How to take it to the next level in GT7?

On Dec 31st I started a thread as I was seeking for help on how to properly start GT7. I got a lot of help and found this community very mature and helpful. Since that time I dod progress a bit:
  1. Have 51 Menu Books done
  2. Achieved Collector Level 50
  3. Have a couple of care from the invites (Aston, Ferrari, Pagani, Porsche and Lambo)
  4. Took part in 3 online events and was 3 times on podium
  5. Earned 70M mostly driving around Le Mans on a McLaren 750
  6. Did get Gold in Monza Circuit Experience

Overall, I am glad this game exists! I see that it is helping me to sharpen my reflexes, deepens my passions for cars and also helps to understand how cars behave on a trace track. Also, you have this thrill of competing.

Now I want to take it to the next level and have some more questions that I have listed down. Thanks for all the help so far!

  1. Why under the blue flags AI would not move aside and would rather battle for position?
  2. Is there a reason to play the game on a higher level of difficulty? Tye reward system is not impacted by it.
  3. Is there a wat to know somehow among the people competing who is using a steering wheel and who is on a controller?
  4. Anything you have seen as a good guide, material as a reference point to set up a controller to be faster?
  5. Can you be as fast on a controller as you are with the wheel?
  6. What was your personal approach to learn the CE and get a Gold? What was your path and what helped you the most?
  7. Is there any point to keep the line and breaking area assists or you are faster without?
  8. I want to find a way to learn the breaking point and acceleration point and need some reference. When Inset a ghost, I really cannot see the breaking point. ny good way to learn it? I have a feeling that this will make me much faster…knowing where to break and how to accelerate off the corner
  9. Is it possible to get a super license on controller and get MP4/4 for free?
  10. I have so far participated in 2-3 online events and see that I have E and B in my profile. What should it be as a good level?
Re the ghosts set them further ahead so you can see where the are braking .3/4 is good and I don't reset sector position but I'd recommend it for you.
Why under the blue flags AI would not move aside and would rather battle for position?
They will move or give you space if you are patient. They are also allowed to unlap themselves but never try. This also relates to your next question about AI difficulty.
Is there a reason to play the game on a higher level of difficulty? Tye reward system is not impacted by it.
For the challenge, there will come a time after enough practice and improvement that the Easy AI is just not even close to competitive with you. Even Sophy isn't as solid as it was in the Beta.
Can you be as fast on a controller as you are with the wheel?
Yes. Just lots of practice with either and you can hit your natural ceiling regardless of controller type.

For me I'm faster 'now' with a wheel and just prefer the immersion as much as the pace.
What was your personal approach to learn the CE and get a Gold? What was your path and what helped you the most?
Practice, practice practice. Also stepping away to refocus. Also I used to watch the demos a lot. But the main thing is to not try hard on the first few attempts. Work up to it, I typically do a few sighting runs with the ghost to get familiar with the exercise.

Again off set the ghost so it's further in front.
Is there any point to keep the line and breaking area assists or you are faster without?
I'm faster without them on as I find the visual clutter distracting and breaks the immersion.

But they are personal preference so run what you feel comfortable with.

Note that the braking zone markers are very generous and as you up your pace you find yourself braking way deeper in to them or sometimes a little earlier for a different line or coasting instead of stop go approach. Bear in mind that when online they can be really distracting and you'll possibly be braking where people not using aren't and this can lead to small shunts (or larger ones!)

Even if you keep the markers on I would very much recommend that you learn some trackside markers as well. Again online with lots of cars close together seeing the braking markers can be hard to see in time.
I want to find a way to learn the breaking point and acceleration point and need some reference. When Inset a ghost, I really cannot see the breaking point. ny good way to learn it? I have a feeling that this will make me much faster…knowing where to break and how to accelerate off the corner
Tidgney posts regular lap guides and has a massive back catalog covering pretty much all the braking markers etc. just remember he is a World Series finalist so brake earlier than him!!!
Is it possible to get a super license on controller and get MP4/4 for free?
I have so far participated in 2-3 online events and see that I have E and B in my profile. What should it be as a good level?
The majority of people can usually sit comfortably at a decent pace in C/S - B/S as these are the largest cohorts

Just for comparison here are my in game stats for my main accout


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Dear Polish friend, your thread "how to propely start GT7" is indeed one of the most friendly corners in this forum. I'm glad I participate in it.

