How to NOT Get Arrested

Strangely, I've never watched that vid, and yet I've never been in jail either.

Doing things that aren't illegal will keep you out of jail too.
Trust me. It'll keep you out of jail. Wish I had known this when I was 17.
Strangely, I've never watched that vid, and yet I've never been in jail either.
I have to agree with daan on this one...I've been pulled over once, and the cop did not arrest me. He had better things to do that morning than to dig through an 18 year-old's Mazda Protege. Had he decided to violate my rights and search the car, he might have found a spare tire and an emergency kit :scared: I really dodged a bullet on that one...
That's basic crap everybody knows. Cops wont hastle you if you don't act like a jerk. Just keep your mouth shut, and don't let them walk all over you.
I hate the phrase, "protect yourself from the law."

You should say, "protect yourself from violating the law."

The law is merely a system of organized justice. You don't protect yourself from the just.
I hate the phrase, "protect yourself from the law."

You should say, "protect yourself from violating the law."

The law is merely a system of organized justice. You don't protect yourself from the just.
+ rep for that.

I've been stopped numerous times, from age 16 through 40, even when I've had 'stuff' in the car, and I've never been treated anything but respectfully by the cops, and I've never been shaken down.

Don't act like a jerk and you won't get treated like one. And don't break the law if you can't deal with the consequences.
Yeah, last time I got pulled over I just remained polite and respectful, pointed out that I needed to undo my seatbelt to get to my wallet, and showed I had my car organized by having my registration and proof of insurance in a neat holder, I got from my county clerk, tucked into a pocket on my visor.

After he called my information in he came back, asked me to slow down, and explained that it was be nice to the neighbors night. :D

Really if you need a video to show you how to prevent a cop from giving you a hard time then you don't have proper respect for law enforcement.

Only once have I been hassled by a cop and that was because he smelled alcohol. Once he realized that the smell was coming from my firend, whom I explained I had picked up and was driving home, he just gave me my ticket and let me go. He didn't even ask me for a breathalizer.

You will be amazed how far an ounce of respect can go. Of course, obeying the law helps too.
Is it a video about the english language? Does it explain that "irregardless" is not a word?

I think he's thinking of irrespective. Regardless is the correct word, though.
I've never been pulled over before, but I know to treat the police with respect. Trying to be smart with them won't get you anywhere and at the end of the day if you've got illegal drugs in your car and you're driving stoned you can't argue with being arrested.
I think he's thinking of irrespective. Regardless is the correct word, though.

The valedictorian of my high school class actually said "irregardless" in her graduation speech - I couldn't believe it.
I think a better title would've been "How Not to be a Dumbass"

It'a all common sense and the "golden rule". Treat the cops with respect, they will treat you likewise. How simple is that?
when I used to be little I had loads of fun with coppers around my neighborhood as my area is kinda estatey in places, so you could run to places where the police cnat drive theyre cars. Needless to say those fat pigs cant run very fast :lol:
when I used to be little I had loads of fun with coppers around my neighborhood as my area is kinda estatey in places, so you could run to places where the police cnat drive theyre cars. Needless to say those fat pigs cant run very fast :lol:

OK, the part about treating them respectfully????

Most of the cops in my area are actually quite fit, and I wouldn't take them on. There are a couple of older guys around, but they don't patrol, they work the scanner at the courthouse, stuff like that.

haven't bothered with the video, but the descriptions earlier in the thread satisfy me as to its usefulness, or lack of same.

