How to use the Programming Forum

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Staff Emeritus
United Kingdom
Edinburgh, UK
OK, I'd like to set up some basic ground rules for this forum...

Thread Titles
Please specify the language you're using in the thread title. i.e.:
PHP: How can I find out if my database update worked?

Also, if you ask a question that is then answered, please edit the thread title. You can do this by choosing Admin Options -> Edit Thread. Put (resolved) at the end of the thread title.

Please use descriptive thread titles. In order to avoid doubt and flaming and bad feeling, any threads where the title is not descriptive will be closed.

Please check the Getting Started section
Each language will have a post in the Getting Started thread. Feel free to add bits to this, either by posting in the Getting Started thread, or by PM'ing me with the info you require. Posts contributed to this thread will have their information transcribed into the core post for that language, then will be deleted. Credit will, of course, be given for each submission

Asking Questions
A few quick guidelines on how to ask for help:
  • Don't expect people to do your programming for you - People are generally happy to help you to help yourself. People are not happy to help when they get the feeling that you're simply too lazy to do the work yourself.
  • Please Search to check that your question has not been answered previously. This is pretty much an extension of the point above.
  • Include source code ... but not too much! It's often helpful to include some source code to illustrate what you're doing. Make sure that you copy and paste from your application, because typing is all-important in programming, and if you make a typo, it could be what's stopping your code from working. However, only include the relevant section of the code, don't include the whole application. Use the
     tag to ensure that layout and line breaks are preserved. If you're talking about PHP, only include the bare minimum of relevant HTML, and use the [php] tag to automatically highlight the source.
    [*][b]Mark your thread resolved once you've been given a solution[/b]
    No job adverts, either for positions offered or positions required.
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