I need help with PSP9 twirl blur.

Perfect Balance

I don't know if this has been asked before, I'm not too good with searching.

I was going to use twirl blur on a pic I had, but even when I put the twirl angle into the negative numbers, the blur stayed in the counter clockwise direction. If I put the blur on 15, and -15, the pic wouldn't change at all. I NEED THE BLUR TO GO CLOCKWISE! If anyone can help, please do. Is this some kind of a glitch, or am I missing something?

And before you ask, it wasn't the blur strength I was messing with, as it doesnt go into the negative numbers.
I haven't got PSP9 so I can't help with the settings, but in the meantime are you able to flip the picture? That way you could add the counter clockwise twirl, then just flip it back.
My Left Yarble
I haven't got PSP9 so I can't help with the settings, but in the meantime are you able to flip the picture? That way you could add the counter clockwise twirl, then just flip it back.

Its acually only a piece of the picture, and I need to be sure it lines up with the rest of it, so I would have to flip it, blur it, then flip it back, then if it doesnt work, then I would have to undo all the way to the beginning, and start all over, It could work, but that is one long process to take, and I don't think I would have the patience to do it all the time.

I give those people with a lot of patience a lot of credit, as I don't have what they do.
could u please post the pictures so we could have a shot at it and post a result and a small write up? thanks 👍

Well, theres nothing to post, its just that the blur doesnt go clockwise, and I'm wondering how to get it to do that, the picture doesnt really matter.