How to help out tire wear on racing soft ONLINE..

  • Thread starter Taz69
United States
Hey guys I have a question about tire wear online with racing softs.. I know that camber and toe can wear on the tires faster where I have a question is on the suspension side. Springs,dampeners and sway bar.. Can any of these 3 help reduce tire wear. Example Low springs low dampeners and low swaybars = More tire life.. Or stiffer springs stiffer dampeners and stiffer sway bars increase tire life.. Does any of these 3 things increase tire life and IS tire life affected by ride height.. Thanks for the replys..
Maybe a combination of very stiff bars, soft springs and dampers (+ride height not too low and set for a neutral behavior).

The tires shall never get red.

Btw, brake bias is very useful to equalize front and rear tire wear; LSD very good to equalize left and right tire wear on the driven axle.
Yea I have the lsd figured out my right and left wear the same on the rear.. Its just I wana know is there anything in the suspension you can do to increase tire life. I run a GT40 no stripe and at Grand Valley it will burn all the tires off in 3 laps. I have a RX8 that will make it 5 laps no problem. Both cars have real close springs dampeners and ride heigt but the GT40 at the same HP goes through tires front and rear.. Maybe every car burns through tires at a different rate and that could explain what im seeing. But I wana know what can you do to make the tires suspension wise last the longest..
using RS tires, I managed 3 full laps with a RUF RGT at 505pp online, 12 player race, on the Nordschleife, it was a gamble, but the third lap was cruising and early braking, with minimal G force turning. my rear tires were at 2% at the finish line. oversteered three times at the last corner. The car had almost no toe and no camber, and I always run dampers in 1-4 range. Usually 0/0 rideheight, or slightly raised rear-(if car oversteered initially). LSD IT was in high 30-40 range, no aids in driving. stock heavy weight. I prefer soft springs, I can't stand losing traction due to stiff springs.
Yea I have the lsd figured out my right and left wear the same on the rear.. Its just I wana know is there anything in the suspension you can do to increase tire life. I run a GT40 no stripe and at Grand Valley it will burn all the tires off in 3 laps. I have a RX8 that will make it 5 laps no problem. Both cars have real close springs dampeners and ride heigt but the GT40 at the same HP goes through tires front and rear.. Maybe every car burns through tires at a different rate and that could explain what im seeing. But I wana know what can you do to make the tires suspension wise last the longest..

Try the following build. It was built for a very specific competition so might not suit your purposes, however, it is an awesome build. Even if it doesn't entirely suit online racing, it's so smooth on RH tyres that I'm sure you'll get more than 3 laps at GV...

Sorry im just trying to figure out how to extend racing soft tires to a 5 lap race. I know downforce increases tire life. I know the lighter the car the more tire life. But for a regular car on race soft is there anything suspension wise you can do or not. If you CANT increase tire life with suspension someone just say so lol.. In real life softer springs less body role equals longer tire life is the game the same way. Can you squeeze 2 laps out of springs dampeners and sway bars ??
Sorry im just trying to figure out how to extend racing soft tires to a 5 lap race. I know downforce increases tire life. I know the lighter the car the more tire life. But for a regular car on race soft is there anything suspension wise you can do or not. If you CANT increase tire life with suspension someone just say so lol.. In real life softer springs less body role equals longer tire life is the game the same way. Can you squeeze 2 laps out of springs dampeners and sway bars ??
2 laps? That would mean a 67% improvement! Nah, I don't think this is possible. You could drive slower, of course......

Like I said, stiff bars, rest soft.
Why don't you count toe and camber to suspension tuning? It's a part of it.
They are the most important values regarding tire life.

You usually want as less toe as possible, just so that it doesn't dramatically hurt car's performance. Or maybe you want to regulate front to rear wear with it? Possible!

Camber not too high, but also not at 0. Usually between 0.5 and 2.0, sometimes up to 3.0 though. Front camber is normally much higher, with exceptions, of course.
I took camber and toe out of equation cause I was running 0.00 toe front and rear. And 2.0 camber in the front and 1.5 in the rear. Much less hard to drive so I cant back off of these settings so its up to the other side of the suspension to make up the diference :) Im thinking each car is just going to have there own rate at which they chew up tires.. IF so some cars will be good with tire wear on where others will be good in rooms with it off..
as far as springs, damper, and sway bars go; if you are getting good drip from these settings then you are getting good tire wear. Zero toe is ideal for tire wear but camber is tricky; like springs and dampers good grip and good tire wear go hand and hand, but too much or too little camber is bad (same side affects). Easy solution try my calculator and see if it helps; hard solution learn the calculations yourself or spend lost of time testing camber .1 at a time.
Soften the brakes, adjust balance to ensure even or slightly higher front tire wear, brake earlier, easy steering inputs, listen for tire squeal, the less the better. Take 2-4 seconds per lap off your best. That's your best bet to make the tires last. The only way tuning comes into play in making RS tires last these days is ensuring the car handling is neutral so that tire wear is fairly even front/back.
^What he said, I believe in making the car turn well so you don't scrub the tires (tires turning red). I haven't seen big differences in tire wear that is related to springs and roll bar settings aside from those that make the car work as it should. If your car understeers or you drive it too hard in to corners you will wear the fronts pretty bad. If you spin the tires and slide the car excessively you will wear the rears excessively. Also with the DS3 controllers, it is very easy to dial in too much steering input also wearing the front tires more than they should otherwise.
Racing softs have ridiculous tyre wear values - 3 laps of Grand Valley full and no RS tyres left isn't a surprise.

I know guys who will ave no Medium tyres left after 4-5 laps, so only 3 with softs isn't a big deal.

Polyphony have just "overdone" it with their tyre wear, the softs wear out crazy fast, if you car isn't dialled in and you're driving aggressively and / or making mistakes, then mediums won't last much longer than softs on tracks like that (3+ miles long) either.

Detune your car (suspension and brakes), don't make any mistakes and don't drive aggressively then I've seen people get more laps out of their tyres, but their laps times drop also.

So much so, they might aswell have chosed he next compound down and got the same result - it's crazy.

Another Polypohny :dunce: moment.

At the moment, I'd wait and see what is appening with this online "bug" re laptime. We race the same cars every week, same tracks, race regualtions etc etc

People have experienced difference in tyre wear that can't be explained.

We've been racing these cars every week since LAST February (530pp road cars - sports tyres), we know roughly what car does what lap on what track and how the tyres last - there's been some very strange things happening in the past few weeks that haven't happened in the 10 months prior to the "laptime bug" appearing.

The advice in the posts above is all good and should help - but remember there is currently something amiss with online racing and until it's fixed, then always remember this MAY have something to do with why some of the above hasn't had an affect, or if you're seeing inconsistent results..

Either way, best of luck 👍