I just had the stupidest dream...

  • Thread starter The Bman

The Bman

That's just one of my names.
United States
Pittsburgh, PA
...yes indeed.

So it began with me at a supermarket in the grab-n-go section where I was going to get a tray of sushi. For some reason, I brought a desktop with me. Some teen was on it trying to fix it but it ended up looking like a fruit swirl with a countdown on it. So, I blamed the characters of Kuro****suji for breaking a lego set and arrested them. Meanwhile, I go back to the supermarket and that swirl thingy is back. After the countdown it shows a 3d rendering of a guy's head singing.

I swear, it was weird. Did any of you have stupid/weird/funny dreams?
Tip for telling dream stories

1. Always start with "I had the weirdest dream."
2. Make sure to lie and throw nonchalant sex in there.

Other than Saving Our Block from Godzilla using a Jeep ............I can't remmember any
Nah my dreams are usually me walking around for a bit or else me being killed by some freak animal.
I'm very imaginative.:lol:
Yep, I've got a weird dream that happened to me last night.

So I go down a slide into a labyrinth where some guy is sitting on the walls with a Colt .45 shooting at me, I get into hand to hand combat shoot the guy in the face about 4 times.

I wake up and my hand is shaped in the way of holding a gun, just when I woke up I thought I had a gun in my hands.

WTF, I never dream about stupid crap like this! Thinking about it now I thinks it's from memories from the previous day, I was playing some sort of labyrinth game, then I heard about Bin Laden and remembered Green Zone's hand to hand combat. Then to finish it off I think the thought of me shooting this character in the face was probably from the pictures of Osama's corpse.

Uh, that was the weirdest thing ever.

Dreams feel real while we are in them, it's only when we wake up when we notice something was actually strange. < LOL so true
My dreams usually involve some sick scenario in a made up location... usually some sort of science fiction thing going on. I never remember much more than a few things. It's also funny because i have absolutely no imagination irl but my dreams are really expansive and real.
I have fairly detailed dreams, the one that is constantly recurring is me being at some kind of moulin rouge type place where an orgy eventually starts happening :). I started having car racing dreams after I got GT5, in particular driving an LFA around Trial mountain
After a long night of almost nothing but my Minecraft and My Little Pony, and a can of monster that I came to regret, I am absolutely sure that I had the weirdest dream of my entire life.

But basically, I remember walking out of my room to get something to drink, only when I got to the kitchen there was a tall Minecraft style chest where the fridge should be. When I opened it everything looked normal, I got the pitcher and pored myself a glass of tea.
Only then I heard the sound all Minecraft players fears, the HISSSSS of a creeper, I hit it in the face with the glass and it bounced back into the living room where it exploded. Only instead of a fireball it transformed into a small blue MLP style pony. Then for some reason I pored another glass of tea as this cartoon pony sat there and starred at me. After a few seconds of starring, it asked me if I knew what time it was, to which I responded 2pm. Only then it suddenly exploded and I was standing in the middle of some strange field. It just went on forever and I couldn't see the end. Then suddenly there was a large explosion, I looked in the sky and saw a double sonic rain boom. Then I heard another creeper hissing, then I woke up with the sensation that I was falling, scared the hell out of me and I almost fell out of my bed.

Moral of this story would be to not watch/play any one thing for a long period of time, especially right before going to sleep.
Your dreams are basically you subconscious cramming your most recent memories into some huge mess of senselessness

EDIT: Just looked up that feeling of falling while sleeping, apparently it's called a hypnic jerk. And this can be caused by sleep deprivation. I need to start getting more sleep.

Also: A close second would be when I was about 8 I had a dream that I was an infant being bathed by my mom in the kitchen sink. I was viewing this from the 3-rd person, as if I were standing about 5 feet away. The only thing in the room was the kitchen sink and it was just an infinite blackness. Then out of nowhere an arrow hit my mom and I started crying. Then the dream ended.
Even though that dream was 10 years ago, I still remember it perfectly.