I'l try to answer your questions with short sentences, because there are too many topics to cover. 😅

1 - bad AI design. I wonder if Sophy on PS5 has a different approach to this. (I'm still on PS4, no Sophy for me)

2 - other than having a personal challenge, no. Talking more about challenges later on.

3 - in game I'd say no but I'm not 100% sure about it. You can take part in our thread "time trial discussion" and see what some of the fastest drivers on the board are doing and what equippment they are on.

4 - online time trials would be your best option. Tidgney (one of the fastest GT7 players) does several guides through the week, explaining how to take on the daily races and the time trials. On the time trials videos he plays with both wheel and the controller.

5 - that's a forever ongoing discussion. I know for a fact that in the time trial thread we have dozens and dozens of players who regularly place themselves amongst the top 1000 and top 100 spots and many of them are on controllers. So, yes it is possible, but the discussion is endless.

6 - watch the demonstration, and follow the ghost on your runs. Be able to analyze what you are doing different and adjust. Repeat. For the Tokyo tracks I used chase view so I could see how close to the walls I was. I'm on roof cam or cockpit view most of the time.

7 - I keep the line on. For me it's just another track reference but I don't follow it to the heart. It helps me judging if I'm too wide on corners for example.

8 - online time trials (again). That's the challenge that can really improve your driving. I'm a living proof of this. There are several youtubers who provide guides every week (remember Tidgney I mentioned before?) and their guides can be a valuable source of driving lessons.

9 - yes. I did it.

10 - can't be a judge of that, since sport mode is not something I do.
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Glad you're enjoying your GT7 journey OP, I will try and answer some of your questions.

1. Why under the blue flags AI would not move aside and would rather battle for position?

Because the AI in this game is, let's say, not great

8. I want to find a way to learn the breaking point and acceleration point and need some reference. When Inset a ghost, I really cannot see the breaking point. ny good way to learn it? I have a feeling that this will make me much faster…knowing where to break and how to accelerate off the corner

It's difficult to learn the exact braking points from ghosts alone. I usually find my braking points through trial and error. But you can learn the acceleration points and how much speed to carry mid corner by closely watching the ghost. Or you can watch Tidgney's guides for specific Time Trials as @newmedia_dev pointed out

9. Is it possible to get a super license on controller and get MP4/4 for free?

Yes, just keep practising and working on improving and I believe you will get there!
Your DR rating will remain at E until you have completed 5 races. Then it will show your new rating. You need to improve your SR rating to S. I think you are capable of a DR B and SR S rating.

Edit: A low SR rating can drop your DR rating.
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For CE I have a lot more practice but I did the miyabi one gold on my alt account after I got VR (previously done in bumper cam) I did the whole thing if you strip out the retries where I felt I could have got better gold sectors in about 7 mins.

This is how I follow the ghosts with an offset that keeps them in front of me for the duration of the sector/lap

Regarding the AI, this is AI hard in the weekly challenge event that was JGTC cars only

Regarding these two questions...

Can you be as fast on a controller as you are with the wheel?
Is it possible to get a super license on controller and get MP4/4 for free?

I use a wheel and still just bought the MP4/4. Wheels make the game feel more like driving, but they don't necessarily make you any faster, in some cases the opposite. Specifically drifting or driving in the wet for me - you can go lock to lock in the blink of an eye on the controller, and the game just sorts out how much lock to actually give, it's not as easy on a wheel - the fine control you do have with the wheel and pedals isn't matched in the game by the kind of fine feedback you would have in real life to make best use of them.
  • Why under the blue flags AI would not move aside and would rather battle for position?
In reality (outside of F1) it's the lapping car's responsibility to get round safely, not the lapped car's to get out of the way.

However in GT7 they will move off the racing line (having the racing line enabled helps in this regard; you can see where they'll not be) if you get close enough. Often the closing speeds are too high to make a difference though.

  • Is there a reason to play the game on a higher level of difficulty? Tye reward system is not impacted by it.
Not really.
  • Is there a wat to know somehow among the people competing who is using a steering wheel and who is on a controller?
  • Anything you have seen as a good guide, material as a reference point to set up a controller to be faster?
This is purely personal preference.
  • Can you be as fast on a controller as you are with the wheel?
In principle, yes. However there are few very high-level players on controller. There are some, but not many.
  • What was your personal approach to learn the CE and get a Gold? What was your path and what helped you the most?
Just did it, really :lol:

If you can follow a racing line without needing it turned on, you should be fine to perservere and get them. Having ghosts enabled and set to at least +0.3s but not too far ahead will also help. Racing line and braking area assists will help get the muscle memory.

  • Is there any point to keep the line and breaking area assists or you are faster without?
It doesn't really matter. Unless you're racing at night in a car with no lights...
  • I want to find a way to learn the breaking point and acceleration point and need some reference. When Inset a ghost, I really cannot see the breaking point. ny good way to learn it? I have a feeling that this will make me much faster…knowing where to break and how to accelerate off the corner
Really the ghosts with a +0.3s/+0.4s offset is enough.
  • Is it possible to get a super license on controller and get MP4/4 for free?
Yup. I did.
  • I have so far participated in 2-3 online events and see that I have E and B in my profile. What should it be as a good level?
You'll be DR E until you finish your fifth race.

"Good" is relative, but you should aim to keep an SR S at all times. DR B is generally the middle ground - anyone with DR B should be able to keep up in that +3% zone (gold in time trials, CEs, Licences, Missions) and drive consistently.
Impressive stats and thank you for taking time to answer my questions. My biggest challenge in life is time: I have many passions and responsibilities and it is impossible to be good at everything. It is the same for all of us.

My limits with GT7 so far based on what I see:
1. Very little experience in gaming overall and it is my first experience with GT7
2. Not able to dedicate more than 30-60 min daily. Weekends a bit more
3. I see that I loose concentration after 10 fast laps

Overall, I need to sit down, analyze all suggestions and work out my way of progressing based on skills and time I have.

I think I logically understand how to do things, but just can’t do it. Something is blocking me now. Maybe this is the lack of experience, as simple as that. Or lack of skills or both:-))

I am trying to do the TT challenge at Monza with F3500. Here are the two examples:

1. 1.28.3 - my fastest lap and I have line and break areas on
2. 1.29 - this is where I switched lines break areas off and tried to learn where to break by heart

I think I am 1 sec slower now without any visual indication. I see that I need to break around 100 m first chicane, 100 m second, two next corners 50 m mark, then it is 100 again and sector 5 it is around 50 mark.

But no way on Earth I know how to beat 1.28. Silver starts 1.27.1 - I would consider it a mega progress if I can do silver in the next 2 days before it ends.

Example 1
Example 2
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I can't help you much because this is a TT I didn't start. Not my cup of tea.

But, are you following a ghost during your runs? Did you watch any online guide to see if there's something you're missing?
@Lightpilgrim For the replays can you turn on full race info?

At 45s in this replay I turn the full race info on if you aren't sure what mean, but could turn it on before the lap starts?

The problem is without it on we can't see your inputs or gear selection etc
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@Lightpilgrim For the replays can you turn on full race info?

At 45s in this replay I turn the full race info on if you aren't sure what mean, but could turn it on before the lap starts?

The problem is without it on we can't see your inputs or gear selection etc

Here we go. So, my best lap is 1.28.1.
Here is the 10 lap stint and of I pull all the sectors together it will be 1.27. Silver is 1.26.9. I am just lacking ideas why I al that slow, how can I get that much faster. Seriously struggling to find a way to improve. I tried behind the ghost…I think it does help me see what needs to be done, but how to execute it?

Looks like I loose around 0.5-0.7 on the first chicane alone. Most probably if I will do first and second chicane faster (need to get 1 sec combined), I might have a chance to get to silver. And there are 60.000 people faster than me. I think it can be done:-)


Thanks for posting it with the Race Info on it helps a lot to give you some advice and context.

Firstly and you know this you are at the mercy of AT which doesn't help although using all the aids is probably a good thing in this case especially in the car.

Just some observations and some ideas.

1. You aren't taking the optimum lines or coasting any curbs for the chicanes

2. Braking needs to be smoothed a little and that will come with time,

I will urge you to not expect to be as fast but watch a few lap guides mate, you are leaving time in almost every corner.but your lines aren't racing lines or pushing that you'd need for gold. Just using more of the tack for entry and exits.

Watch Tidgnys lap guide and compare it to yours

EDIT: I think watching his in game replay where you can view different angles and pause it might be beneficial friend.

