How would you expect the online setup to work

  • Thread starter Stevisiov


United Kingdom
England, Warwickshire
While reading through the threads I have noticed there has been a debate about the relevance of online gaming, this got me thinking what sort of setup do you expect an online mode to have. As I have very little experience of online gaming it would be great if people could speculate on how the whole thing will work or what you would like to see in it
I own a 360 and will be getting a Wii and PS3. I love the Wii regardless of its online capabilities, the contoller makes the deal for me. PS3 will have must have games, but a very lacking online. It will improve over time though.

I would love for PD to offer everything FM2 will have online, but since PSNetwork is not on par with Live it may be impossible. FM2 will have live auction houses for buying and selling your personal vehicles, places for individual gamers to set up a tuning shop for people to bring thier cars cars for tuning by another player online. Online clubs and clans for you to join and race with. 8 or more player online races, full voice chat, and you can set up your races perimiters, like what cars are allowed, the type of view you must use, the type of transmission you must use, ect. Its so great that you will be able to set up the exact type of race you want.

Since this will also be PDs first foray into online experience I think it will hurt them also. They don't seem to care what anything on the 360 can do online, so they don't try to offer the same options. In the end that will ruin the online experience on a PS3, but for someone who dosn't know how great online racing can be and hasn't went online with a 360, they may not realize what they are missing, so it may work for them.

I expect it will be laggy, no voice chat, little or no options to set your race up with, 6 cars max, no clan/club support, no tournamants, and glitchey scoreboards. I would love to be wrong, really really want to be wrong on this, but everything is agaisnt PD doing great in this area.:ouch:
I expect it will be laggy, no voice chat, little or no options to set your race up with, 6 cars max, no clan/club support, no tournamants, and glitchey scoreboards. I would love to be wrong, really really want to be wrong on this, but everything is agaisnt PD doing great in this area.:ouch:

You already have that with PS2 and GT4 for long time now, so I only expect:

No Lag
Voice chat
You race up at least with 18 cars
Clan/club support
lots of real world tournments
Why do people believe xboxLive is the god of online gaming?

I've been a part of PC online racing game communites that would blow your mind away, much deeper then anything Forza/xbox live had to offer

GT5 online is not going to suck. Heres why:

Kazunori Yamauchi

the ultimate car fanatic

Oh people forget so fast

Does anyone else remember the online options he had planned for Gran Turismo HD before it got scrapped?


Now where is Xbox Live? I thought you need Xbox Live to get all these features?!?
hardly the 'no option to setup race with' ChadSpeed mentioned

GT5 is going to blow Forza/XBOX live away

This is how GT5 online will turn out:

-all the options mentioned in the above picture

-no less then 8 cars on track at once racing (dissapointing but realistic option)

-little to no lag

- deep stat tracking system

-extremely customizable races

-downloadable extras (cars, tracks, rims, you name it)

You heard it here first
I really hope your right, that looks very promising. I know Kaz is a great car enthusiast but he can only do what something great with a great machine. The PS2 allowed him to put down great graphics, but not great sound or online. We know the PS3 should allow for great sound and graphics, and well everything. But I just have only heard of lackluster experiences in the PS network. I know most of the stuff should be cleared up by GT5, so maybe Kaz will have something great to work with, if he doesn't I don't expect a lot. If he he does though I'm glad he already has all those great options in his mind for GT5. GT4 just left me with a pessimistic view of GT series, and I can't wait for GT5 to blow me away. I would love it if, after months of FM2, GT5 comes out and completely blows Fm2 outta the water, even in online. But the PS Network needs a considerable amount of patches to make it happen, while I don't think Live is God, it is the best we have right now for console gaming and has improved leaps and bounds since it came out, I hope PSN does the same, and you guys are all right.:)
I like the sound of online clan/club racing however I would like to race with more objective than just racing loads of different people online, would you expect there to be PD organised tournaments Like knockouts, leagues or would you just expect a sort of leaderboard thing.
Not sure, like I said this all brand new to them. It depends on what Kaz can do with PSN. I would expect at least some form of regular tournaments, probably time trials. Stevisiov, you won't just race loads of different people, you will find friends around teh world that are very close to your skill level and you will have ginormus amounts of fun. I have a friend on Live from England named Saifalani and he is a Ferrari fanatic, me I love the Corvette, we contantly would race my Z06 against his 360 Modena, usually in PGR, but it was massive fun even just head to head, throw 6 other good clean drivers in there and it is some intense close racing. Really makes the game go on forever, and with GT series that means I'll be good for about 5 years. I played GT3 almost everyday from its launch until GT4, thats why I lost interest in GT4 so fast.
Not sure, like I said this all brand new to them. It depends on what Kaz can do with PSN. I would expect at least some form of regular tournaments, probably time trials. Stevisiov, you won't just race loads of different people, you will find friends around teh world that are very close to your skill level and you will have ginormus amounts of fun. I have a friend on Live from England named Saifalani and he is a Ferrari fanatic, me I love the Corvette, we contantly would race my Z06 against his 360 Modena, usually in PGR, but it was massive fun even just head to head, throw 6 other good clean drivers in there and it is some intense close racing. Really makes the game go on forever, and with GT series that means I'll be good for about 5 years. I played GT3 almost everyday from its launch until GT4, thats why I lost interest in GT4 so fast.

Thanks for clearing that up.
Chad, you act like no one in Japan ever played a PC game or knows about the internet. Remember, Live sucked at launch too, and you payed for not a lot of goodies.

Just look at what happened at the GDC Wednesday. Home looks amazing for a company you think has no clue what online is for. Resistance is running 40 player servers with little or no lag. Sony is a computer company. GT HD demo one isn't Gran Turismo 5. GT5 Prologue isn't even going to be the finished product, but you should at least wait to see a more complete version of what Gran Turismo is going to be before prophesying the doom of GT.
I'm not prophesying the doom of GT, I'm just pessimistic about the GT series ever since GT4 let me down. I'm still a huge fan and still play GT4 once in awhile, but would love if a lot of things were changed. As far as online goes Japan is not into online gaming the way America is. I can only point out the basis for my feeling with the fact that Nintendo has a poor online service, like the PS2, and right now the PS3. I haven't got to read up on the Home PS3 yet, but I just found out about it this morning. EGM newsletter made it sound impressive. For me personally PD (Being a Japanese company) just doesn't know EVERTHING I want in a racing game, but they do a great job on about 70%. The other 30% is what Forza did right for me, but lacked in GTs strong areas, that's why I play both. Like I said earlier I'm happy Kaz already has some great ideas about what he wants in online and they are on par with FM2. I will be very happy with both products, although each will have its strong points. :)
Chad, you act like no one in Japan ever played a PC game or knows about the internet. Remember, Live sucked at launch too, and you payed for not a lot of goodies.

Live didn't suck, but it didn't offer the things it does know. It did have voice chat in ALL games, great lag free play(as long as it wasn't an EA game), and downloadable contnet. I don't have PS3 yet, I'm waiting till closer to GT5, and hopefully a rumble controller, but the main complaints I have heard on PSN is not every game allows voice chat, thats a huge problem on any online game, except maybe poker or solitare. I'm sure Sony will step it up. I'm off to read about Home now thanks for the input.
I do have to agree with Chad. Japanese developers dont seem like they would care too much about online. If Forza never existed and we only had GT5 to choose from, we probably wouldn't see half of the features they are offering now. And i hope Forza does a dam good job because it just makes Gran Turismo that much better, I hope :nervous: gotta love competition, when that exist us consumers benefit the most ;)
If Forza never existed and we only had GT5 to choose from, we probably wouldn't see half of the features they are offering now.
Well, let's say if Forza, Colin McRae and Richard Burns Rally, Toca, Project Gotham, Tokyo Extreme, Need For Speed, Live For Speed and rFactor didn't exist, we might not see half the things Polyphony is putting into GT5.

But remember that many of the things that people want are based not just on games but real life. Things like extensive tuning and customization, drift and drag, rally racing, car painting and so on crept into racing games from real life. Also, people were drifting in Gran Turismo as well as other games before PGR and NFSU. We've been harping on the return of race modification because it appeared first in Gran Turismo 2.

Kaz will occasionally mention other games, and you know his team have to have an eye on Forza, since Forza basically took the GT framework and spiced it up a bit to become the only real competition. To be sure you can see Kaz including things from Forza that have been proven popular with gamers like the paint shop, body kit and name brand customization features. But not only do these teams borrow from each other - Photo Mode in Forza 2 for example, but Kaz has said from the beginning in 1997 that he wanted to recreate the racing world in a game as much as was possible on the PS hardware. The one game which pioneered innovation in a racing game to encompass as much of the autosport world as possible was Gran Turismo.

This time, he has some serious Playstation hardware, so I'm expecting something equally ambitious in GT5.
Well, let's say if Forza, Colin McRae and Richard Burns Rally, Toca, Project Gotham, Tokyo Extreme, Need For Speed, Live For Speed and rFactor didn't exist, we might not see half the things Polyphony is putting into GT5.

But remember that many of the things that people want are based not just on games but real life. Things like extensive tuning and customization, drift and drag, rally racing, car painting and so on crept into racing games from real life. Also, people were drifting in Gran Turismo as well as other games before PGR and NFSU. We've been harping on the return of race modification because it appeared first in Gran Turismo 2.

