- 1,382
- New Jersey
Yea, from the beggining...
I transfered schools last year and the first day I was there I fell for the most beautiful girl, she was the girl everyone wanted but couldn't get. I always admired from a far hoping I could just talk to her. Not to sound concieted but I am very out going when it comes to girls and am consided attractive by most of the opposite sex, but she made me feel like a little awkward boy.
So as the year went by I made all my friends and I felt more comfortable with my surroundings and with talking to her. I got my chance in math when the seats were changed and she sat behind me. I'm guessing about January we started talking, just as friends. We would talk about everything and I always made her laugh. Things started to pick up in about April where I got her number and we continued to talk on the phone via txt messgages. I started to really feel more and more attracted to her as a person, we got along very well.
When I got my car she would always say she wanted to see it and for me take her for a drive or for me to teach her to drive stick (no pun intended
As the school year came to a close we started to talk on the phone more and hang out more. At this point I still felt I had no chance. My best friend, who works with her and is friends with her, one day mentioned that I should "tap that", I just said I didn't have a chance but he said I did and that "she was interested". I was estatic! The next few days I went out of my way to hang out with her and pick her up from work.
The plan was that we would go see a movie and I would ask her out there, but of course she got grounded
. She called me all upset that she couldnt go out. But the next day she called and said to come over to her house to go swimming and eat with her family
. I was all kinds of nervous. She met me at an italian ice place to lead me in. So I meet her family (her dad and two brothers are state police
) which went well. They all went inside and me her and her two friends and my friend (wingman) went swimming and hung out. As her friends slowly left I gave my friend the signal to beat it. As she walked with me out to my car I asked her if she wanted to go out with me and she jumped into my arms and gave me the biggest kiss ever! Then I left and me and all my friends smoked a celebratory cigerette and drank some beers
The next month was great we did everything together. We went to the beach, family functions (her family loved me and vis versa) went to movies, went out to eat and just enjoyed each others presense. I really felt I loved her. All of her friends loved me, they hated everyone that came near her, all of her friends were jealous of her because we were really great for each other and they wish wheir relationship was as good as ours. I really loved her for who she was, and she was gourgous. She went to california for a week and for me it was hell. We talked on the phone everynight and I missed her so much.
So here comes the bad part.
From the beggining she knew for a month and a half I was going away working in Atlanta. I asked her many times if she would wait for me and everytime she said ofcourse I promice. But the day before I left I got a txt messgae in the morning (I was supposed to meet her at a friends house for a pool party). It was a long message saying how much she really liked me and that she thinks w should break up at least until I got back. I was shocked and devastated and embarassed. I went to a place I always go to think and just sat there in my car smoking and wanting to cry (I never let my self cry) and listeng to music.
I txted her back saying that my heart was broken and that I don't regeret asking her out because I got to out with the girl of my dreams. She was very apoligetic and said she really did still like me and wanted us to still be friends. She later txted me and said that she though she was ready for a relationship but she wasnt yet. She had a bad relationship about a year and a half ago and stayed away from relationships and boys in general, thats why I was glad I got her friends approval and same with her family. She said I was the only one she ever thought of going out with but she just want ready.
She broke up with me about 3 weeks ago and the whole time I cant get her out of my head. I'm 900 miles from home and have noone to talk to. I have talked to my friends about it but 3/4 say I should just get over it and stop being a b****, I would always say yea your right eff her, but I never meant it. I am the kind of person who holds stuff in for the most part. I have dreams of her and I wake up feeling like crap. I really want to get over her and move on but its hard. We have talked since as friends, but my heart hurts everytime I do. About a week ago she txted me and we talked and I told her I still have feelings and I kind of let it all out. She was very good and said shed always be there of me. After I vented I felt a bit better. I am getting a but better but I still have a hole in my heart though. I still want to be friends with her becuase we were good friends and we talked about everyting but I'm scared if I continue talking to her I will never get over her.
