How does the daily workout thing work?

  • Thread starter zargdin
Afaik you can store power / weight settings ( N class ) with the setting sheets. So as long as I haven't used them to the limit, I'm fine with deleting :D. Thanks for the hint though đź‘Ť.

Well, at least you can have fun with different livery on them.
Btw, I noticed one thing about driver contracts. I got a contract with BMW and when contract expire I still can have those two cars in my Garage, with setup made in 2-3 sheet, could still use them.
But I had to renew the contract, to participate in FIA races. I renew it with BMW and got same cars again , but I lost all setups I had on them, received them with default sheet . Funny ! :)
But I had to renew the contract, to participate in FIA races. I renew it with BMW and got same cars again , but I lost all setups I had on them, received them with default sheet . Funny ! :)

Well, the manufacturers' support for their drivers seems to be suboptimal :lol: ...
After getting your daily workout car your only option to move on in the game is to press <OK> I think there should be a <No, Not OK> button, I have 4 of almost every car I dont want. On the plus side it appears that they wont give me a 5th crappy duplicate so maybe I will start getting some decent ones by next year. 🤬🤬🤬
Need a few group 1 cars and the 20 mil ferrari I now have 6 BMW M6 Power Liveries but its a good car lolz...rally would be ok if we had Pikes Peak or some of the earlier rally stages from earlier gt's. I don't know why they try to do it all it detracts from the track stuff...daily races have been pants lately
Thats why im shocked it worked lol
It is still a random selection, because pressing X does not work, if you save your game to a online storage just before you do the required amount of km or miles, and then go and play you received your daily gift car, lets say you get the BMW M6, and then you quit the game. Go to your online storage to download the save, and then you do the amount of miles or km, you get the same car which is the BMW M6.
It is still a random selection, because pressing X does not work, if you save your game to a online storage just before you do the required amount of km or miles, and then go and play you received your daily gift car, lets say you get the BMW M6, and then you quit the game. Go to your online storage to download the save, and then you do the amount of miles or km, you get the same car which is the BMW M6.
Yes mate i know it was a joke jeez....
I actually always look away from the screen before the roulette happens, because I've had too many broken hopes :D. Now I just look away until the price car is determined, so I have no idea what I missed out on :D. Ignorance is bliss they say .. :cheers:
I have a tendency to go to bathroom and then coming back thinking what kind of crap did I get this time.
when the roulette light is going around, try pressing x only on the car you want every time it jumps on it or a bit before. and it might help? (placebo? idk, i do that lol)
I had always wondered if the reward car was specific to the car you were driving and what stage you won said race upon. And I too wondered if the pressing x on or before the car you wanted.
I had always wondered if the reward car was specific to the car you were driving and what stage you won said race upon. And I too wondered if the pressing x on or before the car you wanted.
Nope. In essence the Daily Workout gift is a colossal list (and I mean billions of entries) that you start on at some unknown point and then progress through it each time you meet the criteria of driving 26.2 miles in one day.

It's all predetermined and nothing you do matters.
Nope. In essence the Daily Workout gift is a colossal list (and I mean billions of entries) that you start on at some unknown point and then progress through it each time you meet the criteria of driving 26.2 miles in one day.

It's all predetermined and nothing you do matters.
Thanks for responding, yeah I really wasn't sure, but it's not like it really matters. I was just curious if I won a race with a specific car on a specific stage if it produced a specific car. Or like if it was even possible to be given a super expensive car as a gift, like the old vintage Ferrari
Nope. In essence the Daily Workout gift is a colossal list (and I mean billions of entries) that you start on at some unknown point and then progress through it each time you meet the criteria of driving 26.2 miles in one day.

It's all predetermined and nothing you do matters.
Many people say they have won one of the 10-20 million dollar cars on the DWG, after hitting level 50 a few years ago and playing since release I have yet to win one of the diamonds on the DWG.
Many people say they have won one of the 10-20 million dollar cars on the DWG, after hitting level 50 a few years ago and playing since release I have yet to win one of the diamonds on the DWG.
They are exceptionally rare, but it does happen.

In essence, each car in the game has a numerical, four-digit "Car ID". I think that what happens is that the Daily Workout has a giant (randomised, but not random) list of numbers from 1000 to 9999, running through the sequence over and over again. When you meet the criteria (driving 26.2 miles in one calendar day), the next number on the list is pulled out, matched to a valid Car ID, and that's the car you get.

Of course there's only 340 valid Car IDs, so most numbers don't match to a Car ID. What probably happens if a number that doesn't match comes out is that it looks for the next number up that is a valid Car ID. That would account for the frequency of some cars being much higher, and it would allow for cars to be added to the list.

