I have a cursed Lotus!!

  • Thread starter PARAGON GT


United States
Motor City
I'm not sure what the deal is, but my Lotus is cursed.

I picked up a black '98 Lotus Esprit SE from the second used car lot just recently.
Took it to the tracks in its stock form just to see how it handled, where it was lacking. Fun things like that.

Then I began to build it. I began with the weight reduction, suspension and minor increases in power. I figured that If I set the suspension early, I could add more power with out having to do any major suspension tweeks.

I set the car, and everything is still fine. Untill . . .

I wanted to test out the car to see what it would max out at. So I take the car out and build the 🤬 out of it. Everything but a wing. Then its off to the Max Speed event.

I go to the set ups and max out the autoset to 25, and its off to my first run.

The Esprit tops off at 274.x mph as it bounces off the rev limiter. Not bad for a first run.

So I tinker with the trans and the bottle and go make my second run. 285.x mph.

Things are still good at this point.

Again I tinker with the car for my third and final run for the evening. I manage to hit 294.5 mph.

I know that I can still pull more out of the car, It seems more than willing to want to break the 300 mph barrier, but it was 1:00am, and I needed to get to bed. (work tomorrow and all)

Here is the trouble spot. I exit out of the max speed event.

The screen goes black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :odd: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :odd: :boggled: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :irked: . . . . . . . . . . . 🤬 :banghead: . Its locked up.

So I hit reset, wait for the game to start up. Check the car, and its still built up, but my settings are lost. Take it to the max again, exit out after not running. It locks up again.

I reset it again, loads again, checked again, its all the same. I jump into another car, go to the max and exit with out a problem.

Jump back into the Lotus again, go to the max, exit . . . . . black screen of death!!!

I think my Esprit is cursed. I have tried it with other cars too, and nothing has happened. The only time I have problems is with my Lotus.

Has this happened to anyone else?
I think you only have bad luck, my PS2 has freezed twice (once with a RUF BTR, out of Replay Theatre and once with a Nismo Skyline S-Tune, out of Grand Valley Speedway) but the same cars have worked well after that. There might be a dot of dust just in the critical place on your disc.

If nothing else works, who are you gonna call? Ghostbusters! :lol:
I think you only have bad luck, my PS2 has freezed twice (once with a RUF BTR, out of Replay Theatre and once with a Nismo Skyline S-Tune, out of Grand Valley Speedway) but the same cars have worked well after that. There might be a dot of dust just in the critical place on your disc.

If nothing else works, who are you gonna call? Ghostbusters! :lol:

Thought about that. I figured that electronic spectors were out of their league.

Besides, can you imagine what would happen if they crossed their streams above my PS2? :nervous:

ATo the Mods. Could you move this to the correct area. Its not quite a setting thread, I wasn't paying attention to where I was when I made it. Sorry. :dopey:
I dont know what happened but I had a Car I freshly tuned, and any time I tried to enter into an event with it, it would freeze up. I sold the car, and Bought a new one, and it never happened again. buy another one seee if it still happens, if it dont sell the old one, and your all set. If it still happenes I dont know what to tell you.
paragon, i have had the same problem, minus the lotus. my game would freeze at random points, mainly coming out of my garage. since i have the old ps2(fatboy model)my warranty expired years ago. if your warranty is up go to staples buy a can of compressed air, open the ps2, carefully spray the guts and eye, then enjoy the sweet lotus.
Your PS2 is probably the problem. My PS2 is the slim one and GT4, or any game for that matter, has never freezed up on me.

paragon, i have had the same problem, minus the lotus. my game would freeze at random points, mainly coming out of my garage. since i have the old ps2(fatboy model)my warranty expired years ago. if your warranty is up go to staples buy a can of compressed air, open the ps2, carefully spray the guts and eye, then enjoy the sweet lotus.
That's probably a good idea. 👍

Cleaning the PS2 always helps if you get DRE's N stuff, but this is a periodic game glitch, as when I bought a dup car to the one causing the issue it wouldnt occure, only when That specific car was used, and selling the car and using the dup resolved the issue.

So being the issue is car specific (not car modle specific, or caused when reaching, or loading a certain point with any car), it cant be a lens isue.

Keep in mind GT4 has plenty of Bugs!
Cleaning the PS2 always helps if you get DRE's N stuff, but this is a periodic game glitch, as when I bought a dup car to the one causing the issue it wouldnt occure, only when That specific car was used, and selling the car and using the dup resolved the issue.

