I could sure use some critical opinions......

  • Thread starter Pako


Staff Emeritus
United States
NW Montana
GTP Pako
For anyone who cares to take the time, I could sure use some opinions on my little forum I put together for my band.

You can find it at:


Thanks in advance....

[size=-4](BTW - in doing so, it puts you in good graces with a GTP Super Moderator, not to abuse my influence, but I just thought I'd mention that.... :mischievous: )[/size]
Well, I like the look of it... The menu is neat too. However, what about having the menu drop down from the top of the page if it is possible? You have the perfect amount of space above the Blue Onion Logo. It looks fine where it is either way though.

The code for that menu is way beyond me. I tried a javascript menu like that and I dumped it.

Looks good to me. 👍
Very nice Pako! I'm not 100% liking the Menu. You should experiment with Invision Board's forum software also, it's actually better than phpBB's. Try out what's best for you. 👍!
Great! :)👍 My two design critiques: The white text of the headers (Topics, Replies, Author, etc.) get lost in that semi-white background; secondly, the font in the buttons (New Topic) are a bit hard to read.

Otherwise, everything else is very nicely done. I'm not a big fan of DHTML menus myself, but it seems appropriate for the content of your site, so I can't complain. :)
Hey thanks you guys... I really do appreciate the time you took in checking it out.

Thanks man.... Not quite sure how a horizontal nav would work without covering up page content. I'll see what I can do, but it's quite easy leaving where it is as it rides left justifed.

Invision Board, eh? What do you not like about the menu? What makes the software better?

I was thinking the same thing but wasn't sure what to do about it. Also, I was having a hard time in deciding if I should have a light boarder to seperate each horizontal row so the index headings wouldn't get as "lost". Perhaps a different font color would do the same thing..

I totally agree on the button fonts, I'm currently working on new ones. :)

Rumple Foreskin:
Yes it is always a good idea to be on the mods good side... 😈
I like the menu, it's pretty cool. But I'm just not use too it, on the other hand I do think it's cool. 👍

From what I've seen/read/tested Invision Board, has better features and alot more of them..
I don't know, I'm not a fan of dynamic menus. They look cool but, they're not really practical.
Very nice site there Pako! It's very neat and I like the fact that you have a hide-away navigation bar on the side instead of having all the links on the side or the top of the page. It leaves you more room for things on the page. Good site.👍
Greetings guys... Well hate to subject you guys to this agian, but I could use some opinions again. I had a major crash trying to install some mods to allow for attachments and as well as some other features when the whole board got scrambled. This time I took a more custom approach and basically hard coded all the styles.

Again, any and all critisisms are appreciated.

Sage, if you visit the site again, I'm curious how it loaded with your 56k.

Thanks guyz!

It looks great, IMO. Although, the title/thread title of the forums could be reduced in size or deleted all together(I'm referring to the link up above the Forum Moderators that are listed for each forum). You have breadcrumbing in use on the forum so I don't see why you need this. Also, you may want to show the title of each thread in the breadcrumbing instead.

I am on 56k also and the forum loaded very quick.

That's an awesome idea...thanks for pointing that out. Now I just need to find what objects create those elements. :D

I should have it under control now.... I like it quite a bit and it really cleans up the look! Great input!!!

Got a little problem when I 'reply' to a post, it doesn't show the {TOPIC_TITLE} but it could be because it's being shared with New Posts, in which case the script wouldn't know what the title was anyhow.

Also, the background image cellpic2 does not fill the entire box under "Topics","Posts", and "Last Post" on the forum index page(at least on my end it doesn't). There is a giant black square after the image ends. Is there supposed to be something that fills this spot or is that intentional?

You might want to fix this.
Originally posted by Matrixhasu77
Also, the background image cellpic2 does not fill the entire box under "Topics","Posts", and "Last Post" on the forum index page(at least on my end it doesn't). There is a giant black square after the image ends. Is there supposed to be something that fills this spot or is that intentional?

You might want to fix this.

AHH.... Are you running Netscape or a like type of browser? IE translates the tag, but I fear that Netscape type of browsers dont...
Looks great! :)👍 Also, the cellpic is tiling fine for me, so at least you're good to go in the standards-compliant browsers! ;)

And the load time is great... 34 seconds, minus ~4 for contacting the server.
Originally posted by Pako
AHH.... Are you running Netscape or a like type of browser? IE translates the tag, but I fear that Netscape type of browsers dont...

I'm using IE6.0. This is what I am seeing at 1280 X 1024. Making the window smaller or larger doesn't fix it either.


  • cellspacingproblem.jpg
    9.1 KB · Views: 64

Thanks for checking that for me... I swear, you the only dude I know with a 56k that I can count on... :)


That's really odd. I'm running IE 6.0.2800.1106.xpsp2.030422-1633 at 1280x1024 resolution and it doesn't do that for me.... Odd....

I'll have to look into it.
Originally posted by Pako

Thanks for checking that for me... I swear, you the only dude I know with a 56k that I can count on... :)
You're welcome! :D What're you gonna do though once I get a broadband connection (erm, college)? :P
Originally posted by Pako

Thanks for checking that for me... I swear, you the only dude I know with a 56k that I can count on... :)


That's really odd. I'm running IE 6.0.2800.1106.xpsp2.030422-1633 at 1280x1024 resolution and it doesn't do that for me.... Odd....

I'll have to look into it.

I am running that exact same version as well. Sometimes weird things happen in IE, you know. It does have it's quirks.
Not sure what I'll do...., except maybe quite worrying about dialup connections. :P

I'll try a cell background image much like the column heading to the left. Will let you know.

Originally posted by Pako
Not sure what I'll do...., except maybe quite worrying about dialup connections. :P

I'll try a cell background image much like the column heading to the left. Will let you know.


I've looked at it and it looks much better now with the blue thingy fading to black. 👍 No more ugly and abrupt ending of the image. It looks very clean also!
:D Thanks man.... I think I like the grid as well...

I see that! :cheers:
It's cool. I do think that perhaps your mouseover red is a little too dark for a black background though. May I humbly suggest ff6666?