Sorry for broken sentences and some bad grammar, that would be that "sleep deprivation" I mentioned earlier.
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The only dream that I can remember having was when I was a ninja. I was a ninja drinking a can of Coke. I finished the drink then jumped over a wall. That's all I can remember.
I used to have dreams where I was following my parents, and I would look away and they would disappear. I would spend the rest of the dream seeing people who looked like them but weren't, and getting increasingly disappointed and frightened. Once I dreamt I was with my dad on an escalator and my backpack got stuck. I dislodged it but when I looked back my dad was gone.

I also had dreams where I would experience something frightening, then be trapped in a bright place where I couldn't do anything until I woke up. At some point I learned to wake myself up from the dreams and they stopped being so scary.

On a lighter side, I once had a dream where I was following my class through my school, and for some reason I strayed and started walking down some zigzaggy stairs. Then a bunch of meatballs and mozzarella sticks started chasing me, and I ran down a hill, where I realized I was dreaming and purposely flew off a jump and woke up.

And my absolute wierdest dream: I was in my kitchen, and about three inches tall. I was also in a wheelchair. I went too close to the oven and I was teleported inside. I had a third person view, albeit very fuzzy since it was a dream, of myself being melted or cooked or something. It was kind of scary but I think I laughed when I woke up.

Crazy stuff. I haven't had many dreams recently, for some reason. What exactly causes that?
Um, I daydream a lot, but I don't really dream in my sleep. One that I recall very clearly. I am in a car on the freeway when out of no where every car crashes. Only two people in the world are living, me and a girl across the world. I have 72 hours to get to her and each time I get closer and closer, the last time I was like 2 feet away from her one time and was about to meet her when I get woken up by my damn alarm. Stupid, really 🤬 stupid.
EDIT: Just looked up that feeling of falling while sleeping, apparently it's called a hypnic jerk. And this can be caused by sleep deprivation. I need to start getting more sleep.

I hate it when a Hypnic Jerk wakes me up, luckily it doesn't happen very often.

Anyway, i've had many strange and very vivid dreams, but I'll mention one I had a couple of years ago. All I can remember is that me and some friend were attacked in some random train yard by a bunch of mysterious strangers with Assault Rifles. Then one of them tried taking one of my friends, which resulted in me shouting 'Don't go!'. Halfway through shouting that, I woke up and all I could hear was the room echo because I'd shouted 'GO' just as I'd awakened. Needless to say it shook me up a bit.
I get waken up by a hypnic jerk at 6am all the time, either that or I'm pushed in the wall and awakened. Heck, sometimes I woke up swimming on my bed.
:scared:. I don't want to know what happens after you found that out. Anyway, my dream doesn't seem so stupid. :lol:.
The other night I was escaping a heavily guarded prison in the old west, and I ended up having to go back to rescue some friends. We got out of there and found a modern day mall to hide out it. There were also zombies and giants looking for us, so we looked for a back way out of the mall, and did. Outside was the future.

I think I may have discovered time travel.
I have had that feeling I've fallen off a building and died, weird as hell I jump so fast in my bed. I thinks it's kinda cool actually
I usually have crazy dreams after eating Pizza.Sometimes if i want to have a crazy dream i'll just eat a ton of pizza for the fun of it.

A lot of the time though i'll have a dream and then a few days later i'll have De Ja Vu.It happens more times than i can remember.
I usually have crazy dreams after eating Pizza.

That happens to me too, then I wake up with heartburn.

On another note, has anyone had lucid dreams? I was able to a couple times last week, but no luck lately. They weren't the weirdest dreams I've had, but it was a bit odd.

One of my weirdest ever was from when I was real young, like 4 or 5. I have no idea why I remember it, but it was at my old house, and there were monsters playing my NES in my room, and they kicked me out and locked the door, haha.
Most of my dreams end in falling. Very common apparently. It helps that I've broken my arms 3 times because of falls :rolleyes:

It's the only reply I could think of.