You aren't doing badly just need some refinements on lines and angles. Watch his lap from the leaderboard replay as well
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Thank you so much! I will spend time on it tomorrow and will let you know!

I was able to improve, but not by much.

THE 1.27.9 LAP:

  • I can be consistent in low 1.28
  • I managed 1.27.9 (1 sec off the Silver)
  • I found areas of improvement

- today is the last day, so I did not manage to beat 1.26.9 and get Silver:-)

In reality, if I would pull all the best sectors, I would do it.

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So the weekly Monza F3500 TT is over and I only managed to get 1.27.4, which as 0.5 off SILVER. And I think 2 sec off GOLD. Yes, I did improve and was able to regularly lap in low 1.28 or high 1.27, but all my best sectors combined would not give me SILVER I think. It was 1.26.9 if I would have driven a perfect lap.

Now I know that even if I had 10, 20 hrs more it would not change anything because I need to understand what to change and do differently. Then practice and make it a habit and muscle memory.

Any suggestions how I can still try and practice? As I was observing fastest drivers, they were going through chicane very-very smoothly - not breaking 100% and not accelerating 100%. It is a balance of breaking and acceleration which I struggle to do on a controller. Then it is also breaking areas and lines - this I was able to learn and was not using these assists. An improvement I guess.

I am not done with Monza and F3500.

— On another note—

After getting GOLD in Monza, I want to learn a new track and my choices are (in no particular order):
1. Spa (I love watching the F1 race and I also liked driving there)
2. Red Bull ring
3. Le Mans - it is long, most probably hard to master for Gold, but I enjoy it

—Another question—

For Lemans money grinding, I was mostly using McLaren 750s tuned and updated after 1.55 by KCR_Mark. I also tried a new car tuned by him (wide body and new engine) - 911 GT3 RS (991) ‘16. Porsche is faster, but consumer fuel like crazy. I am not able to do 2 max power laps in Le Mans. With McLaren you can, but it is not as fast.

Do you know what car is super fast around Le Mans, planted and nice to drive and also power efficient? Also, is there anyone (apart from KCR_Mark) that is sharing his tunes for various tracks? Obviously post 1.55.

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So the weekly Monza F3500 TT is over and I only managed to get 1.27.4, which as 0.5 off SILVER. And I think 2 sec off GOLD. Yes, I did improve and was able to regularly lap in low 1.28 or high 1.27, but all my best sectors combined would not give me SILVER I think. It was 1.26.9 if I would have driven a perfect lap.

Now I know that even if I had 10, 20 hrs more it would not change anything because I need to understand what to change and do differently. Then practice and make it a habit and muscle memory.

Any suggestions how I can still try and practice? As I was observing fastest drivers, they were going through chicane very-very smoothly - not breaking 100% and not accelerating 100%. It is a balance of breaking and acceleration which I struggle to do on a controller. Then it is also breaking areas and lines - this I was able to learn and was not using these assists. An improvement I guess.

I am not done with Monza and F3500.

— On another note—

After getting GOLD in Monza, I want to learn a new track and my choices are (in no particular order):
1. Spa (I love watching the F1 race and I also liked driving there)
2. Red Bull ring
3. Le Mans - it is long, most probably hard to master for Gold, but I enjoy it

—Another question—

For Lemans money grinding, I was mostly using McLaren 750s tuned and updated after 1.55 by KCR_Mark. I also tried a new car tuned by him (wide body and new engine) - 911 GT3 RS (991) ‘16. Porsche is faster, but consumer fuel like crazy. I am not able to do 2 max power laps in Le Mans. With McLaren you can, but it is not as fast.

Do you know what car is super fast around Le Mans, planted and nice to drive and also power efficient? Also, is there anyone (apart from KCR_Mark) that is sharing his tunes for various tracks? Obviously post 1.55.

