How To Create a GPX File For Import in TPE?

  • Thread starter EmaNymton
Sorry for a stupid question, but I may be excused as I am a complete newbie to this (I have Android tablet and Windows PC's):
1.) How do you draw a "tour" in Google Earth?
2.) Is it also possible in Google Maps?
3.) How do you create a "kml"-file from this?
4.) How is the kml then converted to gpx (App? PC-Programme?)?
5.) How is this then finally imported into the Track Path Editor App?

Sorry for asking such Basic questions, but I never did that, being completely new, thus I would appreciate a detailed step-by-step tutorial (if not asked too much).
I would like to create a track from an existing route which I can look up in Google Maps, but I played around with it but came to no result (just too stupid).:banghead:
Many thanks in advance for any advice!

I would know how to do it in "Eifel Flat", but this is a really hilly road, so it MUST be done in the other (hilly) Eifel theme!
1) Go to
2) Draw your map and then export it as KML:



3) Convert that KML file to GPX for example here:

4) Import GPX file to GT6 Track Path Editor (Not meant to import on other than Eifelf Flat theme currently).

Hope that helped even a little.
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Yes indeed, it helped, thank you very much!
Just 2 issues:
1.) No GPS Visualizer that I have found lets me transform my KLM-file(s) into GPX (and BTW: most of them are not for free but cost a lot of money) :grumpy:
2.) I believed that one can use GPX files in the other 3 themes as well, but it's only possible in Eifel Flat anyway.
And since this is so, I am better of to draw the track in Google Maps, have a .jpg which I take as my template and build the track along my drawing. I'm much quicker that way (and it works).
Too many restrictions in the TPE! :banghead:
But thank you anyway :bowdown:, I have learned a lot again!
1.) No GPS Visualizer that I have found lets me transform my KLM-file(s) into GPX (and BTW: most of them are not for free but cost a lot of money) :grumpy:

Do you get any error messages? I haven't had any problems but then again, I have only used the KML files I've created and got from the Google MyMaps.

Haven't used but found this aswell:
This program seems to be able to do the conversion aswell but haven't tested myself:

2.) I believed that one can use GPX files in the other 3 themes as well, but it's only possible in Eifel Flat anyway.
And since this is so, I am better of to draw the track in Google Maps, have a .jpg which I take as my template and build the track along my drawing. I'm much quicker that way (and it works).

Nothing wrong with using the images. In the end, GPX/KML are converted to images aswell. Which makes me wonder if you could convert your KML/GPX file to image online and would it be accurate?


I suggest you to still try it out for atleast the tracks you have drawn yourself as you can get pretty accurate tracks with it when you don't have to scale them like you do for most of the images.


According to:
"The track measures a total length of 3.696 kilometres (A course)", I'm missing in for 15 meters, which is more than likely because of the elevation differences.


"At its heart is a 3.41-mile racetrack" = 5.48786304 kilometers. So I'm missing out for ~2 meters.

No need to scale anything but only import the file and draw over the line :)

Too many restrictions in the TPE! :banghead:
Agree on this with you!
Thanks for your explanations and help!
I would like to draw a "Sector-Tack" (don't know if this is the correct expression in English), a track that is not closed in itself but just goes from A to B.
The problem is, that the whole track is 20 km long, and I have done the first half already in "Eifel Flat", which result was quite disappointing since the real track is going steeply up and down in the woods surrounding Vienna, but you just don't get that in Eifel Flat.
That's why I want to try to create the 2nd half in Eifel Hilly, I have drawn the track from Google Maps and Google Earth, but I connot convert the KML-file(s) I got into GPX. The converters just say that the files are not possible to convert... period (no other error message).
But however, even if I could convert the KML into GPX, all I would get is a picture-file in the best case.
And to draw a track from a picture in the other 3 themes (NOT Eifel Flat), preferrably in Eifel Hilly, is a challenge close to impossible, since during the process of drawing the track, you have to permanently zoom in and out which changes the scale, and this causes me headaches.
You may better understand my problem if you look at the upper part of the track I want to create:

Hi. I have a problem.

I created a path with the instructions from post 2 (@Razerman). I got the file but i when i try to load it in the app nothing shows up (tried to import JPEG, PNG (track screenshots) and both KML and GPX). Tried on Nexus 7 and BlueStaks emulator. :/
Thanks for your explanations and help!
I would like to draw a "Sector-Tack" (don't know if this is the correct expression in English), a track that is not closed in itself but just goes from A to B.

Point to point is what game calls tracks like that but I understood what you mean :) (English ain't my primary language so I don't know all the words either.)

The problem is, that the whole track is 20 km long, and I have done the first half already in "Eifel Flat", which result was quite disappointing since the real track is going steeply up and down in the woods surrounding Vienna, but you just don't get that in Eifel Flat. That's why I want to try to create the 2nd half in Eifel Hilly.

By looking at that image, I guess you wouldn't be able to do that whole track even without the 10 km limit as the area you are drawing it on is 8 km x 8 km. I'm not 100% sure though.

Yeah, it's quite upsetting that they didn't allow us to load images over another layouts.

Hi. I have a problem.

I created a path with the instructions from post 2 (@Razerman). I got the file but i when i try to load it in the app nothing shows up (tried to import JPEG, PNG (track screenshots) and both KML and GPX). Tried on Nexus 7 and BlueStaks emulator. :/

Could you try with either of these files I've created?: KML/GPX

I've created a track from both of those files so I know they are working. This way we can check if it's the files or something else that's causing the problems.
Its the same with your files :/ Will try to reinstall the apps.