Please, if anyone has any advise for me I'm all ears.
I ask you guys because I've been here for a while and I feel you guys can help me out a bit.
BTW: I am going to myrtle beach with lots of friends from school and friends I met on past trips in 2 weeks, and there will be a lot of lovely ladies, so hopefully that will distract me.
I transfered schools last year and the first day I was there I fell for the most beautiful girl, she was the girl everyone wanted but couldn't get. I always admired from a far hoping I could just talk to her. Not to sound concieted but I am very out going when it comes to girls and am consided attractive by most of the opposite sex, but she made me feel like a little awkward boy.
So as the year went by I made all my friends and I felt more comfortable with my surroundings and with talking to her. I got my chance in math when the seats were changed and she sat behind me. I'm guessing about January we started talking, just as friends. We would talk about everything and I always made her laugh. Things started to pick up in about April where I got her number and we continued to talk on the phone via txt messgages. I started to really feel more and more attracted to her as a person, we got along very well.
When I got my car she would always say she wanted to see it and for me take her for a drive or for me to teach her to drive stick (no pun intended
As the school year came to a close we started to talk on the phone more and hang out more. At this point I still felt I had no chance. My best friend, who works with her and is friends with her, one day mentioned that I should "tap that", I just said I didn't have a chance but he said I did and that "she was interested". I was estatic! The next few days I went out of my way to hang out with her and pick her up from work.
The plan was that we would go see a movie and I would ask her out there, but of course she got grounded
The next month was great we did everything together. We went to the beach, family functions (her family loved me and vis versa) went to movies, went out to eat and just enjoyed each others presense. I really felt I loved her. All of her friends loved me, they hated everyone that came near her, all of her friends were jealous of her because we were really great for each other and they wish wheir relationship was as good as ours. I really loved her for who she was, and she was gourgous. She went to california for a week and for me it was hell. We talked on the phone everynight and I missed her so much.
So here comes the bad part.
From the beggining she knew for a month and a half I was going away working in Atlanta. I asked her many times if she would wait for me and everytime she said ofcourse I promice. But the day before I left I got a txt messgae in the morning (I was supposed to meet her at a friends house for a pool party). It was a long message saying how much she really liked me and that she thinks w should break up at least until I got back. I was shocked and devastated and embarassed. I went to a place I always go to think and just sat there in my car smoking and wanting to cry (I never let my self cry) and listeng to music.
I txted her back saying that my heart was broken and that I don't regeret asking her out because I got to out with the girl of my dreams. She was very apoligetic and said she really did still like me and wanted us to still be friends. She later txted me and said that she though she was ready for a relationship but she wasnt yet. She had a bad relationship about a year and a half ago and stayed away from relationships and boys in general, thats why I was glad I got her friends approval and same with her family. She said I was the only one she ever thought of going out with but she just want ready.
She broke up with me about 3 weeks ago and the whole time I cant get her out of my head. I'm 900 miles from home and have noone to talk to. I have talked to my friends about it but 3/4 say I should just get over it and stop being a b****, I would always say yea your right eff her, but I never meant it. I am the kind of person who holds stuff in for the most part. I have dreams of her and I wake up feeling like crap. I really want to get over her and move on but its hard. We have talked since as friends, but my heart hurts everytime I do. About a week ago she txted me and we talked and I told her I still have feelings and I kind of let it all out. She was very good and said shed always be there of me. After I vented I felt a bit better. I am getting a but better but I still have a hole in my heart though. I still want to be friends with her becuase we were good friends and we talked about everyting but I'm scared if I continue talking to her I will never get over her.
Please, if anyone has any advise for me I'm all ears.
I ask you guys because I've been here for a while and I feel you guys can help me out a bit.
BTW: I am going to myrtle beach with lots of friends from school and friends I met on past trips in 2 weeks, and there will be a lot of lovely ladies, so hopefully that will distract me.