Hugh Hefner passes at 91

His magazine and clubs certainly had a colossal impact on the attitudes towards sex of US society and society in general.
Hefner indeed had a huge impact on society, revolutionizing our sexual mores and tastes, and introducing young men to jazz, stylish clothes, travel, and literature, at a minimum. I purchased Playboy magazine in the mid-sixties, and immediately discovered Ian Fleming's James Bond novels being published in serial form in the magazine. Cartoons and jokes were also a cut above. And the women, ah the women! Beautiful, well-stacked babes, all expertly photographed for us to enjoy.

Back in the early 50's, US society was heavily sexually repressed, likely as a legacy of our Puritan founders and massive religiosity strictly imposed everywhere and all the time, a church on every corner, it seemed.

Hugh Hefner was instrumental in breaking that repression, and definitely one of the most influential men of the 20th century.
I'll never forget getting my hands on my first playboy as an 11 or 12 year old.:dopey: We were living in the dark ages back then in terms of generally available knowledge so all we had heard were rumours and innuendo from other kids who had snuck into their dad's collection. After reviewing the babealicious babes I was shocked to discover.....a real magazine between the girls. The interviews with famous people were the so candid and refreshing compared to mainstream magazines. Cars, booze, pop culture, music, hedonism and more, the magazine had everything a young man like myself was interested in. So many people focus on the girls it's easy to forget there was an excellent magazine there every month too. R.I.P. Hef.
Heard about this earlier in the morning. 91 years, that's a good, influential life if I do say so myself.

Still got a stack somewhere that I'll hand-down when I've decided it's that time.
This brought to my mind the day I bought my first, only and last (?) Playboy magazine. It was a good day. Growing up among an very conservative evangelical christian family, doing something like that was pretty much inviting satan into one's mind, body and soul. ^^

Hugh sure lived the good life and fought the good fight.

He was the first person to live his entire life in a bathrobe. 91 years of bathrobe wearing. Astounding.
I had three awesome stacks (of magazines) that i invested in during my years as a single guy...

I sadly had to let them all go to the trash right before getting married because i just didnt have any place to safekeep them...
