It only looks worse when you list the problems, but not any means of going about on how to solve them, or at least alleviate them. This is not an attack by the way, just a stab at that sentence.
If I were to say how the future looked, I'd say it would be challenging.
A challenge can either be good or bad.
That is my opinion. Since this thread is about measures taken by Planned Parenthood I did not include any potential solutions. If I were to give my honest opinion of an encompassing solution to the problem of overpopulation I would be deemed a Nazi and most likely kicked off of this site.
However, I am doing my part in ensuring the future sustainment of endangered species. I am currently in school finishing my Bachelors of Science in Zoology before I continue my education in Veterinary School after which I plan to work with wildlife conservations to keep the species alive that we are quickly slaughtering.
The fact is our population growth is not slowing down and people could care less about the overall health of the world. The average human cares more about their fast food, their 9-5 workday, the latest fashion, having the biggest and baddest technology, and ultimately declares climate change a myth. How people can live in such ignorance is beyond me. But if you were to ask me I would blame religion. Many religious people declare the scientific history of the world incorrect, seeing as how it does not correlate with the 4500-6000 year old estimation found in the Bible, and therefore declare evolution, past mass extinctions, climate change, and ultimately the extinction of species an overall lie. Since the establishment of the church, religions have been prosecuting anything that does not coincide with their beliefs, including the SHAPE of the Earth, the AGE of the Earth, and the origin of species. Now that we have discovered alien bacteria inside of a meteorite similar to the cyanobacteria found on Earth, religious fanatics will cry out SATAN! The belief that the majority of people view: "this life" is a temporary gateway before "eternity," has caused a significant problem when attempting to signify the importance of our populations' choices as a whole. And no I am not an atheist, I simply do not believe in religion.
The fact is we are simply another species created by billions of years of evolution just like any other species found on Earth. The only thing that separates us from other species is our intelligence. The knowledge we have gained as a species has been both crippling and our greatest achievement. However, as an entire population, if we do not use our intelligence properly it will become our greatest downfall and the cause of the last mass extinction.
This is not an attack on religions nor anyones personal beliefs or opinions. I have only stated facts and seeing how religion is based upon "faith" and not fact I have not included any corresponding information in my post. I am sorry if I offend anyone and it is not my intention to initiate an aggressive argument.