Kaz will occasionally mention other games, and you know his team have to have an eye on Forza, since Forza basically took the GT framework and spiced it up a bit to become the only real competition. To be sure you can see Kaz including things from Forza that have been proven popular with gamers like the paint shop, body kit and name brand customization features. But not only do these teams borrow from each other - Photo Mode in Forza 2 for example, but Kaz has said from the beginning in 1997 that he wanted to recreate the racing world in a game as much as was possible on the PS hardware. The one game which pioneered innovation in a racing game to encompass as much of the autosport world as possible was Gran Turismo.

This time, he has some serious Playstation hardware, so I'm expecting something equally ambitious in GT5.

Well said Tenacious 👍 . I definitely agree. I'm happy enough that we're even getting GT online finally, and hopefully we'll be accompanied by a plethora of features as listed above, but it is Kaz the perfectionist, so i'm sure many, if not 90% of the GT community will be pleased with GT5.
well your comparison is irrelevant. Tokyo xtreme racer, toca, NFS? if those are comparisons to Gran turismo then lets compare a Mclaren F1 to a stock Acura NSX because thats what you are doing. Polyphony does see Track 10 as a threat and people who arent bias can agree with me that if forza did not exist you would not see some of the features in the next gran turismo installment. Its common sense, thats what marketing is about. They even teach you that in marketing classes. With Sony's ps3 sales backfiring on them the way its been, They are going to do what ever it takes to win the consumers again and thats "WHATEVER IT TAKES" just like oil companies ;)
well your comparison is irrelevant.
Well, I think you're going overboard. You're taking your eye off the big picture of racing games I tried to paint. There are plenty more examples than the ones I mentioned like PC games that have elements or mods which can be directly compared to Gran Turismo and Forza. Remember Sega GT? It had extensive customization as well as a custom race car creator. Was that before or after Forza?

What about some of the things that Kaz put into GT4 that had some of the purists up in arms, like rear wings and nitrous? What about the B-Spec driver? Were those before Forza or after?

How about Forza's paint shop? Have other games had those? On systems that didn't have a hard drive, were they little more than toys with garish patterns that weren't the least bit appealing? Does the fact that the XBox has a standard hard drive but the PS2 doesn't figure in, in any way?

Also, keep in mind that I did say that these two teams, Polyphony and Turn 10 do keep tabs on each other. But I think we both know who does most of the watching since one game sold eight times as much.

Both games are awesome and both worth buying, but I do expect one game to take the lead back next year and sell far more.
Both games are awesome and both worth buying, but I do expect one game to take the lead back next year and sell far more.
If GT5 is released worldwide in 2008 then certainly it won't be long before GT5 stops playing catchup and overtakes in the sales race.
I agree D, as long as the PS3 has as many units out there as the 360, but FM doesn't have the cult like following of GT, so it may not sell as many because of that. But people like me and you who buy both will see that neither is probably the winner, except that each will have strong points in different areas, hell GT will probably have more American cars, that's disappointing since Turn10 is an American company, their American list is sorely lacking.:nervous:
None of those games and not even PC games like gtr2 come close to Gran Turismo. I love Gran turismo, dont get me wrong but what i am trying to say is that the only company who is close to competing with GT is FM. Gran Turismo has been on another level since its first release. The first FD wasnt close either, but it came the closest to GT then any other game. Ive played Sega GT and every other game you mentioned. They all seem arcade like style rather then hardcore sim, thus making it a joke when compared to GT. Does that make sense? And after seeing that track10 is working hard on the next installment and adding more features, I guarantee it sparked a flame at PD. So what is PD going to do? add more features, going back to the point i was trying to make in the beginning. Without Forza in the pic you wouldn't see some of the features on the next gt. And the sales of GT is because of their fan base. GT has built such a fan base that its become a subculture, thats why we are here on GTPlanet ;)
Well, amped, I am in agreement with you to a point, but even though Forza is the only direct competitor to Gran Turismo, I wouldn't put all my eggs in one game basket. Especially if you insist on saying that if it wasn't in Forza, you wouldn't be seeing GT moving forward and offering new stuff.

Take the drift competition. Did Polyphony put it in because Forza had one? No, Forza 2 isn't even offering one. Maybe it's because drifting and touge are popular in the real world with huge culture and following. Maybe it's because Japan is the birthplace of drift. I'm not downplaying the importance of Forza in the thinking and planning going on at Polyphony HQ, but remember (assuming you saw them) the shots of the consoles as well as PCs at the Polyphony building, the gaming stations with the libraries of racing games, the reading room stocked with auto sport books and magazines from around the world. Kazunori-sama's prime inspiration has always been the real life motorsports world, and his biggest complaint was that Sony couldn't make a machine powerful enough for him to realize his dream game. Well, that day has finally come.