My advice for not being arrested is to not get stopped by a Georgia cop of any kind. Apparently the law is different there. It's the only place I've been hassled rather than treated courteously and politely. I was driving from Tallahassee to Atlanta for a class for work. In Albany, I was impatient in traffic and got pulled over. (The car in front of me was in the left lane at 15 under the limit and only half a car length in front of the car in the adjacent lane, nobody in front of them, and I flashed my lights repeatedly.) The cops (plural!!! 3 cars!!!!) had me get out of the car, which I'd never heard of for a traffic stop. They asked if they could search the car, and I asked why. They said I fit a profile, and could submit to the search or be arrested!!!! I asked what profile, and why was I stopped, anyway? That's supposed to be the first thing they tell you. By law. I stood up for what I believed, and said no search, and that I believed I couldn't be arrested, either, as no violation had yet been stated. Could I speak to someone in charge. They actually called a sergeant out, and he repeated that I could submit to a search or be arrested, still no violation given except I was seen weaving through traffic and threatening other cars. I made normal safe passes, never speeding, never even reached the limit, actually. The only 'threat' was the move-over-please flash. Since they had called a sergeant, and he said the same thing, I let them search the car. They opened suitcases, the laptop, scratched the hell out of the roof and hood of my car by setting stuff up there. I pointed that out, and they told me to back away, stand by their car, and denied that the paint damage was theirs! Satisfied and apparently disappointed that I was no danger to the general population after all, they let me pack the car up and leave, after writing me up for Reckless Driving. When I asked what the fine was and how to pay, they said I'd be notified in the mail. The FIRST notification I got was that I'd missed the deadline, and there was now a 25-dollar penalty on top of the 70-dollar fine! When I called the office and stated that no notification had been given until the late notice, they told me it's my responsibility to get the information. I told them that I'd been told that it would be automatic. They were not sympathetic. I mailed the 95 bucks, then found out from my insurance company what Reckless Driving means to them. Of course with 20/20 hindsight, I really wish I could have fought this in the legal system. It was obviously one of those "he's from out of town and will pay it just to avoid the hassle" kind of deals.

I've been stopped "a few" other times, and have ALWAYS been treated fairly and politely by the officer, and been given clear information for the purpose of the stop and what I could do about the ticket, and who to contact with my decisions, be that in Florida, New mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Alabama, and state, city or county officers. Or, I wasn't given a ticket at all, not even a written warning. In all honesty, I'm about half-and-half actually getting a ticket vs a warning in a stop.
Just don't be an ass.

If you deserve not to be arrested, you probably already have the common sense to know how to not get arrested. It's really not that hard to figure out how not to get arrested. Be polite, respectful, pay your fines, fin.
Don't do anything stupid an you will be fine, thats what they teach you in Michigan. In most cases, they tell you to stop your car as soon as possible (preferably in a safe location) and then wait for Police instruction before doing anything. Of course, turing off the car is a smart thing to do before anything, but wait for him/her to ask for "Licence and Registration" before digging around in your car. Then answer questions nicely, and to the best of your ability.

...The one time I was pulled over, I was on my way to work on a Sunday morning about noon-ish. I was litterally about to turn into the parking lot of my job when he turned his lights on, so I stopped and waited. Turned out, he pulled me over because I had a cracked tail-light and he thought I had been in an accident that went without being reported.

...I did as my driving instructors had tought me all those years ago, and we were fine. I explained to him that when I bought the car, the light was allready cracked, and neither my father nor I thought that it would have been a problem given how much had broken off (maybe a square inch of the Fox's light). He let me off with a warning, pretty much telling me to buy some red electical tape to patch it up.

...I didn't, and seven months later the car was totaled by some stupid girl at a yellow light on my way to school. But even then, when I talked with the officer about the accident, I kept my cool, explained the situation to the best of my ability, and I came out without a ticket.

I find that it helps to obey the law, and that way you don't get in trouble.
OK, the part about treating them respectfully????

Most of the cops in my area are actually quite fit, and I wouldn't take them on. There are a couple of older guys around, but they don't patrol, they work the scanner at the courthouse, stuff like that.

haven't bothered with the video, but the descriptions earlier in the thread satisfy me as to its usefulness, or lack of same.

wow that is long.....

You NEED to watch the video.

Don't listen to the tards that posted above you. The video has NOTHING TO DO WITH RESPECTFULNESS!!!

I'll tell you what the video is about. It's about people like you who wave there rights w/o even knowing it. It explains how the comandments are there to protect your rights as a civilian and how to use them properly. VERY USEFUL INFORMATION!! It basically shows you how to deal with police like the ones in Georgia.........