So being the issue is car specific (not car modle specific, or caused when reaching, or loading a certain point with any car), it cant be a lens isue.

Keep in mind GT4 has plenty of Bugs!
i know the game has bugs, but do specific cars get "impounded" more than others? :odd:
i know the game has bugs, but do specific cars get "impounded" more than others? :odd:

I havnt had it happen more then once, and It was the Yellow Bird, I had my issues with, I drive my new one all the time never had a issue again.

So I dont beleve this is a Car Specific issue (Meaning happing to any car more then any other) as it occured to our friend with a Lotus in this case, another car I have and never experienced issues with + Not a often reported issue. If we see more people with these car come forward we can maybe spot a trend, but baised on current data it doesnt apear to be the case.

'Tis not the car, or the game.

Methinks it's your console. I had the same problem, but it spread thruout my entire game collection. If you don't want to spend too much cash, then go and get it repaired at an EB retailer, or do it yourself. If you have the bread, then go buy a Slim. I got one and it fixed my freezing issue.

Good luck.

'Tis not the car, or the game.

Methinks it's your console. I had the same problem, but it spread thruout my entire game collection. If you don't want to spend too much cash, then go and get it repaired at an EB retailer, or do it yourself. If you have the bread, then go buy a Slim. I got one and it fixed my freezing issue.

Good luck.

How can it be related to the console if the glitch IS car specific (That for one thing is certain), Not Specific to a Car Modle, not reacuring, & there are no other Console issues?
It's all a possibility.

My reply is just from the info I've gathered, along with the similiar experiences with singular specific cars. i.e. I purchased the black 787b from the used car dealership, and my game would freeze with just that car. No other. I forgot to mention that in my previous reply.

Sorry. :crazy:
It's all a possibility.

My reply is just from the info I've gathered, along with the similiar experiences with singular specific cars. i.e. I purchased the black 787b from the used car dealership, and my game would freeze with just that car. No other. I forgot to mention that in my previous reply.

Sorry. :crazy:

Baised on what we know we can eliminate some probabilities, The Console Being one of them.

However, It would help if you elaborated on your 787 experience.
I tried the compressed air this evening, and the same thing happened. Still locked up. Oh well.

I guess that I will have to keep my eyes open for another used Esprit SE. Its a shame, It was one of the first ones that I found in black. I managed to get the Elise rims on it too. (they happened to be in the *Todays Special*in the rim area when I bought the car. I'll just keep my fingers crossed that next time I see it, its not some nasty color.

I do have the origional PS2 still. This would be the first time that I have had any problems with it. I have a disk cleaner somewhere around here. I'll try running that through and see if that helps any.

*Just tried it on some other tracks. It was fine running on El Cap. but locked up on Midway. Argh!!*
Thats the thing, Cleaning the machine wont repair the issue (As it didnt for, me, or Paragon GT) I asked you to elaborate first to see if you would say cleaning it fixed your issue, as you may say next, but you didnt say anything, so its all good.

BUT Selling the Car and using a New car (Same modle) will work fine

This indicates the issue is specific to the car in question, not its make or modle, this is a game glitch.

Another thing to point out if the machine IS NOT exerting any other adverse behavior, Think of console repair last (except In case of the obvious [New Game & a DRE] Even if you have a warrenty, 4 weeks without a PS2? I couldnt do it, so Trouble shoot FIRST, instead of assuming all the time its a lens issue and sending it in is required, while sending it in in the end may be the best solution, atleast if you proporly troubleshoot first you can avoid sending it in for nothing.

Dont worrie Paragon, Sell her and your next should work fine (They apear often enough, and there are plenty of cars to get caught up on while waiting for her to show up, Good Luck!
TeamQuick: My PS2 was in need of a good cleaning anyhow. It has been over a year and I figured that it couldn't hurt. Besides, the cooling fan looked like it had a couple dust bunnys stuck in it. (the bunnys have been released into the wild, no creatures were harmed in the cleaning of my PS2)

My counsol has been flawless for as long as I have had it. I have had the occasional lockup from time to time, but it happens to everyone from time to time. I figurted that as lond as there isn't any smoke pouring out of it, its working fine.

I have been experimenting with other cars at the tracks that i was having trouble on. None of them had any problems. So the Lotus that I have is cursed, and will be sold when another one appears in the used car lot.

Maybe I should just bite the bulit and buy a new one . . .

