I have been "held" or placed in a holding cell while they figured out what to do with me ....Once when they used a helicopter to stop me ..I was going 140 mph on the GS parkway...

they confiscated my car and gave me a hard time with my DL ..in NJ....
And when a guy broke a pool stick over my head..I sorta beat him into hamburger...so the cops arrested me and took that buttwipe to the ER...with no charges...none for me either ...but they held onto me for 4 hours while my head was leaking blood ...scalp wounds suck..they bleed forever..
Hmm I can think of quite a few more " visits" to the local police...
For those that live in NJ ....laugh this one off.....I was stopped by a local yocal .... the moron must have been maall security...I was driving my work truck and he said my tag was obscured...( it had a little dirt on it..I was working in a field

)....so the butt head ..all tthe time keeping me at gun point....whilke I was laughing at him..." demands " to see whats in my truck...I laughed harder ...I told him to find some cause..probible or other...he just turneed beet red...I think I confused him ..and he told me to sit down on the ground ...I laughed REALLY hard ands told him to stop acting like barney fife...and put his gun away before he hurts himself..I called 9/11 and told the dispatcher that a fake cop had me kidnapped and wass threatening me with a gun...he slapped the phone out of my hands and told me again to sit down..I did while laughing histerically now...the phone was picking up this luntic telling me all the nasty things he was going to do to me..plant **** in my truck...shoot me for attempting to escape...etc...I could help but torture the dumb ass more....he was obliviouse to being recorded by 911.....so he opens my back door to my truck ...I made sure the " world" knew it was without my permission...and he was nice enough to scream back at me he didnr NEED my permission...
He finds a .22 stinger... a hollow point...he says "I got you now boy your going to jail"....about this time two State Troopers come rolling up ...they flank this Moron one puts a shot gun tto his head the other takes his side arm from him and they cuff him and throw him on the ground...I stopped laughing...for a bit...guess I need air..
About a minute later the morons boss and the rest of the township police show up... I started really laughing my ass off now.....they want their guy back ( I have no idea why ) the troopers are telling them to **&^ off .
Some calls are made ..I try to walk over to pick up my phone...I get smacked by another moron and told not to move...all recorded on 911...
At this point I stop laughing and start getting pissed ...I pick up my phone and tell the 911 operater I am being assaulted and that the state troopers are outnumbered....one of the troopers starts laughing his ass off...he realises the fiasco was live....

The town morons dont know wheather to crap or go blind... I think in between laughing at them and counting off all the things I was going to own of theirs and the towns and asking them what McDonalds they may be able to work at when I get done with them..they decide I should be "arrested ".........

Soooooooo away I go with the town police chief...he all the way back begging me to be reasonable...and that if I am ...nothing has to happen to ME ....
I made a ton of cash from the settlement of the lawsuit...I coud have gotten more but it would have really hurt the township...I did manage to get the origional officer charged with assault...it somehow got thrown out by a local judge...

I think he works for dairy queen...
I dont drive too much through NJ if I can help it .
I worked at a jail for two 12 hour shifts and quit..its that bad in there. And the pay was awsome....
I was going to go back and correct all my errors in typing with my one finger..but this is more important...
I have worked with law enforcement......You should show RESPECT ..or at least be as reasonable as possible at all times..but you do have rights and they can me mentioned politely. You do not want a minor misunderstandinf to escalate..
I could have followed my own advice and just drove away maybe with a ticket and a good laugh at the towny moron .
I had worked a very hard long day in the sun and I HATE when someone points a loaded gun at me . My instinct is to shoot them .....or to remove the threat by whatever means at hand .And there are just some people that logic and reason just cant penatrate..but no more excuses...I could have just went along with the clown ...got a ticket for whatever...and then dealt with it . I myself could never ..or would never want to be a patrol officer or a highway cop...its got to be one of the most dangerouse things a person can do and boring at the same time .
But even the biggest asshole can be dealt with ..if you can somehow restrain yourself from joining the asshole club yourself and just go with the flow .