I do the Le Mans race either in a Ferrari GR4 or the Alfa 155. Only put the turbo and no other tunning required. Maybe change gear for higher top speed. Alfa is easier due to 4wd

EDIT: Also usually run on FM6 and pit only once. No need to be on max power to win
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I do the Le Mans race either in a Ferrari GR4 or the Alfa 155. Only put the turbo and no other tunning required. Maybe change gear for higher top speed. Alfa is easier due to 4wd

EDIT: Also usually run on FM6 and pit only once. No need to be on max power to win

It is not about winning. Win I can:-) But I want to have pleasure driving and have bery fast lap time:-) was able to do 4.04 with 911, but I am sure much faster is possible
Any suggestions how I can still try and practice? As I was observing fastest drivers, they were going through chicane very-very smoothly - not breaking 100% and not accelerating 100%. It is a balance of breaking and acceleration which I struggle to do on a controller. Then it is also breaking areas and lines - this I was able to learn and was not using these assists. An improvement I guess.

It sounds like you're on the right track. Keep observing what the fast guys are doing, and keep analysing your own driving style while practising techniques. You will keep improving this way.

After getting GOLD in Monza, I want to learn a new track and my choices are (in no particular order):

1. Spa (I love watching the F1 race and I also liked driving there)
2. Red Bull ring
3. Le Mans - it is long, most probably hard to master for Gold, but I enjoy it

Spa is a great track for practising driving techniques, as it has a variation of technical corners. Red Bull ring is good as well for practising trail braking. As for Le Mans I would probably save that for later
Thanks a lot. I think I will do Spa next. Tried first sector:


Any suggestions how I can still try and practice? As I was observing fastest drivers, they were going through chicane very-very smoothly - not breaking 100% and not accelerating 100%. It is a balance of breaking and acceleration which I struggle to do on a controller. Then it is also breaking areas and lines - this I was able to learn and was not using these assists. An improvement I guess.

Can trail braking be done with a Controller? If yes, how?
It sounds like you're on the right track. Keep observing what the fast guys are doing, and keep analysing your own driving style while practising techniques. You will keep improving this way.

After getting GOLD in Monza, I want to learn a new track and my choices are (in no particular order):

1. Spa (I love watching the F1 race and I also liked driving there)
2. Red Bull ring
3. Le Mans - it is long, most probably hard to master for Gold, but I enjoy it

Spa is a great track for practising driving techniques, as it has a variation of technical corners. Red Bull ring is good as well for practising trail braking. As for Le Mans I would probably save that for later
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Spa is super hard if you want to do Gold. At least for me! Insane! Sector 2 is the hardest so far. I think it is more difficult than Monza. I have no idea how I am going to pull full lap later on. It should be easier on a wheel….

Spa is super hard if you want to do Gold. At least for me! Insane! Sector 2 is the hardest so far. I think it is more difficult than Monza. I have no idea how I am going to pull full lap later on. It should be easier on a wheel….

View attachment 1428528
Take your time, don't push it just do a few goes at it, there is a lot of coasting in that sector.

You'll be fine, just more laps/tries mate.
I think in order to get better you just need to play more often. It's difficult to know the true potential of cars without pushing them to the absolute limit, and in the majority of the game you might only be racing 70-80% of the fastest pace you're capable of. The time trials have helped me understand where to push a car, limit throttle out of corners or through corners, and trail brake to make the car settle and rotate through corners. Once you have a better understanding of it you can set yourself up for consistency and online racing becomes a blast with the stressors of your rivals making mistakes or breathing down your neck.

I will say though that higher PP and down force cars have a significantly steeper learning curve because of the confidence you need to enter turns at a higher pace, brake later, or accelerate faster while limiting wheel spin. Generally the slower the car, the easier it is to get a reasonable time on the trials. I've pretty consistently got within 3% on them for gold, about 80, but I also have got 40 silver rewards. They teach you a lot, you just need to understand where your deficiencies are. The ghost you load will help out A LOT as well.
Thank you for the answer. The most recent Monza TT with F3500 showed me that it is almost impossible to get Gold with a controller. Not sure how many people did it. I ended up being 0.5 sec off the Silver but there is no way I could have done Gold even with month of trying. Not on a controller.

Now I need to think if this will not be my limiting factor. I do not want to get a rig because it takes a ton of space. But most probably on a controller you will be always much slower.

Then I agree 100% about taking the car to the limit. Circuit Experience is great for that. You cannot do gold unless you are on the edge. Trying Spa now and it is very hard. But I will learn and master Spa too.

I think at the end of the day, I want to master several tracks like Monza, Spa, Res Bull Ring, Le Mans, Barcelona, Interlagos and Suzuka. Maybe Daytona too, but I am not emotionally connected. There I will try to get Gold.

