I am so done with trading...

  • Thread starter brewski18
Today me and a guy agree on a trade... we add each other and it takes me turning my ps3 off and on for about 20 minutes for him to appear on my list under the give to friends list... so finally after all those reeboots and frustration because he was able to send me his car first.

so then finally he shows up on my list. and i give him kudos for being patient with my ps3.
i send him my car and it says that the file was completed so it sent... but come to find out beside that he did not receive the car. so I lost my car into cyberspace pescarolo hybride :( so I send him his car back and it says complete yet again.... and guess what. he was unable to retrieve his car.
so now i look like the jerk that stole his car. damn these servers. now being the good guy i am i offered to get him another car. audi r10... but yet i get yelled at and called a scammer... but after 20 minutes of texting back and forth we came to a truths

so that will be my last trade... anyone have any similar things happen to them?
I've had it say complete and it take around 30 minutes for the other person to receive the car. It might happen to you also.
Yes, I made a trade today where I sent a car and it took quite awhile to get to the other person. Got me pretty worried cause I knew I sent the car but he kept saying he hadn't gotten it. Thankfully a couple reboots later he had the car and I got mine. Last thing I want is to be thought of as a scammer because trading makes getting some cars so much easier.
well ok good to know hopefully the person or traded gets my car at least... i can really care less if i get my car... i have so many including the x1 :)
When you do a rare and expensive car trade, best thing to do would be record the gifting process with a camera. That way you have proof when things goes south.
if it makes u feel better I just lost two cars, lol...

first guy, we had a 2 for 1 deal, he only received 1 car out of 2, but thankfully he didn't send his car to me...

second guy, both sent same time, both of us didn't get anything... and then we both sent some dumb little cars, and nothing again... I did take photos of the second tufting process though, lol...

not happy with GT5 servers right now...
Sometimes restarting the game fixes it. Happened to me and FanShu the other night. He thought he'd sent me a 905, and I didn't get it. After HE restarted the game, it all went through.
ya I think there is some problems because like i said it took over 20 minutes for him to appear on my list.
Maybe its cause lot of ppl are now trading more than one car per day..
I guess the network cant handle it that well.
just my2cents.
sorry to hear your story !"
I might start videoing my trades on my phone so if something does go wrong, I have proof... Not had a trade go wrong yet, though.
if it makes u feel better I just lost two cars, lol...

first guy, we had a 2 for 1 deal, he only received 1 car out of 2, but thankfully he didn't send his car to me...

second guy, both sent same time, both of us didn't get anything... and then we both sent some dumb little cars, and nothing again... I did take photos of the second tufting process though, lol...

not happy with GT5 servers right now...

Yes I'm one of these guys and I can back his story up. I haven't had a problem (except for having to reboot system/restart game, etc. over and over) geting cars until today.

This is annoying. It's almost not worth the fear involved, lol!

It was so fun offering different cars that people really wanted/needed because I'm addicted to buying stuff in used car lot. I never really wanted any gain from any trades, I just had fun doing it. But now, it is not worth hassle!!!
Maybe its cause lot of ppl are now trading more than one car per day..
I guess the network cant handle it that well.
just my2cents.
sorry to hear your story !"

That's got to be it. The servers simply cannot handle it. I have thought for so long of why the one trade restriction was made and now the answer is evident. As more people have come to own the game and everyone is sending several cars, their server are unable to withstand the load
i know... i wanted to let my buddy drive my X1 but I'm doooooin scared of it being lost into cyberspace... so he will just have to get his own :)
I remember when I sent a pair of supercars to the wrong guy, luckly he wasn't a thief and gave them back. I greeted him with a matte paint.
Good post. I sent my buddy in real life a car the other day. Went by his house and NO car. I said go to open lobby, he wasn't signed in to psn. Reboot later... Shabam! Car was there.
I think it's the PSN network not GT5, because my psn looks a lil weird, it keeps lagging and peoples pro-pics are taking a long time to come up if they even do at all... damn, this day started off crappy, lol...
Maybe its cause lot of ppl are now trading more than one car per day..
I guess the network cant handle it that well.
just my2cents.
sorry to hear your story !"

I think your right. There servers are probably flooded now.
A good tip for avoiding the 'missing in friend list' thing, is to simply add the friend before you start up GT5.

Not had any missing cars so far thank god. Had a scare the other night, but it turned out ok.
Yupz 2 cars gone today in cyberspace one Lexus LFA'10 and one GT BY Citroen Road car.
It happened to me last night a few times.... didnt receive a McLaren f1 we had decided on until about 55 minutes later. When I finally did, the top right corner said 55 Minutes ago so it took about an hour to finally come, very confusing....
Just felt victim to this garbage. Had a GT coming my way from jnino (excellent guy by the way). I have restarted one time and it still doesn't show up. I'm pissed.
This happened to me this morning, took like 20 minuts for the cars to show up in our community tab