Since Forza is such a hot topic, maybe I could tie it into the thread topic as well. XBox Live is to me a big yuck on the 360. To me, it looks like it was designed by new age drug casualty space aliens. I hope I can skin the thing when I get around to getting my 360 because no, I don't like it. However it evidently functions well for those who know how to nav around with it. Forza 2 is going to have quite a bit of online functionality. Besides the obvious racing, there's race server builder tools, a TV-like feed for those who want to watch a race or even spectate, VOIP, car trading and selling, as well as an online auction where people can paint up rides and post them in a sort of Forza ebay. Talk about your online career mode...

Now take Sony's home, which is looking like an avatar driven I-Life or something. Some don't like it, some aren't sure what to make of it, but just think of the possibilities. Since customized avatars and living spaces are a given, things like costumes are a no brainer for this thing. Imagine your avatar dressed in a racing uniform with a GT logo prominently displayed on the sleeve and chest, maybe a racing helmet. Go into your pad, and turn on the HD TV to display some of your choice racing replays. GT paraphernalia and posters along with trophies and achievement awards are on display to give the place some stylish charm. Maybe a certain exit leaves to your racing server. Maybe your avatar will be in the cars you drive.

Kaz has stated that the online component will be as full featured as the offline, and should give gamers all kinds of tournament, league and club builder tools, with plenty to keep us entertained. I can imagine that league creators will have a field day creating their own racing seasons, rules and reward systems. GT5 online should be as incredible an experience as you can hope for.
Yeah, sounds great! i cant wait to get my hands on GT5 and also Forza 2 ;) The features are a big jump, all that online stuff wow. After releasing 4 installments you would figure they would've maybe implemented the online technology on the 3rd serious, oh oops didnt the network card come out later? lol well then they could've added the online feature on gt4. But reality is, they saw how well it did on forza so they were probably forced into putting in on gt5. Thats how it works :) Kaz can eat shid for all i care, he only wants the game to his own perfection (granted its a dam good one) but unfortunately gives 2 shids about you, me, the fans. Its that sony mentality my friend ;) "F the consumers we already built up a name". but hey i still love the GT serious, and would love to see them interact with the fans a lot more. Wouldn't you love that?
I tried to attach a link but it contains profanity :( its a blog about Sony and their consumer, very interesting. But this website has to put the censor level on high, which is pretty stupid if you ask me.

I think now we have GT5 Prologue, or at least have many people who have the japanese version, I am curious how everyone expects this online setup to work. When I first asked this, it was way to early to tell, but with prologue going online in the very near future, my question is; How do you expect the online setup to work?

I am talking in terms, of features e.g GTTV, downlaod patches. Fundamentally though, how would you expect the online racing to work? Potential problems etc. Starting order; is it going to be random, is there qualifying? Penalties for shunting people?

I realise it is just speculation at this point, but I am interested to hear what people want from this online mode. Personally I am not expecting to be perfect, more a test mule for the real GT5, sure it is going to work, but I think there will be a few things people will be unhappy with. How good/bad are you expecting online to be.
I to am curious how Prologue works online. I now have my PS3 and Wii, along with my 360. So far the PS network is pretty good but needs more work, it is free though. The only game I have played online is Call of Duty4. I have a blue tooth headset and could voice chat, but still don't know how to send a friend request other than writing the name down and going back to the PS menu to input it manually. Also the when I check the "players met " in the menu is always is empty even though I just got done with a hour of online play, odd.
The online part of GT5P is not looking good at the moment, and I am not talking about lag issues, which is expected when most people here is play a Asia only version of the game.

I am talking about not being able to create you own "instances" or "room" so you can invite and play with certain players. Until players have the ability to do so, the online side is as good as dead at the moment.
Form what I here, the step forward is allowing users to host privat races, that way you can get a clean group of racers together. A GTP server would be a great way of getting clean races.
haha what are you guys smoking?

look at page 1 that should set the expectations, laggy max 6 cars etc

well now there are 16 car races on MT Fuji in full professional mode on the GTR 07, as well as additional London Class B, Suzuka C events!

Okay, yes there does need to be a "lobby" for private game setup but the Online aspect to GT5:P is far from dead, ive been playing it almost constantly for the last couple of days and im loving it.
Gran turismo will never die...

my greatest concern will be cheating. I was looking around the board and i noticed that you can cheat in Gran Turismo. i dont know how that game shark works but i see cars going 2000mph.

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