How PD is getting GT5 done.

  • Thread starter paskowitz
United States
New York
So I was thinking the other day... when is GT5 going to come out? Man, its been a while. I was thinking doesn't take them 3 months of man hours to create a single car? And 6 months for a track. At this rate we will never see GT5.

But then I realized how PD is going to get GT5 done. When I was playing GT4 I noticed how detailed the car and track models were. Their resolution may be a bit low but their overall shape and construction was pretty detailed and on some models flawless (forgetting the low resolution). The tracks as well. The textures are obviously low res, but the construction of the tracks are extremely accurate. This led me to assume that in order to make GT4 PD had to collect a huge amount of data. In fact I think they had so much data that the PS2 could not handle it all (so in other words if PD had the PS3 at the time of the PS2 they could have made a much better looking game with the data they had).

So now with the PS3 around they can use all the data they had from GT4 to help make GT5. (assumption)>>>>For instance they did not have to go back to a track like Suzuka to remeasure it because they already had the measurements from GT4. They just had to apply the higher resolution textures (road, rumble strips, grass, metal, signs, guard rails, barriers, etc) and models to the "outline" they already had. Same goes for the cars. They have the basic shape and construction plus all the resources such as pictures and video from GT4 they just need to apply that data with GT5 graphics. This why we saw Concept GT which had upscaled GT4 graphics, then the Nurburgring with improved textures but still GT4's basic model, then GTHD which had fully updated models and the GT5p which had new tracks and models.

I think PD is taking what they did in GT4 and just giving it a shot of PS3. Now obviously new cars and tracks would have to be done from scratch. What I am saying is not that they are reusing tracks from GT4 (like we have feared with Le Sarth and The Ring) but in the end they will be much nicer just based off of GT4.

This is why PD can offer so much content. In a sense they were already making GT5 when they started researching for GT4.

Feel free to tell me I am crazy:tup:.
We already had a thread about exactly this.
PD used GT4 assets, thats nothing new, theyre adding lots and lots of new stuff so that you get a more or less complete new 3D model.

Look at GTHD Concept, the Eiger track there also used GT4ish textures and then compare it with the version in GT5P.

The cars arent really based on GT4 though, the models are completely new, it wouldnt be possible otherwise (and it already was confirmed, in GT4 the cars were one big 3D model, in GT5 the cars are modeled with single parts, like bumpers, hoods, lights, etc.).

I was thinking doesn't take them 3 months of man hours to create a single car? And 6 months for a track.
Yeah, 1 person would take that time, there are a couple of more people working on the stuff though.
No matter what it still takes them 6 months man hours for a car and up to a year to model the track if i remember correctly.

They even said that they did rebuild their collected assets for the PS3 the way they do their new models are quite diffrent than in the past.

The way they get it done is the classical way of hard work and extremly long work hours :)
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Yes its an evolution , not a revolution. And yes You are crazy, we all must be wating that long.....
If you look at it that way, they have been working on GT5 for more than 12 years! The series is definately an evolution, adding more tracks, cars, features and quality in each version. Be patient, the wait will be worthwile.
We already had a thread about exactly this.
PD used GT4 assets, thats nothing new, theyre adding lots and lots of new stuff so that you get a more or less complete new 3D model.

Look at GTHD Concept, the Eiger track there also used GT4ish textures and then compare it with the version in GT5P.

The cars arent really based on GT4 though, the models are completely new, it wouldnt be possible otherwise (and it already was confirmed, in GT4 the cars were one big 3D model, in GT5 the cars are modeled with single parts, like bumpers, hoods, lights, etc.).

Yeah, 1 person would take that time, there are a couple of more people working on the stuff though.

I know that PD uses assets from GT4 but what I am saying is more like research and development data like car pictures, rim pictures, general shapes, dimensions, etc. I know they would have to create a new model but for say a car like the GTR R34 but they would not have to do any research on it because they already have all the data.

Also I know multiple people work on the cars and tracks at the same time. I should have said X man hours total.
has there actually ever been anything they have taken out that was in the previous game but not in the next?

various tuning options like racing modifications and adjustable turbo boost.

a few tracks and cars have come and gone, i sorely miss red rock valley.
It's a completely new game (technically), as decided by the next gen PS3. But the platform of Gran Turismo is a proven, tested and very successful series. These figures branded around for car development, I've heard 3 months, I've heard 6 months, either way that's total man hours, and you'd be surprised at how easily that could be done.

I know we've been here before, but 3 months/12 weeks work, is roughly 480 working hours. The team at PD is 110 strong. So, dedicate a team of 40 to building to building cars, and you can build 3 cars a week.

To put in comparison to other size of teams. Sports Interactive, developers of Football Manager have 25-35 Full time staff, the one I work for has 5, including the techie bloke who doesn't deal directly with the game.

The numbers are big for GT5, but so is the team.