Hugo Chavez: Capitalism Destroyed Mars

  • Thread starter ivoyared


"I have always said, heard, that it would not be strange that there had been civilization on Mars, but maybe capitalism arrived there, imperialism arrived and finished off the planet," Chavez said in speech to mark World Water Day.

Chavez, who also holds capitalism responsible for many of the world's problems, warned that water supplies on Earth were drying up.

"Careful! Here on planet Earth where hundreds of years ago or less there were great forests, now there are deserts. Where there were rivers, there are deserts," Chavez said, sipping from a glass of water.

He added that the West's attacks on Libya were about water and oil reserves.

Earlier this month, the U.S. National Research Council recommended that NASA's top priority should be a robot to help determine whether Mars ever supported life and offer insight on its geological and climatic history.

It would also be the first step in an effort to get samples from Mars back to Earth.

A NASA team recently tested a space suit in a setting with extreme conditions akin to some of those found on Mars -- an Argentine base in Antarctica -- for possible use on a visit to the Red Planet.

"And Bolivarian socialism destroyed intelligent life in the Government of Venezuela"
I'm from Mars, and he is right.

All the suits, pencil pushers and bean counters ruined that planet. Now it's an uninhabitable red rock; oh and it used to be black, but the suits borrowed a ton of money from the Mars First National Bank, then failed to pay it back. :lol:

Chavez is crazy, does that come as a surprise to anyone?

"You didn't forget about Uncle Hugo did you?"

I'm guessing he is just mad that Gaddafi & Friends have been getting all the crazy dictator attention instead of him.
Do you think that their is anything worth salvaging from his words?

Or should everything he says be thrown out because he opposes the "west"?
One small problem in his theory, the earth physically can't be drying up (matter can't be created or distroyed), worst case is that the water is splitting into Hydrogen and Oxygen, however we can comibine them back to water relatively easily, hydrogen is the most abundant atom in the universe so finding that shouldn't be a problem, Oxygen I don't know about however I guess we are not running low on it.
One small problem in his theory, the earth physically can't be drying up (matter can't be created or distroyed), worst case is that the water is splitting into Hydrogen and Oxygen, however we can comibine them back to water relatively easily, hydrogen is the most abundant atom in the universe so finding that shouldn't be a problem, Oxygen I don't know about however I guess we are not running low on it.

So the places in the world that are desperate for water are basically disliked by scientists. Or the places that truly "matter" have no need to worry?
You can't take him seriously, he isn't a politician, he is a comedian.

I honestly hope that the Venezuelan military wake up and throw this clown out of the country.
Chavez is just a nut job through and through. I can't tell if he's just saying things like this to get attention, or whether he really believes in them. How can capitalism destroy Mars? :odd:
Chavez is just a nut job through and through. I can't tell if he's just saying things like this to get attention, or whether he really believes in them. How can capitalism destroy Mars? :odd:

Something has given Mars a fearful beating - it's bereft of atmosphere and magnetic field, and has a giant gash in it. Astronomers debate the causes. In lieu of clear explanations, an exhibitionist like Hugo Chavez will say anything to play the clown and grab attention. He may not be much good at governing, but he's great at self-promotion and self-aggrandizement - a stereotypical politician, Latin American style. His rivals are jealous!
I agree with Dan_, Chavez is more a comedian than a politician...except he's actually serious when he says crap like this.

Although, I think he probably thinks that capitalism = the Irish property bubble before the credit crunch came.
Either I'm misunderstanding or the moving picture box with sometimes discernable sounds has scored another victory. He's saying it wouldn't be strange if capitalism destroyed Mars. Not that it did. Right? He's just repeating his anti-capitalist spiel a bit louder or as the moving picture box would say: Much crazier. In which case he's not wrong but nobody really knows what's right in this department.
He's right about the Libyan oil think.. The rest of it though? Huh?

And I like the part about him sipping a glass of water while he says this. Maybe he should set a good example by reducing his water consumption.
After the peak and then normalization of oil prices, he doesn't have tons of cash to spare in his social programs, which is why he is trying to deviate attention from his poor management and lack of planning for the country.

Besides of that, he is also a nutjob who sees Nazis and Uncle Sam everywhere, not to mention his (non assumed) support to the FARCs which are in essence, a terrorist group.

The Colombian partnership with the US is another factor to support his conspiracy theories amongst those of his clan.
This man is crazy...

How can Mars be destroyed by capitalism when capitalism hasn't finished its job on Earth?

Chavez is just trolling. Don't feed the troll fellas.
I think this is what the vast majority of people think about him:

^You know you're mad when Ahmedinijad says you're mad.

Btw, how did you become a tactical member? I wanna be a tactical member.:drool:
^You know you're mad when Ahmedinijad says you're mad.

Btw, how did you become a tactical member? I wanna be a tactical member.:drool:
When you get over 500 posts you can change your to a custom title.

As you can see I'm a Marks And Spencers Member. (only people in the uk will get the gist of that)