The other night I did realized my dream was indeed a dream. I don't know how I did it, but I hope to do it again. I mostly have dreams that are very real and this was no exception. Me thinking that my dream is real life forces me to make rational decisions. That wasn't the case then. It's hard to explain. I hope I was successful in conveying to y'all what happened.
Can't remember a weird dream, though I do remember one back in 2003 (when I was 7 or 8) I had a dream where I was racing a Formula 1 (I remember racing in the cockpit) through a track similar to Autumn Ring, autumn leaves and everything but a lot more detail than even GT5. To add to this, I had never raced at Autumn Ring (I had only ever played GT3). That was strange, but I still remember it
I was daydreaming in math class today, and I visioned going through the day, but in third-person view. It was interesting.
Generally when I have weird dreams it's something that actually did happen, but it's completely over exaggerated. For example, a couple months ago, my hockey team was in an elimination game, and we were down 4-2 with 7 minutes or so left in the 3rd period. At this point, one of my friends scored to bring us within one, and then another guy on our team tied it with 2 minutes left. The game ended tied, and we went to a shootout, which we won in 2 rounds.

So in my dream, my team was playing at the HSBC centre in Buffalo, in front of a sellout crowd. In the real game, my team's 3rd and 4th goals were ugly grind em out goals out front, but in the dream they were breakaways with a through the legs shot, etc etc. My saves in the shootout (I'm a goalie) were ridiculously over exaggerated, instead of poking the puck away with my stick like in real life, I was diving all over the net, etc etc.

Another time, it was New Years Eve, and I was dreaming that I was at the party I went to. In real life I got a New Year's kiss, and it was just a kiss, nothing crazy, but in my dream it turned into a hardcore makeout session :lol:

Final one, I recently cut my finger pretty bad at work, bad enough that I had to go to the hospital, etc etc, but no major damage, and the worst that will happen is a minor scar. In my dream, I cut my finger clean off with a huge knife, and sped to the hospital in an ambulance. In real life, I left work and went to the hospital in my mom's Toyota :lol:
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Thanks! Happy 2000 posts gogatrs. This is my life:
I turn on my laptop, there's a picture of a Porsche,
I drive the hidden Porsche in Gran Turismo 3
I bought a Gameboy Advance just to get Need For Speed: Porsche Unleashed
I go to sleep thinking about Porsche's.
Thank my mother for part of my signature.
Daydreaming of owning a Porsche and crashing it, boy I felt stupid...

Generally when I have weird dreams it's something that actually did happen, but it's completely over exaggerated. For example, a couple months ago, my hockey team was in an elimination game, and we were down 4-2 with 7 minutes or so left in the 3rd period. At this point, one of my friends scored to bring us within one, and then another guy on our team tied it with 2 minutes left. The game ended tied, and we went to a shootout, which we won in 2 rounds.

So in my dream, my team was playing at the HSBC centre in Buffalo, in front of a sellout crowd. In the real game, my team's 3rd and 4th goals were ugly grind em out goals out front, but in the dream they were breakaways with a through the legs shot, etc etc. My saves in the shootout (I'm a goalie) were ridiculously over exaggerated, instead of poking the puck away with my stick like in real life, I was diving all over the net, etc etc.

Another time, it was New Years Eve, and I was dreaming that I was at the party I went to. In real life I got a New Year's kiss, and it was just a kiss, nothing crazy, but in my dream it turned into a hardcore makeout session

Final one, I recently cut my finger pretty bad at work, bad enough that I had to go to the hospital, etc etc, but no major damage, and the worst that will happen is a minor scar. In my dream, I cut my finger clean off with a huge knife, and sped to the hospital in an ambulance. In real life, I left work and went to the hospital in my mom's Toyota :lol;

That's how all dreams go usually.
Like in grade 8 when I hit the game-winning shot in the basketball game in gym class. In my dream I was the point guard for the Toronto Raptors and I drained a shot which won me the championship.
But for the hockey part, I have to stick to NHL 2k7 or NHL 09. :(
I can't skate on ice :ouch:, but I have no problem rollerblading :banghead:.
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