We shall see. Thanks all!!
it happend to me so ur not mad, i bought a black 350z convertable, tuned to the max, with na and turb settings, done the first race of the roadster and spider cup no probs, so i switch to turbo...crash..so reset, try it again ..crash...so im like wtf, reload it and keep it na this time, works fine, the cars fine too, just only when i change to turbo power she crashes the game
Hm, black lotus, black 787B, black 350z... do Yellowbirds come in black?

I think I'll just avoid black cars from now on :D but then I usually go for greens & silvers anyway. Being a used car junkie options are sometimes limited though :irked:
i had the EXACT smae problem with my nissan fairlady z i got from tuner villageEVERY time i exited a race with it, the game froze up.

did i mention that the z i used is black, too :(
Very interesting..
After reading the 1st post, I thought: "Hey, I've encountered exactly the same problem!" And just like MusclecarChhris, it was also a Nissan Fairlady Z ST version. Everytime when I wanted to enter a race (I believe it was only on a certain track, I'm not sure), the white circling sign would just freeze and do nothing anymore. It was fully tuned, however I didn't try to enter the race without tuning first so I can't tell if it's because of the tuning. And the other odd thing is that mine was also black... So at that time (must be like 1 year ago) I bought another 350Z (so the same car, just not named Fairlady), which was blue, which was also tuned and tried to enter the race on that particular track too, and it worked fine for me.
So I think this problem comes with certain cars or it might be your particular console. Or maybe even the car's color. Anyways, I was just happy it worked with the 350Z so I sold the Fairlady Z ST version, so I can't check again.
im glad i not alone with the fairlady problem! i got the GT version of the thing, the exact same color, black, look exactly the same, fully tuned it...and...it worked :D maybe its just certain cars and colrs, and might have something to do with the condition of the console or disk. when i first got gt4, i couldnt play it, i found out it was cause there was more dust than circuits in the thing, when it was cleaned, the game worked fine. but the ps2 scratched the disk up a hell of a lot before i cleaned it, so thta might be a prob too.
I kinda have the same problem buts its not lotus's
Its Toyota, If I dare go into the Toyota garage or look at a Toyota or anything my PS2 just freezes.. Maybe my PS2 dont like Toyota??
Since everyone is on the topic. I have a fat old PS2 that when i get a game running it works great but i usually have to restart it 3 times or so to get the council to read the disk. Has this ever happened to anyone else.
I'm not sure what the deal is, but my Lotus is cursed.

I picked up a black '98 Lotus Esprit SE from the second used car lot just recently.
Took it to the tracks in its stock form just to see how it handled, where it was lacking. Fun things like that.

Then I began to build it. I began with the weight reduction, suspension and minor increases in power. I figured that If I set the suspension early, I could add more power with out having to do any major suspension tweeks.

I set the car, and everything is still fine. Untill . . .

I wanted to test out the car to see what it would max out at. So I take the car out and build the 🤬 out of it. Everything but a wing. Then its off to the Max Speed event.

I go to the set ups and max out the autoset to 25, and its off to my first run.

The Esprit tops off at 274.x mph as it bounces off the rev limiter. Not bad for a first run.

So I tinker with the trans and the bottle and go make my second run. 285.x mph.

Things are still good at this point.

Again I tinker with the car for my third and final run for the evening. I manage to hit 294.5 mph.

I know that I can still pull more out of the car, It seems more than willing to want to break the 300 mph barrier, but it was 1:00am, and I needed to get to bed. (work tomorrow and all)

Here is the trouble spot. I exit out of the max speed event.

The screen goes black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :odd: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :odd: :boggled: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :irked: . . . . . . . . . . . 🤬 :banghead: . Its locked up.

So I hit reset, wait for the game to start up. Check the car, and its still built up, but my settings are lost. Take it to the max again, exit out after not running. It locks up again.

I reset it again, loads again, checked again, its all the same. I jump into another car, go to the max and exit with out a problem.

Jump back into the Lotus again, go to the max, exit . . . . . black screen of death!!!

I think my Esprit is cursed. I have tried it with other cars too, and nothing has happened. The only time I have problems is with my Lotus.

Has this happened to anyone else?

probably that happened 'cause you forgot to save it (probably)
I havent been on this thread in AGES!!
I still have the same problem..
Even on Arcade mode I cant choose a Toyota,
Which is a shame cause I had my AE86 set up perfectly for drifting :[
Ok so I still have that problem but now I cant change the oil in my Audi R8..
Is my PS2 just deciding that it doesnt like my cars?
If it doesnt let me use my Bentley or Skylines or any other car I love driving I WILL throw my PS2 out of my window :]