How to build Your own PS-2 accessories - Homepage

Hello... :rolleyes:

If You want to build Your own Playstation 2 accessories, please check this Page !

On this Page are many details from :

Wiring to add Push Buttons and selfe made accessories.

Adapter to mount real Sport Wheel's on a Game Wheel.

How to reconstruct real Car-Pedal's, to use with Logitech GT Force Wheel.

Servo controled H direct Gear-Shifter to use with Gran Turismo 3

A lot of Link's to other Home build and Racing knowledge !

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That would be pleased me!

Thank You

Best wishes from Germany
Werner :carrot:
although it would be an amazing site, i didn't pay attention to my german classes. however, from what you've posted, it's looks very nice indeed! :):thumbsup:
Originally posted by piesupreme
although it would be an amazing site, i didn't pay attention to my german classes. however, from what you've posted, it's looks very nice indeed! :):thumbsup:

There's a link to an English version of the page - although be warned it is hard going...
The six speed shifter looks very nice, ive always wondered how hard it would be to do something like that :). Looks like good stuff, althogh I dont think I could make any of it.