Trust me, I live in Chattanooga on the TN/GA boarder.....I know about the GA police BS that they pull way too well. And it's the same in here in Chatt town too......if not worse. I've been pulled over for doing 30 in a 40 and given a ticket for doing 60......mind you the area he radar'd me was a hairpin turn and if my car could go 40 in that turn I'd be very surprised. And I tried to fight it but this is doesn't matter how retarded the offense is or how little sense any of it makes......the law wins. This town is made of red tape and bull shiit. And the reason I say I wish I'd known this when I was 17 is because I was a passenger in my friends car when he got pulled for speeding and the cop MADE him confess to street racing.......we weren't. and our stuff got searched w/o consent and because my friend had a quarter of pot on him, we both went to jail. Had he and I known what this video teaches.......that wouldn't have happened.........and YES WE WERE EXTREMELY POLITE TO THE OFFICER AND DID EVERYTHING HE SAID!!!!!!!! And so did the kids in this video that got wrongfully jailed........THE VIDEO HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BEING POLITE OR NOT TO THE COPS AND HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH PROTECTING YOURSELF FROM BAD COPS WHO WILL DO EVERYTHING IN THERE POWER TO **** YOU UP!!!!!! YOU DUMB ASSES!!!!! I don't know how that discussion even got started. You are just plain retarded if you think that has anything to do with anything. Had you watched the video you would see that the done wrong participants were completely kind and courteous to the dumb **** ass hole pig bitches.

Being polite can never hurt and being a jerk will only make things worse, but honestly if you think that being polite and kind will keep you from getting arrested then there is something seriously wrong with you and you clearly haven't met ANY of the cops I have. And NO it doesn't matter how kind you are if a cop violates your rights and you let him!!!

I can summarize this "groundbreaking" video in two steps:

1)If the officer gives you a speeding ticket, he MUST show you the radar gun. If he doesn't, take it to court.
2)An officer is not allowed to search your stuff without a warrant UNLESS he/she has probable cause. ACTING LIKE AN IDIOT/STONER/DRUNK GIVES THEM PROBABLE CAUSE.

Boom. Done.

Oh, wait:
Don't listen to the tards that posted above you.
You are just plain retarded if you think that has anything to do with anything.
if you think that being polite and kind will keep you from getting arrested then there is something seriously wrong with you
So let's see, out of all of us, you're the only one who has been arrested. I see no correlation between that and your short-fuse attitude...
You NEED to watch the video.

Don't listen to the tards that posted above you. The video has NOTHING TO DO WITH RESPECTFULNESS!!!

I'll tell you what the video is about. It's about people like you who wave there rights w/o even knowing it. It explains how the comandments are there to protect your rights as a civilian and how to use them properly. VERY USEFUL INFORMATION!! It basically shows you how to deal with police like the ones in Georgia.........

Trust me, I live in Chattanooga on the TN/GA boarder.....I know about the GA police BS that they pull way too well. And it's the same in here in Chatt town too......if not worse. I've been pulled over for doing 30 in a 40 and given a ticket for doing 60......mind you the area he radar'd me was a hairpin turn and if my car could go 40 in that turn I'd be very surprised. And I tried to fight it but this is doesn't matter how retarded the offense is or how little sense any of it makes......the law wins. This town is made of red tape and bull shiit. And the reason I say I wish I'd known this when I was 17 is because I was a passenger in my friends car when he got pulled for speeding and the cop MADE him confess to street racing.......we weren't. and our stuff got searched w/o consent and because my friend had a quarter of pot on him, we both went to jail. Had he and I known what this video teaches.......that wouldn't have happened.........and YES WE WERE EXTREMELY POLITE TO THE OFFICER AND DID EVERYTHING HE SAID!!!!!!!! And so did the kids in this video that got wrongfully jailed........THE VIDEO HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BEING POLITE OR NOT TO THE COPS AND HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH PROTECTING YOURSELF FROM BAD COPS WHO WILL DO EVERYTHING IN THERE POWER TO **** YOU UP!!!!!! YOU DUMB ASSES!!!!! I don't know how that discussion even got started. You are just plain retarded if you think that has anything to do with anything. Had you watched the video you would see that the done wrong participants were completely kind and courteous to the dumb **** ass hole pig bitches.

Being polite can never hurt and being a jerk will only make things worse, but honestly if you think that being polite and kind will keep you from getting arrested then there is something seriously wrong with you and you clearly haven't met ANY of the cops I have. And NO it doesn't matter how kind you are if a cop violates your rights and you let him!!!

How old are you, 4?

That's a time out for you, mister.

