How to do Feint drift??

  • Thread starter cb1021


I'm new to drifting, clocking points is pretty fun though.

Let's say I'm trying a feint drift. I'm heading down the track which turns right up ahead. Before the turn, I steer left, then turn right to drift. Okay that's fine.

The problem is when I'm trying to drift an S turn. I'm already drifting a left corner, and the next corner is a right turn. I can't seem to swing my car to drift for the right turn after I've started to drift to the left.

If the weight is currently on the right wheels, how do I feint and transfer the weight to the left wheels.

A similar situation would be trying to drift in S patterns down a straight.

If you want to transition, all you do is lift off the accelerator for a split second, let the car bring itself back round to transition and then countersteer and ease back on the throttle. You don't have to feint mid-drift, that would be kind of silly, all you need to do is force the car to transition thus by coming off the accelerator, you let the rpm's drop letting the back tires catch a little traction to swing it back round, as soon as you get back on the accelerator that grip which the rear tires have during transition is taken away again.

If you need anymore help, or advice, pop into the Beginners Guide for first timers thread. It has a lot of good information which could help you out!

- BkS.
I usually dab tha handbrake on and power over it and feather it out it works for me but upto yourself and your technique
I usually dab tha handbrake on and power over it and feather it out it works for me but upto yourself and your technique

however this is nothing to do with a Scandinavian flick, you seem to know what to do, scando flick is almost a transition except you start of gripping.

As for a transition as the 2nd post says allow your rear wheels to grip up which will bring the rear into line but it will have some momentum with it, judging this, and the throttle to match the slip you want, is key to controlling a transition.
Feint drifting is when you just momentum to break traction (turn out quickly, and turn in just as fast and get into a slide)

The same thing pretty much applies when you're transitioning into another drift. After you've finished drifting around a corner, steer INTO the turn, your car will slide in the other direction, and catch the drift. I think Nomuken explained this; I'll try to find it and post

EDIT: I can't seem to find it, but he was demonstrating in a sliver skyline. Let's establish 2 corners, a right turn and a left turn. Feint into the first turn by quickly steering left and steering right to initiate a drift. Countersteer to keep the drift going. As you approach the next turn, you should be (counter)steering to the left. Now, what I do is I turn more to the left (how much depends on the angle you want to drift) and you should start countersteering a little bit before your car is shifting directions.

That's the best I can do in words, hope it does you good.
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your prob entering too fast. slow down a bit drift the first corner than let off gas and whip other way and slam on gas
If you want to transition, all you do is lift off the accelerator for a split second, let the car bring itself back round to transition and then countersteer and ease back on the throttle. You don't have to feint mid-drift, that would be kind of silly, all you need to do is force the car to transition thus by coming off the accelerator, you let the rpm's drop letting the back tires catch a little traction to swing it back round, as soon as you get back on the accelerator that grip which the rear tires have during transition is taken away again.

If you need anymore help, or advice, pop into the Beginners Guide for first timers thread. It has a lot of good information which could help you out!

- BkS.

This x1000 perfect explanation. A little ebrake can help also but it will slow you down so its not really good for tandems.
What I do is either I let off the throttle and let the car come back or, if I need a quick transition I tap the brakes. Not the handbrake, the real brakes lol