I need help with language setting

  • Thread starter rsfjustin
I have just started playing GT4 again, i have a japenese PS2 which can only play japenese or chinese PS2 games, i wanted to change the language settings from chinese to english so i went to options and down to miscalenious there was only 1 box down there (its the one with the steering wheel) not 3. So right now im playin with chinese characters and i have no idea what they mean do i need to delete my saves to start the entire game over or somethin

note : im sory bout my last post i worded it all wrong i was in a big rush so heres the edited version so u can actually understand me
Nope, you're stuffed.

By the way, please try to use proper spelling and grammar as dictated by the AUP.
You don't have to tell us... Just do it.

Slimlines arre now pretty damn cheap, about 180AUD. Go buy one of them.