Boom. Done.[/qote] doesn't. The video even says that.

Oh, wait:

So let's see, out of all of us, you're the only one who has been arrested. I see no correlation between that and your short-fuse attitude...

Actually I am extemely patient. I VERY rarely ever do that and only when it is deserved. I can count all the times I've gone off on someone on one hand.

I have never talked back to an officer and I got arrested because I was to afraid to tell him no because I thought he had infinite authority over me and if he wanted to search my car then I had no choice......I wish I had known the truth like I do now. That cop totally violated my rights and I let him and I payed the consequences for it. And BTW, you don't know that I'm the only one who's been to jail. And that was only overnight. Haggin at a party when some jack ass cops show up and somebody INVITES them in......jail time. Ridin with a friend who gets a speeding ticket and falls prey to the cops mind games and confesses to pot in the car......jail time. Yeah, all avoidable, all could happen to anyone.

And no this video is not ground breaking. But it is very important things to know.

Now mister I have an illitest attitude because I am a little know it all, not every body knows there rights and how to use them. And not every cop will treat you fairly...THIS IS LIFE....I find that alot of people on this forum especially, like youreself, are immature teens who know nothing about the material they are commenting on and act like they have years experience with it and know everything there is to know about it.......Yet their very words that they think are SOOO smart are the ones that prove that they infact have no real experience with it and are just talking out there asses. Not all are like this. In fact there is a group of people like Swift, Boundry Layer, Wolf2x7, Mr. Deep and some others that are quite the opposite. Kind, smart, respectable people who only speak when they have something they actually know something about the topic. yourself a favor and stop. Your just digging a hole for yourself.

If you can prove me wrong and prove that all cops are good and will treat you as you deserve to be all means, do so. But I already know that at least 75% of cops are crooked like the ones in this video and most people will fall prey to there mind games.

BTW, Love how you twisted my words around and only heard what you wanted too. Way to go. 👍

And another BTW, did you notice how I was polite enough to edit my OP exactly the way you guys wanted it yesterday?? I didn't even say a word. I wanted to see if that would calm y'all down some. Guess not. Still wanted to talk down to me for posting what I thought was helpfull information. Guess not. You guys know everything aparently, so there's no need for me to try and help you out huh?? No good deed goes unpunished.
You will not behave in an abusive and/or hateful manner, and will not harrass, threaten, nor attack anyone or any group. There will be no racially, sexually or physically abusive or inciteful language tolerated. Any abusive comments made by members will be removed by the Moderating staff and the user issued with a warning or banned, as deemed appropriate by the Moderating staff. No personal attacks on other members will be tolerated. If you question someone, it must be done in a reasonable and semi-friendly manner. Violating this rule will be grounds for suspension and/or permanent removal from the board.

You might want to calm down, rsmithdrift.
I have never talked back to an officer and I got arrested because I was to afraid to tell him no because I thought he had infinite authority over me and if he wanted to search my car then I had no choice
No. You got arrested because you were doing something illegal, or in possession of something illegal. That's your fault, not the justice system's.
And BTW, you don't know that I'm the only one who's been to jail.
In this thread, you are.
I find that alot of people on this forum especially, like youreself, are immature teens
I'm actually 22.
who know nothing about the material they are commenting on and act like they have years experience with it and know everything there is to know about it
We're merely commenting on our experiences and understanding of the law (which by the way, varies from state to state). No, we don't know everything about everything, and neither do you.
[some members are] kind, smart, respectable people who only speak when they have something they actually know something about the topic. yourself a favor and stop. Your just digging a hole for yourself.
...and this shovel isn't doing it fast enough. I need to rent a backhoe :rolleyes:
But I already know that at least 75% of cops are crooked like the ones in this video and most people will fall prey to there mind games.
You're guessing that number based on personal experience, not proven fact. In my experience, that number is 0%. Which of us is correct? Neither.
BTW, Love how you twisted my words around and only heard what you wanted too. Way to go. 👍
No, unfortunately I read the rest of it, too.
Don't listen to the tards that posted above you.
So, let me get this straight. Are you calling me a retard? I posted above, therefore I must be.


Boom. Done.

rsmithdrift doesn't. The video even says that.
Actually, yes it does. Why do you believe a video you found on the internet? Do you believe the video because it seems to support you? What if the video is wrong too?