One thing that popped in my mind is that which app do you use to select those files?

I would suggest you to try es file manager for example. After you click the file with that, if it pops up with the list of two selections, choose the first one. Can't take a picture for you atm but will do later if needed.
I found another solution for me which works out fine (if you have the nerve).

See here:

I have created the 2nd part of the track already using this method in "hilly" Eifel (not Eifel Flat).
You can find it here:!/friend/Ema-Nymton/course/1390499/
or here:öhenstraße-part-2.2556/

@Razerman :
You are right, it could not be done in just 1 part, I had to create 2 tracks, each of them ~ 9.700 metres long.
You can't even draw a track of full 10 km lenght in "Eifel", you are stopped at 9.700 metres (I guess due to elevation changes).
I dont get any pop up after i select the file, it just goes back to the drawing screen without any change.

This is what I meant:
1. ES File Explorer/Manager (whatever it is in english), Root Explorer worked aswell.

2. Androids normal way (the first one).

3. Done

When I tested with my phones (Cyanogenmod 12.1) default file manager, the exactly same thing happend to me as what happends to you. So I would say the file manager and GT6 TPE are having some compatibility issues.
Not sure if this is good thread for this, but dont want to start another thread about gpx files.

If anyone wants to do multiple layouts of one Track, no need to trace it multiple times, just play a bit with measure tool in Google Earth and you can manage this:

Really faster way to do more. ;) just click on the point where track goes into another layout, follow the path and when you reach already covered path, follow it back to the point where you started the "detour".
Does the GPX file have to be a closed loop? I have several that are point to point that will not import.
This is what I meant:
1. ES File Explorer/Manager (whatever it is in english), Root Explorer worked aswell.

When I tested with my phones (Cyanogenmod 12.1) default file manager, the exactly same thing happend to me as what happends to you. So I would say the file manager and GT6 TPE are having some compatibility issues.

My phone, a rooted android, does not let me choose which file manager (I have 3 installed) to use. So I'm guessing google's default file explorer is the culprit here.
My phone, a rooted android, does not let me choose which file manager (I have 3 installed) to use. So I'm guessing google's default file explorer is the culprit here.

Yeah, it seems like that :/

If it's not a problem to install android emulator on your PC, then you can get around this problem by installing Andy.

Importing will work with it.
Apropos "Andy" :
I have installed this programme on my Notebook and had to find out that it is of no use (for me), it seems to behave more like a virus than a useful programme!
So I wanted to get rid of it again and to uninstall "Andy" the normal way, but Windows 8.1 just tells me that I don't have enough rights to uninstall "Andy"!
CCleaner doesn't do it as well and uninstall in Windows Safe Mode doesn't work either!
Any ideas how I can get rid of "Andy" again?
It seems to have spread files and folders all over my harddisk and I hate that!
Any hints are very welcome!
Apropos "Andy" :
I have installed this programme on my Notebook and had to find out that it is of no use (for me), it seems to behave more like a virus than a useful programme!
So I wanted to get rid of it again and to uninstall "Andy" the normal way, but Windows 8.1 just tells me that I don't have enough rights to uninstall "Andy"!
CCleaner doesn't do it as well and uninstall in Windows Safe Mode doesn't work either!
Any ideas how I can get rid of "Andy" again?
It seems to have spread files and folders all over my harddisk and I hate that!
Any hints are very welcome!

I haven't had any problems with it so haven't tried uninstalling but maybe with some uninstaller like Revo Uninstaller?
I haven't had any problems with it so haven't tried uninstalling but maybe with some uninstaller like Revo Uninstaller?

Have finally got rid of it with "Advanced Uninstaller Pro":

There is another Android Emulator still around, called "AMIDuOS":

I installed that one too now, but since it doesn't let me zoom in or out on the track-layout, I have removed this one as well.
Don't need Android on my PC anyway, started with BlueStacks but after buying a new Notebook, didn't install that one again either, since I don't see the advantage of having touch-display oriented Apps installed on a Notebook that doesn't have touch sensitive display! :confused:
Have finally got rid of it with "Advanced Uninstaller Pro":

There is another Android Emulator still around, called "AMIDuOS":

I installed that one too now, but since it doesn't let me zoom in or out on the track-layout, I have removed this one as well.
Don't need Android on my PC anyway, started with BlueStacks but after buying a new Notebook, didn't install that one again either, since I don't see the advantage of having touch-display oriented Apps installed on a Notebook that doesn't have touch sensitive display! :confused:

I myself like mouse control better than touch. With Andy, you can zoom by holding the control button and dragging with mouse. And you can control it even with your phone/tablet.

But the main reason I'm using emulator is that you can easily share files between the windows and "android". And it's alot faster to share big files this way vs the USB cable.
I have built 5 tarcks so far (only) and the files are really small!
Once you have installed GT6 TPE, you just need to copy the "files"-Folder to another device, which in my case is ~715 kB only.
This doesn't even take 1 second over USB-cable!
I have built 5 tarcks so far (only) and the files are really small!
Once you have installed GT6 TPE, you just need to copy the "files"-Folder to another device, which in my case is ~715 kB only.
This doesn't even take 1 second over USB-cable!

You are right on those files but modifying the apk and sending it over isn't that fast. And when you do it twice in a minute, it's alot faster this way :)