Please create for me a totally accurate, 6-channel sound profile for any engine you like
Recording sounds in such a way is both a waste of time and the totally incorrect approach. Record the sound in
MONO, then mix it in real-time in the game. The current run of GT games were - at best - Pro Logic encoded (gussied-up stereo). This means that there's not a whole lot of complexity to it, and mixing the approximate location of your engine/exhaust, wind noise, crowds, the car next to you, the jack-off with the air all gets mixed in real time. There's no way to accurately predict where such a sound is going to be when someone plays the game, so you mix it in real time.
Having created my own half-baked algorithms for sound (in real 3D no less), it's really not that hard. What
is hard for the processor is mixing this for dozens of audio streams, then encoding all that into DTS or DD. It's not hard to program at all, just processor-intensive. Maybe this intensive processing was not within the PS2's capabilities (because I don't think storage was much of a problem), but maybe they'll be able to fix that with the greatly increase abilities of the PS3. I hope.
As for aftermarket upgrades, you modify the sounds parametrically: louder for exhaust upgrades, mix in the whine of a supercharger or whoosh of a turbo, but it's a waste of space & time to have different recordings for every car (which I guess is your point). PD seems to have just flat out replaced the base car sounds with some generic "turbo engine" sound or generic "race exhaust" sound.
Part of the problem may be that PD probably recorded all these sounds in no load (or very little) situations, that being stationary in neutral where these engine sounds would have very little WOT loaded up recording (only if PD recorded the engines racing up and down the rev range). Engines distinctively change tone when they are under a reasonable load, like accelerating WOT.
Exactly: there's a huge difference between a car being in 4th gear at 30MPH, and being in 1st at 30MPH. In 4th gear the car would be at WOT struggling at 1,500 RPM (for example), and in 1st you could have half-throttle
easily maintaing 30MPH at 5,000 RPM. Running the cars on a dyno (probably in 4th gear) with one mic for the exhaust and one over the hood would be one proper way to record the sounds.
Or maybe just record the sounds inside the damned car, where the driver actually hears things.
With low-quality TV speakers that almost everyone pipes their PS2 through, all of the sounds are much of a muchness. As you increase speaker quality the sounds improve to a level where, as I said, cars are "adequate". On your set up (and mine) some of the cars still sound off - as opposed to most of them.
True, but that still doesn't quite explain why GT has the most complaints when it comes to sound. I don't recall seeing many complaints about the sounds in Forza, PGR, etc.. I could be wrong though.