How many pictures do you have?

  • Thread starter rjensen11
Either in file size or the actual number of files you have. I'm starting to think I have a lot, I have roughly 400MB of .jpg files of misc. things, like cars, scenery, models, etc. I guess I also have a grand total of 2877 .jpg files. To put it simply, when I backed up my user profile and all of my files (less iso's, images, videos, and audio files) the .tar (equivalent of zip files) was around 180MB. To put things into persective, everything in my user profile directory (all of the files that are my own, not other people's like my parents', my brother's, etc) is around 8GB (including iso's, images, video, and audio, which make up about 7GB). So yeah, I have more image files than system files and documents and the like.
714MB of pics, 1,472 pics. Most of them are wallpaper sized pics, like cars and dA pics
426 MB of high-res car pics, including photoshop files that are mixed in there.
16 MB of non-car desktop backgrounds.

and...for comparison....
5 GB of mp3's.
42 GB of video.

So not that many pictures, relatively.
I have 160 gig's total to fill up. I have 30 gigs left. I have over 2,000 high res pictures, and a lot of photoshoped images. Right now i'm simply going to the windows search agent, and looking over my 2 hard drives with the "pictures" button clicked. This will include your standard windows pictures, temporary internet files, and more. There is a part locked away on my computer where the search can't get to, I believe all those add up to another 2,000 images or so.

The results finished with 18,348 images. Soon i'll go into the blocked out place and redo the search.
I have a taken up a total amount of 713Mb on Imagestation thats 2858 images, also because I took up so much space ImageStation gave me a free account upgrade.
Pictures of what? Do you mean pictures from digital camera's or specifically, pictures of cars. I have about 4,000 from my digital camera, or you could say 2.5 GB of pictures from my digital camera. I don't have many car pictures thought. I mostly look at them on the internet and leave them on their webpages.
13636 pictures found...
I'm a professional photographer though and most of my pictures are still not scanned. Also I think I have about 7 or 8 gigs worth of pics on backup cd's that I don't have on my pc.
Pictures of what? Do you mean pictures from digital camera's or specifically, pictures of cars. I have about 4,000 from my digital camera, or you could say 2.5 GB of pictures from my digital camera. I don't have many car pictures thought. I mostly look at them on the internet and leave them on their webpages.

All picture files, so that includes camera stuff.

I used to have more pictures, but when I ended up freeing up some space on my computer, I had to get rid of my 90+MB satellite photos from NASA (90+MB each), but I managed to keep most of my other pictures safe. Most of my pictures are due to spider programs I managed to dig up that let me mirror websites or just lift off photos (and possibly videos if I decide to not exclude them)
400 random photographs taken in about a month.
about 150-200 wallpapers that I no longer use because I've been making my own lately
I used to have several thousand untill I had a bad experience with Fedora Core 2 :grumpy: Now I've got around 500 pictures.