And you do need to calm down. Calling people "tards" and "dumb asses" will not be tolerated here.
Strangely, I've never watched that vid, and yet I've never been in jail either.

Doing things that aren't illegal will keep you out of jail too.

I have been "held" or placed in a holding cell while they figured out what to do with me ....Once when they used a helicopter to stop me ..I was going 140 mph on the GS parkway...:) they confiscated my car and gave me a hard time with my DL NJ....

And when a guy broke a pool stick over my head..I sorta beat him into the cops arrested me and took that buttwipe to the ER...with no charges...none for me either ...but they held onto me for 4 hours while my head was leaking blood ...scalp wounds suck..they bleed forever..

Hmm I can think of quite a few more " visits" to the local police...

For those that live in NJ ....laugh this one off.....I was stopped by a local yocal .... the moron must have been maall security...I was driving my work truck and he said my tag was obscured...( it had a little dirt on it..I was working in a field :crazy: ) the butt head ..all tthe time keeping me at gun point....whilke I was laughing at him..." demands " to see whats in my truck...I laughed harder ...I told him to find some cause..probible or other...he just turneed beet red...I think I confused him ..and he told me to sit down on the ground ...I laughed REALLY hard ands told him to stop acting like barney fife...and put his gun away before he hurts himself..I called 9/11 and told the dispatcher that a fake cop had me kidnapped and wass threatening me with a gun...he slapped the phone out of my hands and told me again to sit down..I did while laughing histerically now...the phone was picking up this luntic telling me all the nasty things he was going to do to me..plant **** in my truck...shoot me for attempting to escape...etc...I could help but torture the dumb ass more....he was obliviouse to being recorded by he opens my back door to my truck ...I made sure the " world" knew it was without my permission...and he was nice enough to scream back at me he didnr NEED my permission...:) :)

He finds a .22 stinger... a hollow point...he says "I got you now boy your going to jail"....about this time two State Troopers come rolling up ...they flank this Moron one puts a shot gun tto his head the other takes his side arm from him and they cuff him and throw him on the ground...I stopped laughing...for a bit...guess I need air..:)

About a minute later the morons boss and the rest of the township police show up... I started really laughing my ass off now.....they want their guy back ( I have no idea why ) the troopers are telling them to **&^ off .
Some calls are made ..I try to walk over to pick up my phone...I get smacked by another moron and told not to move...all recorded on 911...:)

At this point I stop laughing and start getting pissed ...I pick up my phone and tell the 911 operater I am being assaulted and that the state troopers are of the troopers starts laughing his ass off...he realises the fiasco was live....:) The town morons dont know wheather to crap or go blind... I think in between laughing at them and counting off all the things I was going to own of theirs and the towns and asking them what McDonalds they may be able to work at when I get done with them..they decide I should be "arrested ".........:) Soooooooo away I go with the town police chief...he all the way back begging me to be reasonable...and that if I am ...nothing has to happen to ME ....:)

I made a ton of cash from the settlement of the lawsuit...I coud have gotten more but it would have really hurt the township...I did manage to get the origional officer charged with somehow got thrown out by a local judge...:) :) I think he works for dairy queen...

I dont drive too much through NJ if I can help it .:)

I worked at a jail for two 12 hour shifts and quit..its that bad in there. And the pay was awsome....

I was going to go back and correct all my errors in typing with my one finger..but this is more important...

I have worked with law enforcement......You should show RESPECT ..or at least be as reasonable as possible at all times..but you do have rights and they can me mentioned politely. You do not want a minor misunderstandinf to escalate..
I could have followed my own advice and just drove away maybe with a ticket and a good laugh at the towny moron .

I had worked a very hard long day in the sun and I HATE when someone points a loaded gun at me . My instinct is to shoot them .....or to remove the threat by whatever means at hand .And there are just some people that logic and reason just cant penatrate..but no more excuses...I could have just went along with the clown a ticket for whatever...and then dealt with it . I myself could never ..or would never want to be a patrol officer or a highway cop...its got to be one of the most dangerouse things a person can do and boring at the same time .

But even the biggest asshole can be dealt with ..if you can somehow restrain yourself from joining the asshole club yourself and just go with the flow .
With respect to that video, yeah, right. Second time around, the driver's attitude would earn him a very close vehicle roadworthiness inspection.

It's also impossible to be arrested for carrying drugs if you don't break the law and carry drugs.

You NEED to watch the video.

Don't listen to the tards that posted above you. The video has NOTHING TO DO WITH RESPECTFULNESS!!!

I'll tell you what the video is about. It's about people like you who wave there rights w/o even knowing it. It explains how the comandments are there to protect your rights as a civilian and how to use them properly. VERY USEFUL INFORMATION!! It basically shows you how to deal with police like the ones in Georgia.........

Trust me, I live in Chattanooga on the TN/GA boarder.....I know about the GA police BS that they pull way too well. And it's the same in here in Chatt town too......if not worse. I've been pulled over for doing 30 in a 40 and given a ticket for doing 60......mind you the area he radar'd me was a hairpin turn and if my car could go 40 in that turn I'd be very surprised. And I tried to fight it but this is doesn't matter how retarded the offense is or how little sense any of it makes......the law wins. This town is made of red tape and bull shiit. And the reason I say I wish I'd known this when I was 17 is because I was a passenger in my friends car when he got pulled for speeding and the cop MADE him confess to street racing.......we weren't. and our stuff got searched w/o consent and because my friend had a quarter of pot on him, we both went to jail. Had he and I known what this video teaches.......that wouldn't have happened.........and YES WE WERE EXTREMELY POLITE TO THE OFFICER AND DID EVERYTHING HE SAID!!!!!!!! And so did the kids in this video that got wrongfully jailed........THE VIDEO HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BEING POLITE OR NOT TO THE COPS AND HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH PROTECTING YOURSELF FROM BAD COPS WHO WILL DO EVERYTHING IN THERE POWER TO **** YOU UP!!!!!! YOU DUMB ASSES!!!!! I don't know how that discussion even got started. You are just plain retarded if you think that has anything to do with anything. Had you watched the video you would see that the done wrong participants were completely kind and courteous to the dumb **** ass hole pig bitches.

Being polite can never hurt and being a jerk will only make things worse, but honestly if you think that being polite and kind will keep you from getting arrested then there is something seriously wrong with you and you clearly haven't met ANY of the cops I have. And NO it doesn't matter how kind you are if a cop violates your rights and you let him!!!


This post earns you your first warning.

You could do well to listen to the part where people were telling you to treat police with respect and apply it to everyone.

As Ira Glasser says in your video "you are generally better off respectfully asserting your rights". Note the key word in that sentence. Your above post is not respectful in any way - we expect not to see a repeat performance.
I have been "held" or placed in a holding cell while they figured out what to do with me ....Once when they used a helicopter to stop me ..I was going 140 mph on the GS parkway...:) they confiscated my car and gave me a hard time with my DL NJ....

And when a guy broke a pool stick over my head..I sorta beat him into the cops arrested me and took that buttwipe to the ER...with no charges...none for me either ...but they held onto me for 4 hours while my head was leaking blood ...scalp wounds suck..they bleed forever..

Hmm I can think of quite a few more " visits" to the local police...

For those that live in NJ ....laugh this one off.....I was stopped by a local yocal .... the moron must have been maall security...I was driving my work truck and he said my tag was obscured...( it had a little dirt on it..I was working in a field :crazy: ) the butt head ..all tthe time keeping me at gun point....whilke I was laughing at him..." demands " to see whats in my truck...I laughed harder ...I told him to find some cause..probible or other...he just turneed beet red...I think I confused him ..and he told me to sit down on the ground ...I laughed REALLY hard ands told him to stop acting like barney fife...and put his gun away before he hurts himself..I called 9/11 and told the dispatcher that a fake cop had me kidnapped and wass threatening me with a gun...he slapped the phone out of my hands and told me again to sit down..I did while laughing histerically now...the phone was picking up this luntic telling me all the nasty things he was going to do to me..plant **** in my truck...shoot me for attempting to escape...etc...I could help but torture the dumb ass more....he was obliviouse to being recorded by he opens my back door to my truck ...I made sure the " world" knew it was without my permission...and he was nice enough to scream back at me he didnr NEED my permission...:) :)

