Amazon. Going to keep mine on a diet.
Those are great options though if I do need them. Thanks