I Need a Newb

Parnelli Bone

United States
Columbia, MD.
Hey if you're a beginner (if you have trouble getting consistent bronze medals in license tests for instance) I need your help. I'm trying to write about the Alfa Romeo 166 series but I'm too good at driving it.

My racing lines in this car are tight, I always know when to brake so I have trouble discerning how bad this car handles (and I know it handles bad in the hands of a newb) I even tried driving it with a stock suspension & tires with light engine tuning (+170 hp in a 2.0 ts) to no avail.

So I welcome anyone to do this, but especially the more inexperienced folks....drive an Alfa 166 (any of them) but do it with a stock suspension & tires around Trail Mountain, Deep Forest, Grand Valley...any track with unbanked turns (and lots of them). Tell me your impressions. Engine tuning should be light...don't plaster your car with power.
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Maybe you should mention what FF car that handles good, for comparison, maybe in the same power to weight ratio.

If I tuned it, I think I will try to reduce the rear sliding and roll. more powered version has less rear sliding, more undesteer too, maybe because heavier front ?
Maybe you should mention what FF car that handles good, for comparison, maybe in the same power to weight ratio.

That was going to be the prize for helping with the review...
more powered version has less rear sliding, more undesteer too, maybe because heavier front ?
It's because it has more power.
Nope, I try it again with stage 2 turbo in 166 2.0, same, the 2.0 feels more oversteer than 3.0.

THANK YOU Sucahyo!!! Geez why was that so hard?

Well I'm done my review now, anyways...goodbye thread...may you die a proper death...
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Parnelli Bone
THANK YOU Sucahyo!!! Geez why was that so hard?

Well i'm done my review now, anyways...goodbye thread...may you die a proper death...

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Please...no more bumps. **Taps plays in background** Goodbye ol' thread. For thou has servst thy purpose. (come ON admins, lock it fry it DELETE THIS MISERABLE THREAD!!!!!)
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