He finds a .22 stinger... a hollow point...he says "I got you now boy your going to jail"....about this time two State Troopers come rolling up ...they flank this Moron one puts a shot gun tto his head the other takes his side arm from him and they cuff him and throw him on the ground...I stopped laughing...for a bit...guess I need air..:)

About a minute later the morons boss and the rest of the township police show up... I started really laughing my ass off now.....they want their guy back ( I have no idea why ) the troopers are telling them to **&^ off .
Some calls are made ..I try to walk over to pick up my phone...I get smacked by another moron and told not to move...all recorded on 911...:)

At this point I stop laughing and start getting pissed ...I pick up my phone and tell the 911 operater I am being assaulted and that the state troopers are of the troopers starts laughing his ass off...he realises the fiasco was live....:) The town morons dont know wheather to crap or go blind... I think in between laughing at them and counting off all the things I was going to own of theirs and the towns and asking them what McDonalds they may be able to work at when I get done with them..they decide I should be "arrested ".........:) Soooooooo away I go with the town police chief...he all the way back begging me to be reasonable...and that if I am ...nothing has to happen to ME ....:)

I made a ton of cash from the settlement of the lawsuit...I coud have gotten more but it would have really hurt the township...I did manage to get the origional officer charged with somehow got thrown out by a local judge...:) :) I think he works for dairy queen...

I dont drive too much through NJ if I can help it .:)

I worked at a jail for two 12 hour shifts and quit..its that bad in there. And the pay was awsome....

I was going to go back and correct all my errors in typing with my one finger..but this is more important...

I have worked with law enforcement......You should show RESPECT ..or at least be as reasonable as possible at all times..but you do have rights and they can me mentioned politely. You do not want a minor misunderstandinf to escalate..
I could have followed my own advice and just drove away maybe with a ticket and a good laugh at the towny moron .

I had worked a very hard long day in the sun and I HATE when someone points a loaded gun at me . My instinct is to shoot them .....or to remove the threat by whatever means at hand .And there are just some people that logic and reason just cant penatrate..but no more excuses...I could have just went along with the clown a ticket for whatever...and then dealt with it . I myself could never ..or would never want to be a patrol officer or a highway cop...its got to be one of the most dangerouse things a person can do and boring at the same time .

But even the biggest asshole can be dealt with ..if you can somehow restrain yourself from joining the asshole club yourself and just go with the flow .

that had me laughing but i know that cops are like us ... and can be assholes and/or have a bad day and pick on someone for small things and try to get away with stuff... they are human which means there not perfect
Yep which means they'll respond to respect like a normal person will.
ledhed, your police stories are awesome! 👍

I was once stopped by a helicopter, too. I was hunting in a "no shooting zone" but it was a legal hunting zone, so I continued. He was pissed. He left and several cops in cars showed up. We talked a bit, and they left. I continued my hunt.

I used to smoke cigars in my old Pickup, and at drunk driver/insurance stops, they thought I was smoking pot. I laughed my ass off, which didn't help me any, as you can well imagine. They'd pat me down, and checked out my cigar story. They then often let me go.

When I got pulled over when I had my CCW, the cops sometimes asked, "Do you have any weapons in the car?" I would always answer, "Weapons are items used by criminals to commit crimes with. No, I don't have any weapons, but I do have a concealed firearm which I have this permit for..." I'd then pull the permit from around my neck and showed it to them. Very few would point a gun at me and which time I stated it was not necessary for them to do that since I'm not committing a crime or a danger to them. Most said, "OK, thank you for telling me, and keep your hands on the wheel." which is where they always were. Some got pissy. Especially the guy who called for backup and had nine cops all point their guns at me. I then got mad at him and said, "There no reason to act like a chicken-****. I showed you my CCW, asshole!" To which one officer asked him if I showed my permit. He lied and said, "I don't know what he's talking about." To which I replied, "That's 100% bull****! I was polite, upfront and safe about telling you about my concealed firearm and my permit which I handed you, which is still in your pocket." He tried to deny it, when I told the other cop my permit was in his front pocket. Sure enough, it was there, I got it back, took back my gun, and asked if I was free to go. The other cop said yes, and I left while the CS cop stated yelling, "Hey! Hey! I didn't say you could leave!" which I just ignored.