Huzzah, more forum introductions!

  • Thread starter Solemn
Christ I've been doing too many of these....

Anyway, sup guys. Name's Solemn obviously since I was too lazy to use anything else and it happened to be available, and well...Quite honestly, I've been meaning to sign up here a long loooong time ago but didn't because I was not about to do that on my phone. I always come here for tunes and the like for GT, so I kinda figured that I'd sign up properly and get it out the way. Not that I'm gonna be amazingly active but hey we'll get there Oh yeah, those questions.

  • How did you find GTPlanet? Google. It's your best friend, bro.
  • Where are you from? Michigan. Detroit, specifically. Also known as Getshotsville, but that's for another time...
  • When did you start playing the Gran Turismo games? Um...'96? I was two years old back then. xD;
  • Do you play with Can you afford a steering wheel? Nope and nope. #TheStruggleIsHard
  • What other games do you enjoy? Everything that doesn't suck. Mostly Fighting Games, RPGs, and Pokemon. Yes. Pokemon.
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community, now that you're a part of this site? Mmm...I don't quite know. Interaction and knowledge I suppose, because really, I don't want to backseat everyone else's tunes for the rest of my GT Lifespan.

Uh....yeah, not much else to say here. I like Kool-Aid and Chinese Food. Feed me.

And that's it. Thanks for havin' me, GTP.
