How to obtain your GT6 Academy Rewards?

Well I have got my Anniversary Edition and Precision Pack bonus for pre-ordering, but since I cannot use my game until Christmas (Thanks Dad :(...) I was wondering if we can paint the Anniversary Cars, and if we can paint them does it cover up the livery? Some pics of the standard blue and with a different paint would be great thanks :)

Thanks guys, now I am just curious about this.

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No you can't paint the Anniversary cars. I went to the paint shop and see. Didn't get the option to paint over it (same with wheels)
Kay that's a bummer - thanks guys. One other question I participated in the GT6 Demo/ GT6 Academy, and completed it fully. How do I obtain my rewards for this?
You can't even mod them aesthetically. I tried with my Focus ST, no avail.

But, I would assume you can mod them internally.