"I Couldn't Disagree More!"

  • Thread starter Famine


GTP Editor, GTPEDIA Author
United Kingdom
Rule 12
Okay, this is based on a game from a panel show that used to be on British TV. It's like playing Devil's Advocate a little - someone makes a statement which is perfectly reasonable, but, no matter what, you MUST put forward an argument against it.

(and for that reason it's in the Opinions forum)

* Each game lasts one week.
* The question setter chooses the best "disagreer", who then makes the statement for the next week.
* No holds barred, on either statements or rebuttals, but stay within site rules.
* You must start your response with the words "I couldn't disagree more..."

Okay. Ready? :D

"Humanity should be working towards World peace."
I couldn't disagree more because it is an unattainable dream someone's going to start a war anyway
The word "should" is terribly important there. In the context of the sentence, even those who would start wars should really be working towards World peace...
I too couldn't disagree more. The efforts towards peace keeping will be futile at best, because as 2000 years has proven, wars will restart as soon as someone poses a question or bats an eye about ones religious beliefs. The day there is world peace, is the day the Earth dies.
"Humanity should be working towards World peace."

I couldn't disagree more...

A) We're getting overpopulated anyway, so killing off a bunch of people is good from a global hunger, space point of view.

B) War spawns technology. When countries go to war they spend tons on reasearching the best way to kill people. The products of that research can often be used for wonderful everyday applications.

C) War spawns competition. Countries that compete against each other work hard to compete - hard work means we get a lot done, this one really works with B.

D) War spawns patriotism.

E) If heaven is such a wonderful place, then all the pople who get "off'ed" in battle will end up in a better place anyway.

F) At least we wouldn't be bored.
You know, danoff and I have had so many disagreements, but I LOVE this guy... :D
i could not disagree more because human beings are not naturally peaceful. human beings are the product of evolution were only the strongest stay alive.
I couldn't disagree more. Human beings will never, ever get along; the idea of world peace is about as realistic as that of a utopian society. Our beliefs and ideals differ greatly from one anothers (or from one country to another), and many people can't accept that fact, and as a result, we will have wars, since people are afraid of things that are different.

Or if you want, you can have the short version of the above. War will be around as long as humans exist, because we as a race are petty and stupid.

And on the bright side of things, war is good for manufacturing, ending economic depressions, and for generally building character! Technology also tends to benefit greatly from war too!

Great thread idea Famine! :cheers:
I could not disagree more. Death is good for the planet for one thing, it restores the balance of nature and rids us of pesky unwanted inferior lifeforms..like liberals . For another I own lots of weapons and want to continue using them . Peace would truly suck because the world standard for marksmanship would certainly go down and a bunch of arabs would have no way to blow up thus contributing greatly to world hemmaroid problems and there is only so much ointment to go around you think we have problems with gas and oil..? Wait until you cant find any preperation H after sitting at your desk saluting Generals all day . But peace would surely blow oyster balls because no more good movies would be made ...did you like Ghandi ? See what I mean . All we would have is chick fliks , no more shock and awe no more Ahnald takes over California and kills 14 billion terrorist...or was that Stallone ?. Peace would really spike the crap -o -meter because all the dudes that now become generals would stay in business and make all the money by hostile takeovers and such and toilets would cost 6 billion dollars and that would suck...and who wants to salute in work any friggin way ?
i could not disagree more because human beings are not naturally peaceful. human beings are the product of evolution were only the strongest stay alive.

I couldn't disagree more with both- We are not the product of an evolutionary process where only the strongest survive- if it was then dinosaurs would still be alive. We're here because 1) we'd like to think we're the smartest and 2) we can adapt to a changing climat more than any other animal.

As for Famine's: I couldn't disagree more- if humans worked to promote peace and live in harmony then we would no longer have any violent videogames or strife in our lives, and the generations to come would be a bunch of sensitive sissies who can't fight or take mean jokes. We'd cripple ourselves if a bad seed turned out somewhere.

And this goes on for a week, right? Because I have a great idea for next week's.

On a slightly other note, is there anyone to rebut the dissagreements, or is everyone pitching against the single statement? And at the end of the week is there a verdict or a winner?
End of week; new topic:

Grand Theft Auto is the best game ever.

I couldn't dissagree more...
I couldn't disagree more. After running around for a few hours killing anything that even thinks about moving, the gameplay starts to become repetitious and boring. The story-driven missions aren't on par with other kinds of action games, and the "you're a bad guy and you kill" idea stops being so new and taboo, and ends up being just another long action game that has a bad aiming system.

Not to mention the sequals are mere rehashes of the same engine with a different location and story. How many times is Rockstar going to release the same game and give it a different title?
I couldnt disagree more ! The people are not real ! what good is killing cartoons when you have a real world right outside your door full of morons to slaughter ! i would write more on this but this friggin hookers giving me a hard time about the chain saw.

* The question setter chooses the best "disagreer", who then makes the statement for the next week.

End of week; new topic:

Grand Theft Auto is the best game ever.

I couldn't dissagree more...

Who voted you as the best disagreer? I would vote you as the best at not following directions, but danoff's answer is by far and away the best disagreement. But, then again, it's not my decision as per the rules.
Notwithstanding the fact that there's still another 25 hours and 40 minutes until deadline...
Who voted you as the best disagreer? I would vote you as the best at not following directions, but danoff's answer is by far and away the best disagreement. But, then again, it's not my decision as per the rules.

Sorry I was going by business week, the thread had died for quite some time, and therefore noone has said anything, so I took it upon myself to start a new topic. Start again if you will, but I really don't see the fuss.
The week has gone by. The results...

Ten makes a good point, but in my mind true world peace would involve everyone getting along with everyone else. ledhed makes several good points, in the true ledhed style. vladimir, Ev0 and PS - your points don't remove the fact that we SHOULD be working towards it, even if we can't acheive it through our own biological failings.

And the winner is CLEARLY danoff... Take it away!


Ok the new Topic is the following:

“Human beings are the most intelligent species on the planet Earth.”

:) have fun!

“Human beings are the most intelligent species on the planet Earth.”
I couldn't disagree more.

Human beings cannot possibly be the most intelligent species on the planet. In fact, I'm going to come out and say that human beings must be the least intelligent species.

No other species on earth has done more to destroy its own environment than mankind. Industrial-grade agriculture, manufacturing, building and infrastructure construction, and other human works do nothing but destroy the environment, while simultaneously allowing for global overpopulation of humans. So not only are we too stupid to keep our nest clean, but we're too stupid to prevent ourselves from breeding beyond the capacity of the ecosystem to support us.

Which is why we developed another of our stupid ideas, war, already covered above. War developed as a method of controlling population since we are too stupid to reduce breeding directly. All of our posturing with philosophical or religious thought has only created excuses for population-destroying conflict within global society.

In contrast, intelligent species such as parrots, dolphins, and whales live in total harmony with their environments and therefore do not bring catastrophe upon themselves. Humans are intelligent in proportion to the extent that they mimic this behaviour. Thus aboriginals in all societies are infinitely more intelligent than their 'civilized' counterparts since they operate only within the confines of what nature provides for them. Environmental catasrophe only comes when mankind forces his mistaken technology onto nature and creates unforseen ecological disasters in pursuit of blind 'progress'.

Parrots, dolphins, whales, and other species, however, have lived for millions of years without causing harm to the environment. No dolphin-piloted fishing vessels decimate fish populations. No gorilla-built factories pollute the rainforest. No parrot-designed communications towers or power plants destroy the natural beauty of the landscape.

Thus it is demonstrated that mankind is not the most intelligent form of life on the Earth, and may in fact be the least intelligent.
Thus it is demonstrated that mankind is not the most intelligent form of life on the Earth, and may in fact be the least intelligent.

Nice work Duke.

In contrast, intelligent species such as parrots, dolphins, and whales live in total harmony with their environments and therefore do not bring catastrophe upon themselves. Humans are intelligent in proportion to the extent that they mimic this behaviour.

I couldn't disagree more.

Human beings cannot possibly be the most intelligent species on the planet.
I couldn't disagree more with you.
NO other species on this earth can create, communicate, and think on a level that we can. The only species on this earth that comes close to our intelligence is the Gorilla/Ape. The Evolution theory states that the Homo Sapien is the highest evolution of species in the animal kingdom.

No other species on earth has done more to destroy its own environment than mankind. Industrial-grade agriculture, manufacturing, building and infrastructure construction, and other human works do nothing but destroy the environment, while simultaneously allowing for global overpopulation of humans.

Sharks are classified in the animal kingdom as Fish, and they eat there own kind. Also, Countless numbers of species fight for Territory and/or dominance of a group.

Which is why we developed another of our stupid ideas, war, already covered above. War developed as a method of controlling population since we are too stupid to reduce breeding directly. All of our posturing with philosophical or religious thought has only created excuses for population-destroying conflict within global society.

I disagree with that, too.
IMO, war was created to fight for something that you have or need to obtain.
It is completely senseless to make war just because we need to "exterminate." Even you would agree that we're not that dumb. We can think of other ways to decrease the population.

In contrast, intelligent species such as parrots, dolphins, and whales live in total harmony with their environments and therefore do not bring catastrophe upon themselves. Humans are intelligent in proportion to the extent that they mimic this behaviour. Thus aboriginals in all societies are infinitely more intelligent than their 'civilized' counterparts since they operate only within the confines of what nature provides for them. Environmental catasrophe only comes when mankind forces his mistaken technology onto nature and creates unforseen ecological disasters in pursuit of blind 'progress'.

True, but not all of the time. Animals, like I've stated previously,
fight for dominance and territory for their land. They even get attacked by other animals that are bigger and stronger than they are.
War exists in the animal kingdom, too. Just not without Technology.

Parrots, dolphins, whales, and other species, however, have lived for millions of years without causing harm to the environment. No dolphin-piloted fishing vessels decimate fish populations. No gorilla-built factories pollute the rainforest. No parrot-designed communications towers or power plants destroy the natural beauty of the landscape.

Some species in the animal kingdom have to fight for territory, and others simply do not live within the vicinity of different species of animals, or know that they exist for that matter.
Humans however, can find more than one way to enter the territory of any other continent or country that other humans live in. We have the knowledge to advance in technology and we are more than qualified to discover not only life on earth, but life on other planets as well.
I couldn't disagree more with you.
NO other species on this earth can create, communicate, and think on a level that we can.
Speaking of communicating and thinking, please go back and read the first post of this thread.
Human beings cannot possibly be the most intelligent species on the planet. In fact, I'm going to come out and say that human beings must be the least intelligent species.

No other species on earth has done more to destroy its own environment than mankind. Industrial-grade agriculture, manufacturing, building and infrastructure construction, and other human works do nothing but destroy the environment, while simultaneously allowing for global overpopulation of humans. So not only are we too stupid to keep our nest clean, but we're too stupid to prevent ourselves from breeding beyond the capacity of the ecosystem to support us.
I couldn't agree more.
👍 Nice one!

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