i got another problem

  • Thread starter nk4e
United States
United States
does anyone have a vid card and sharkport and be glad to make a sharkport into a mpeg file plz :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
for wot dood? uploading videos?

MSI TV card, its about 50 bucks and works great (s-video in from PS2) you can get dvd quality mpeg recordings. highly recomended!
just so you know replays that your TAKE from your memory card threw your sharkport will stay in that format you cant convert it to mpg....
Originally posted by Ryen49
just so you know replays that your TAKE from your memory card threw your sharkport will stay in that format you cant convert it to mpg....
I'm so glad someone else said it. I'm getting real tired of explaining this to people. ;)
You can't make a video with a Sharkport!!!
Originally posted by kirkis9
for wot dood? uploading videos?

MSI TV card, its about 50 bucks and works great (s-video in from PS2) you can get dvd quality mpeg recordings. highly recomended!
What's the manufacturer of this card? I am looking for a good card, doy have any video's you have made with this card, so I can see the quality? ;)
i know what u have to have im just askin if someone would glad to transfer the sxs. file or sharkport file into a mepg file
Originally posted by nightkids4ever
i know what u have to have im just askin if someone would glad to transfer the sxs. file or sharkport file into a mepg file
You can't turn a Sharkport file into an mpeg, anything you transfer from the Sharkport to the PC, stays a Sharkport file. Now, please stop asking this question.;)
i think he means take the file from the sharkport put it on the ps2 and transfer it to the comp as an mpeg using a card or cam or whatever you do to make it wmv. or mpeg
then how do people make the videos into wmv. files?
i dont mean take the sharkport save and then make it another file on the comp i mean take it from the ps2
Originally posted by drifter7
then how do people make the videos into wmv. files?
i dont mean take the sharkport save and then make it another file on the comp i mean take it from the ps2
maybe just take a video of the tv? :rolleyes:
i guess i was confused because i didnt know how to do it but i was trying to explain that i didnt mean the sharkport file but the video itself
i give someone my sharkport files any the person turns it into a mpg file type and gives it back
Originally posted by nightkids4ever
i give someone my sharkport files any the person turns it into a mpg file type and gives it back

For the 5687329867th time, it wont work, you cant do that. that stay .xps or whatever they are.
omg. i think he means the use of a sharkport to transfer small replay files from card to card, vice sharing videos, which are way tooo big. its a great idea if we all had sharkports. there would no longer be any large video uploads just loading the sharkport replay off the net and pluging it in your GT3 for viwing.

MSI is the manunfacturer. the card name is MSI TV@NYWHERE. here is the homepage
the .xps files contains no actual readable video footage. its a bunch of compressed coordinates of car data in chronological order. the game processes this data with its game graphics engine to recreate the race data that we know as a replay,

in other words its not a video, thats why its so small
yup, 100% homegrown, except for the guy on the biography page, thats a screen shot form the game 'International Ragnarok Online'
Originally posted by silviadrifter
I'm so glad someone else said it. I'm getting real tired of explaining this to people. ;)
You can't make a video with a Sharkport!!!

The Hell you cant, all u do is need a capture card or webcam, he needs somoone with a sharkport so he can send it to em, they can capture it some how:lol: