How to hook up PS2 to PC?

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Bram Turismo

Go Flying Lizards!
I've searched for "pc screen" which did not answered my question and I've got no idsea where to post this either, so:

How do you hook up the PS2 to a PC screen? Is this also possible on a laptop?

I'm asking this because my TV broke down so I'm quite owned now...

Thanks in advance and sorry if this has been covered before.
You need a VGA box.

Search Google or some other search engine for "VGA Box", you can probably find one for around $60 or lower.
Is it one of those boxes which kind of converts the input or something?

My dad might have those around...
a vga box converts the signal to VGA, but that won't be of any use on a laptop i fear.

i use a tv-card to hook my ps2 up to my pc. there are PCI and USB solutions on the market. such a card also allows you to run the PS2 and the computer simultaneously, while a VGA box is plugged to the screen directly and i'm not sure whether you can switch so easily between the two signals.

if you want to get a tv-card, i strongly suggest to get one that works with Dscaler, which is a brilliant freeware app to display the TV/ps2 signal with. picture quality is much better with dscaler compared to the software that usually comes with tv-cards themselves.
Well, I've got a new TV screen, fixed actually, but thanks anyway. This info will be helpfull in the future 👍

Thread is ready to be locked I think, no more things to discuss :)
So is there any newer/better/cheaper/different way to acheive this?

Nope... The best (/ only usable) solution is still a TV Card w. either Composite or SVHS input (depending on what cabling you have handy) - It'll also provide you a way of proofing any ridiculous claims you may make - eg. in the wrs. :-)

PS2 output -> VGA boxes are usually ****e - I've tried a couple, and none compares in quality with a decent (probably even cheap) TV card....
How much would a TV card run me?

google x2vga. Its a little box that connects component cables to the computer screen anolog input....I have it and it goes up to 1080p on my monitor...around 80 bucks w/ shipping....less hassle then a tv card...that might not work.

In fact it has become my ps3 say what you will about quality....If it's good enough for my ps3...well that should say it all
The best way of hooking a PC and console up to one TV is just get a new LCD monitor/TV. They are wide-screen, generally inexpensive and will do a wonderful job - no fiddling required.

Here is one example that does it all, all in the same unit. This one is not inexpensive, but you will have to find one that works in Georgia, anyway.


Great tech info everyone... Sadly, this is the wrong forum.
Wrong Forum -> Question -> Answered -> Thread Closed. :D

For future refference, I believe the FAQs in the GT4 forum or the Computers Forum would send a member in the right direction (when searching for the answer to questions about PS2 and PC issues).
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