How to download

  • Thread starter Vagos6gt
I could be wrong and I may be missing something but I don't think this service is live everywhere yet. (IT's also only going to be available for PS5 as far as I've read).

I tried following the instructions from a youtube vid but the screens they're looking at aren't on my PS app, so it may be US exclusive at the moment.

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If you have an android phone just open up your GT7 online page using the web browser on your phone (I use Chrome), go to your gallery & open the photo you want to download.
Press & hold on screen to open the box, select open image in new tab, go to new tab press & hold on screen again to open the box then select download image, this will save it to a download folder in your phones camera gallery.
Works fine in my android phone... 20220323_095554.jpg