I am making a new trailer...

  • Thread starter paskowitz
United States
New York
...and I would like your input.

This was my first one for those that have not seen it...


With all of the new footage I think I have enough content to make a new trailer. The only problem is I really do not know what song to choose. Right now I am considering:

A trimmed version of

But I would like to hear what you think would be a great song?👍 The only rule is that it must be under 3 minutes... preferably 1-2.

Also... sorry if this is really not thread worthy...:scared:
Hmmm songs eh?

I think this would be good. I admit I have actually thought about making a GT trailer with this song.

I know this one is also on a trailer for Wangan Midnights but its an awesome song - just have to wait to the bit in the middle. (2:12 I think it is)

Some are long, but if you chop them, I think they'd be awesome - as they have some great lead ins and phases which would go great with some bits of footage.
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I think it's thread worthy as I enjoy watching your trailers... also I have a request:

It seems to me like Polyphony seem to know exactly what is going to be capable on the next revision of the hardware because the trailers they have on the intro's of the games seem to look pretty close to the in game footage of the next release of the game... so my request is: Could you grab the pre rendered footage from GT1 / GT2 and compare to in game GT3 / GT4, then grab the pre rendered footage from GT3 / GT4 and compare it to what we have seen in game of GT5 Prologue / GT5, and then grab the pre rendered footage of GT5 and compare it to real life... hope this makes some sense.

As far as music is concerned, I'm a huge Richie Kotzen fan, so something from his "Slow" album, or "Into the Black" or "Nothing to Lose" from his band Forty Deuce would make my day... particularly the song "Slow" from the Album "Slow"... car references and chunky guitar...

I don't know if there should be a language warning for the last one - but it isn't English.

I think all of these would be awesome for a trailer :D
No techno!!
Here is a good song, especially is you use a lot of slow motion.

OK, if you skip to 2min 57sec in Tom Morello starts a guitar solo.

A new scene when the symbols crash= epic video
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Thanks for all the great suggestions so far.

I think it's thread worthy as I enjoy watching your trailers... also I have a request:

It seems to me like Polyphony seem to know exactly what is going to be capable on the next revision of the hardware because the trailers they have on the intro's of the games seem to look pretty close to the in game footage of the next release of the game... so my request is: Could you grab the pre rendered footage from GT1 / GT2 and compare to in game GT3 / GT4, then grab the pre rendered footage from GT3 / GT4 and compare it to what we have seen in game of GT5 Prologue / GT5, and then grab the pre rendered footage of GT5 and compare it to real life... hope this makes some sense.

The only problem with that would be that all the clips I have are in HD 16:9 and all those clips would be in SD 4:3. If I could find HD versions then yeah it should not be a problem.

As far as music is concerned, I'm a huge Richie Kotzen fan, so something from his "Slow" album, or "Into the Black" or "Nothing to Lose" from his band Forty Deuce would make my day... particularly the song "Slow" from the Album "Slow"... car references and chunky guitar...

I will give those a look.
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Awesome video Pasko 5/5.

I think this song goes great with showcasing cars:
Prodigy - Smack my [female dog] up.
And here is the music in an actual car video:
Hmmm songs eh?

I know this one is also on a trailer for Wangan Midnights but its an awesome song - just have to wait to the bit in the middle. (2:12 I think it is)

Some are long, but if you chop them, I think they'd be awesome - as they have some great lead ins and phases which would go great with some bits of footage.

I like those two... the others not so much.

No techno!!
Here is a good song, especially is you use a lot of slow motion.

OK, if you skip to 2min 57sec in Tom Morello starts a guitar solo.

A new scene when the symbols crash= epic video

Those are also great... more my style, especially that solo.

Welcome to 2009 newfag.

On topic, I like this one :

Oh and I LOVE THE bbc'S F1 intro.

(Geoff Crammond's F1 on Amiga = nostalgia right there.)

The first is ok but I love the second.

Lastly Clubbed to death is a great song but it is very long and cannot be chopped as it slowly build the whole way through.
A couple recommendations:

And for old time's sake (at least for those of us in North America):
If Kasabian were good enough for the opeining video in GT4 then maybe this:


although Club Foot has been used in Midnight Club, Juiced and Pro evo
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I think I will do at least 2. Right now I am working on one that goes to the gone in 60 Seconds song. Also does anyone have any link to direct feed HD gameplay in replay mode (ie not in car)?
I always thought the stuff from Zircon's Antigravity album had some pretty good GT-esque stuff -- It's pretty hard to find (one of the only ones I could find on Youtube, and it's certainly not his(their?) best song) but you get the idea.

Ah, didn't notice this thread before. I strongly suggest no more songs of orchestra like sound, it just seems really overdone.

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