How to turn off 3D on a 2D tv?

  • Thread starter blue cat
Hi everyone,
I've had a quick search and couldn't find a solution to my problem.

Basically i've got a non-3D tv and i'm trying to run GT5. The problem is i borrowed the ps3 off a friend who was running it in 3D, so when i boot it up and get to the menu screen, suddenly the display mode is not supported because my tv can't do 3D.

I need a solution to this ASAP as i have friends coming over to play later

Is there a shortcut to restoring the display settings? Or can someone even just tell me the controller inputs to navigate the menu without picture and turn it off???

Any help is appreciated
If you delete the game data, then re-install it that would probably fix it. I'm not sure if the 3D settings are stored in the game or saved data files though. Can't hurt to try I suppose.
there is a shortcut, i think that you hold the power button down for a few seconds,check the playstation website
Thanks peobryant i'll try that, it didn't occur to me.

This ps3 doesn't have the hard drive install done so thats obviously not where the settings are stored, it must be in the user save file.

This ps3 has virtually zero gt5 progress so i'm okay with deleting the save file, but if anyone knows a solution that can work around erasing gt5 progress please post for reference.

edit: kevin13 i'll try that first and post the results
there is a shortcut, i think that you hold the power button down for a few seconds,check the playstation website

This. Hold down the power button (to turn it on) until it beeps three times and it will reset to display with the red/white/yellow.
If you delete the game data, then re-install it that would probably fix it. I'm not sure if the 3D settings are stored in the game or saved data files though. Can't hurt to try I suppose.

The "hold down power button" is the correct solution.

I think that in GT5 there's a 3D option from within the game. It does not have to do with reseting the PS3, but changing the option through the game.