Then I want to compete on-line and win races. Also I will try to get a Super License.

All of this is months of work:-))

I think in order to get better you just need to play more often. It's difficult to know the true potential of cars without pushing them to the absolute limit, and in the majority of the game you might only be racing 70-80% of the fastest pace you're capable of. The time trials have helped me understand where to push a car, limit throttle out of corners or through corners, and trail brake to make the car settle and rotate through corners. Once you have a better understanding of it you can set yourself up for consistency and online racing becomes a blast with the stressors of your rivals making mistakes or breathing down your neck.

I will say though that higher PP and down force cars have a significantly steeper learning curve because of the confidence you need to enter turns at a higher pace, brake later, or accelerate faster while limiting wheel spin. Generally the slower the car, the easier it is to get a reasonable time on the trials. I've pretty consistently got within 3% on them for gold, about 80, but I also have got 40 silver rewards. They teach you a lot, you just need to understand where your deficiencies are. The ghost you load will help out A LOT as well.
Thank you for the answer. The most recent Monza TT with F3500 showed me that it is almost impossible to get Gold with a controller. Not sure how many people did it. I ended up being 0.5 sec off the Silver but there is no way I could have done Gold even with month of trying. Not on a controller.

Now I need to think if this will not be my limiting factor. I do not want to get a rig because it takes a ton of space. But most probably on a controller you will be always much slower.
You are relatively new to the game, so I won't put the blame on the controller, with more experience you will be able to get more golds if you practice, controller or not.

Many top players use a controller, just watch @Tidgney's lap guide, he does a lap on controller too.

Most of the time he is not much worse than his lap on wheel, moreover given the fact that he mainly use the wheel.

Controller lap is just to show that it is possible and pinpoint small differences when there are some, to help controller players.

You can even find players that are in gold every TT, with very good times, that use face buttons for all inputs 😱 (steering, throttle, brakes, gears).

I think AT VS MT makes a greater difference, so if you can manage MT, go for it.
Let me clarify. I do not blame it on a controller. In fact, I do not blame it on anything. I just try to think if it is possible for me to master a controller to the point that I will be as fast as people on racing wheels.

Our brain can learn and control different things. It can learn to operate a car on a controller, I am sure. I think it is just it might be easier ok a wheel because you have hands doing steering and shifting, legs accelerating and breaking. Also, it is how we drive our real cars:-)

If room was not an issue, I would have a rig 100%! But it is and I am trying to learn to be very good on a controller. Pretty sure it is possible to get there. I am going to practice 100% and improve.

Btw, did all Gold sectors at Spa and my first full lap attempt was 5.3 sec off Gold:-) after several laps I am 3 sec off Gold (I made a big mistake in the last section, so lost at least a second. So maybe I would have been 2 sec off Gold. But how to find 2 sec? Clueless:-))


P.S. I just tried to summarize what would be a required lap time if I sum up all 4 sectors when it comes to time needed for Gold:

S1: 29.300
S2: 36.300
S3: 46.500
S4: 28. 500

If I sum up, it is 2.20.6?
Full lap
Requirement for Gold is 1.18.5, so 2.1 sec faster? Or I am making a mistake?

You are relatively new to the game, so I won't put the blame on the controller, with more experience you will be able to get more golds if you practice, controller or not.

Many top players use a controller, just watch @Tidgney's lap guide, he does a lap on controller too.

Most of the time he is not much worse than his lap on wheel, moreover given the fact that he mainly use the wheel.

Controller lap is just to show that it is possible and pinpoint small differences when there are some, to help controller players.

You can even find players that are in gold every TT, with very good times, that use face buttons for all inputs 😱 (steering, throttle, brakes, gears).

I think AT VS MT makes a greater difference, so if you can manage MT, go for it.
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P.S. I just tried to summarize what would be a required lap time if I sum up all 4 sectors when it comes to time needed for Gold:

S1: 29.300
S2: 36.300
S3: 46.500
S4: 28. 500

If I sum up, it is 2.20.6?
Full lap
Requirement for Gold is 1.18.5, so 2.1 sec faster? Or I am making a mistake?
CE sectors may have some small overlap or miss out some small sections, so you can't just add them all up and get the time for the full lap.

If you post a lap video we can probably tell you where you're going wrong; I can do this on a controller in one lap and I'm not exactly great.