Imagine if the game only had two cars and the list was only ten numbers long. You'd have something like this:
01 - Car 1
02 - (blank)
03 - (blank)
04 - (blank)
05 - (blank)
06 - (blank)
07 - (blank)
08 - Car 2
09 - (blank)
10 - (blank)

If it looks up 01, you get Car 1. If it looks up 08, you get Car 2. Any number from 02-07 is invalid, so it looks for the next number up that returns as valid, so you get 08 and Car 2. 09 and 10 are invalid, so the next number up is 01, which is Car 1.

That means 70% of the DWG cars would be Car 2 and 30% would be Car 1 (which looks like a bias towards Car 2, but it isn't).

The game is then updated to get Car 3:
01 - Car 1
02 - (blank)
03 - (blank)
04 - (blank)
05 - (blank)
06 - Car 3
07 - (blank)
08 - Car 2
09 - (blank)
10 - (blank)

Now you'd get Car 3 for anything from 02-06, Car 2 for 07 & 08, and Car 1 for 09, 10, and 01. That would mean 50% of DWGs are Car 3 suddenly, while Car 2 drops to 20% and Car 1 stays at 30%.

Imagine that, but with 340 valid four-digit IDs and a list of 8999 numbers repeating a quarter of a million times.

If the 20m credit cars have a Car ID that is one digit higher than any other valid Car ID, they would appear literally once each every 9,000 days - more than 24 years - for you.
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If that's the case are the three other shadowed cars that also appear on the carousel with your random-but-predetermined prize always the same three or is that aspect totally random?
If that's the case are the three other shadowed cars that also appear on the carousel with your random-but-predetermined prize always the same three or is that aspect totally random?
No idea.

On the basis that if you pull the plug before it completes you'll get the same three cars along with the one you get when it tries to do it again, I'd say it's a similar process, but it makes far less sense to do that given it's not relevant to anything.
No idea.

On the basis that if you pull the plug before it completes you'll get the same three cars along with the one you get when it tries to do it again, I'd say it's a similar process, but it makes far less sense to do that given it's not relevant to anything.
So by that i assume the other three cars appear adjacent to the prize car on the list. Do you know if anyone has ever attempted to compile the list?
So by that i assume the other three cars appear adjacent to the prize car on the list.
It's... possible but I have no way to determine that and can't think of any way to determine it.
Do you know if anyone has ever attempted to compile the list?
The list of Car IDs for the cars is easy (I have it somewhere), but there's no way to walk back from there to any putative "master list" of DW IDs, because the car it pulls could be one number (and in a lot of cases in Gr.3/Gr.4, it is), or any one of a few thousand.

We made an attempt a little while back to find any pattern at all, with a whole load of users logging every DW car over three months. Nothing.
We made an attempt a little while back to find any pattern at all, with a whole load of users logging every DW car over three months. Nothing.
I remember that, all for nothing (but a lot of dupe cars).
They are exceptionally rare, but it does happen.

In essence, each car in the game has a numerical, four-digit "Car ID". I think that what happens is that the Daily Workout has a giant (randomised, but not random) list of numbers from 1000 to 9999, running through the sequence over and over again. When you meet the criteria (driving 26.2 miles in one calendar day), the next number on the list is pulled out, matched to a valid Car ID, and that's the car you get.

Of course there's only 340 valid Car IDs, so most numbers don't match to a Car ID. What probably happens if a number that doesn't match comes out is that it looks for the next number up that is a valid Car ID. That would account for the frequency of some cars being much higher, and it would allow for cars to be added to the list.

Imagine if the game only had two cars and the list was only ten numbers long. You'd have something like this:
01 - Car 1
02 - (blank)
03 - (blank)
04 - (blank)
05 - (blank)
06 - (blank)
07 - (blank)
08 - Car 2
09 - (blank)
10 - (blank)

If it looks up 01, you get Car 1. If it looks up 08, you get Car 2. Any number from 02-07 is invalid, so it looks for the next number up that returns as valid, so you get 08 and Car 2. 09 and 10 are invalid, so the next number up is 01, which is Car 1.

That means 70% of the DWG cars would be Car 2 and 30% would be Car 1 (which looks like a bias towards Car 2, but it isn't).

The game is then updated to get Car 3:
01 - Car 1
02 - (blank)
03 - (blank)
04 - (blank)
05 - (blank)
06 - Car 3
07 - (blank)
08 - Car 2
09 - (blank)
10 - (blank)

Now you'd get Car 3 for anything from 02-06, Car 2 for 07 & 08, and Car 1 for 09, 10, and 01. That would mean 50% of DWGs are Car 3 suddenly, while Car 2 drops to 20% and Car 1 stays at 30%.

Imagine that, but with 340 valid four-digit IDs and a list of 8999 numbers repeating a quarter of a million times.

If the 20m credit cars have a Car ID that is one digit higher than any other valid Car ID, they would appear literally once each every 9,000 days - more than 24 years - for you.
That makes sense. I suppose all PD has to do to make the unicorns tough to grab is to make sure there is no empty slot before each one, then you only win a unicorn when it lands on one specific predetermined number.