I may sound dumb...

  • Thread starter oskierox
United States
But what do you guys mean about "grinding the wall" with the Bugatti Veyron? In a race if you just grind the wall the other guys beat you no matter what.... what are you guys talking about? :ill:
Its not as much "grinding the wall " its more like riding the wall to save the time of braking and losing all that speed.
this can only be done successfully in test course. even so why would you do that? don't oversimplify an already simple course.
Its not as much "grinding the wall " its more like riding the wall to save the time of braking and losing all that speed.

For the test course you don't even need to brake.
Actually, here's an idea. If you're busy one day, or want to do something besides race all day, but would like more credits,try this: On the test course, S rank, put the laps to 99 and put something on the accelerate button and leave it on your charger all day. I recommend a lightweight dumbbell, 2 lbs or so, since it will hold X down without pressing the other buttons. Do this over a course of days and you'll be swimming in credits.
That's not news. You know the easier method? Switch your controls so R is accelerate. Than put a rubber band over your psp so it hold R button.
Yeah, I don't how it's cheating. You're cheating against robot AIs, they don't understand:lol:

But yeah, that's one of my strategic moves when I'm behind
That's not news. You know the easier method? Switch your controls so R is accelerate. Than put a rubber band over your psp so it hold R button.

That's what im doing now, 2 laps round test course with a Veryon and N1 tires will get you 2.2mil in an hour.

And no it's not cheating, it's just getting round things and being clever.
That's what im doing now, 2 laps round test course with a Veryon and N1 tires will get you 2.2mil in an hour.

And no it's not cheating, it's just getting round things and being clever.

What would the difference be with R3 tires? On the test course it really doesn't matter does it?
And since were talking tune-ups and adjustments, I've got a problem I can't seem to fix. When I go around a corner, a lot of the time the car will decelerate while the AI will accelerate. I think it has something to do with my settings on the quick-tune, but I'm not sure. Anybody else ever have this problem?
^ That's why you don't choose the Veyron when in rubber-band mode. Get the Pescarolo C60, set Same Manufacturer option to off and you'll always be up against 3 Escudos, irrespective of your tire choice. Your minimum cornering speed due to grinding will still be higher than the Escudo's top speed on the straights (but they'll still catch up because of stupid RBE, they won't pass you though).

I guarantee you will NEVER spin out. Even with N1 tires and all aids off, on Pro physics.
Ha, you know what, you're right. I always come last with Veyron. Is there a way I can come first? I just passed Pescarolo in dealer list. so waiting another 60-70 days would be stupid. What should I tune on Veyron in order for it to come first?
There's no way to place first if unless you're driving yourself. The problem is not with car setup, rather the fact that grinding the walls slows you down massively and the AI's stupidly excessive RBE means they'll always catch up, even if their top speed is actually lower than yours.

Just go in/out of a race/challenge 70 times to pass days. I assure you it's much easier and faster than trying to tune the V 👍
So wait, you say that with Pescarolo I will not have this problem?

As I said above...

^ That's why you don't choose the Veyron when in rubber-band mode. Get the Pescarolo C60, set Same Manufacturer option to off and you'll always be up against 3 Escudos, irrespective of your tire choice. Your minimum cornering speed due to grinding will still be higher than the Escudo's top speed on the straights (but they'll still catch up because of stupid RBE, they won't pass you though).

I guarantee you will NEVER spin out. Even with N1 tires and all aids off, on Pro physics.

...so yes.

With the V, the slowest opponent you'll be up against is the Citroen GT, which will still catch up no matter what. You may occasionally get 1-2 TVR Speed 12s in the line-up, but then the other opponent will be a Veyron, so you still won't win. With the C60, you always get pitted against 3 Escudos.
the wall riding is pretty bad, i managed to shave 2 seconds of my lap times! (i tested to see if it is possible to be quicker) i managed 1,10.365 with ford gt when wall riding. My original was 1,11.988. Not great times i know :P
ford gt was actually faster riding the wall?

huh, I gotta try it. I have gt in my collection, so it should not be a problem
for me it was yeah, i only do it once i've already completed the task though. I prefer to have a challenge. I wall ride to get gold once i've got bronze or silver.
Try the grass on the final corner. Due to some unexplained reasons you gain 5mph faster from it, AND you are taking the inside line.
I like using the Nissan R92CP with downforce at the max. Too bad my memory and 50+ cars got erased because of a currupt save. :grumpy: