i need some help.

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i was planing buy a digital camera (still camera) but later saw a panasonic digital camcorder (camera and still camera) and look like a good deal the resolution are 520 lines of reso. and have mini v. usb and s-video output,the zoom are 700 digital and x20 on optical.(and lot stuff more) but was so expensive

later i saw another camera for the half of the price and was good (for that price),i saw one adapter to connect the camera with the pc and the total price was like 200 $usd$ less than the firts.(btw the adapter come with a editing video software)

what i want is just have some fun and record it and have some nice pics too.

and now i don't know what buy.

can you tell me what is the best deal according to yours experince.
Well from what I've heard, the digital camera/cam corder combo's aren't very good most of the time. But there are a few exceptions. But i don't know them:P So, maybe ask someone else for a better opinion. Or you could just go and buy one of them and try it out and if you don't like it you can take it back and get the other one.
Digital video cameras can take still images; however, they are generally much worse at it than a dedicated digital camera. Like anything else, if you try to do two thihngs at once you can't do either excellently. So, a $250 digital camera will still take much better still images than a $450 DV camera.

If you wantto take really nice still images, get a digital camera, because you'll have to spend some rediculous amount of money ($1000 at least) to get good images. But if you just want to take occasional stills and really want to try some video editing, go with a DV camera.

That palmcorder only takes 1 MegaPixel stills. That would give you a decent 4x6" print at best. You can easily get a good 2-3Mp camera for $250 or less.
i just got a JVC digital camcorder/digital camera and it is amzing. great rezolution and zoom though it was alot of money $700