I support the war on planned parenthood

  • Thread starter A2K78
United States
Why you say? It has nothing to with my views on abortion(given the fact that I personally oppose and abhore abortion) but everything to do with the fact that the time have come to stop the government handouts, that include money to corporations, scientific research, socialist government programs, public education, the warfare state and most importantly foreign aid.
I agree, more dumpster babies!!!!!

Planned Parenthood isn't even a government organization. They only get 1/3 of their funding from the government(which by law can't be used for abortions or contraceptives), which is what I'm guessing you are really against. Of course if that's the case this is a much broader debate as they fund a good amount of controversial things.
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Why you say? It has nothing to with my views on abortion(given the fact that I personally oppose and abhore abortion) but everything to do with the fact that the time have come to stop the government handouts, that include money to corporations, scientific research, socialist government programs, public education, the warfare state and most importantly foreign aid.

In the 80's the crime rate in the United States was at extreme highs and looked as if it was going to continue to elevate well into the future.

Abortion was legalized.

The crime rate dropped dramatically within years.

We are currently reaching a Homo sapien population of 7 billion, an increase of 1 billion in a little over a decade. We are currently exploiting every natural resource the Earth has, draining her dry, and we have begun the 6th Mass Extinction. The first mass extinction unrelated to natural causes, this one is man made. We have seen decreases in wildlife populations as high as 90-95% in the PAST 100 YEARS ALONE. This is due to habitat loss, illegal hunting, and rapid human expansion.

Currently natural selection is no longer affecting the Homo sapien population. Due to scientific, technological, transportation, and medical advancements in the past few centuries humans are living longer than ever and gene flow between populations has begun leveling the diversity that once made the different races so different. Long story short, there are already too many humans on Earth for long term sustainment. The future only looks worse.

Odds are any fetuses aborted in womb by its parents will not have had a good childhood or teenage development period. This would most likely lead to crime, leading to incarceration, causing a further overpopulation of our prison systems. Food for thought.

I don't really know what your argument is here... but that's just a few things to think about.

I support population control.
Why you say? It has nothing to with my views on abortion(given the fact that I personally oppose and abhore abortion) but everything to do with the fact that the time have come to stop the government handouts, that include money to corporations, scientific research, socialist government programs, public education, the warfare state and most importantly foreign aid.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but you're against government grants for scientific research and public education? The PE system is already trampled enough as is, pulling government funding of any kind is only going to expedite the problem tenfold. I'm not sure what you mean by scientific research (please elaborate), but it's one of the many things that should continue to be funded and always be funded.

We are currently reaching a Homo sapien population of 7 billion, an increase of 1 billion in a little over a decade. We are currently exploiting every natural resource the Earth has, draining her dry, and we have begun the 6th Mass Extinction. The first mass extinction unrelated to natural causes, this one is man made. We have seen decreases in wildlife populations as high as 90-95% in the PAST 100 YEARS ALONE. This is due to habitat loss, illegal hunting, and rapid human expansion.

Currently natural selection is no longer affecting the Homo sapien population. Due to scientific, technological, transportation, and medical advancements in the past few centuries humans are living longer than ever and gene flow between populations has begun leveling the diversity that once made the different races so different. Long story short, there are already too many humans on Earth for long term sustainment. The future only looks worse.

This. The long term survival of our species relative to somehow being made extinct as a result of competitive pressures from another species has long been established. All the greatest threats (dismissing for the moment less likely natural phenomena like asteroid impacts, gamma ray bursts, extreme solar winds, etc) to "mankind's" continued presence on this planet are related to our over population. Wars as a result of pressures related to competition for dwindling resources, rampant disease as a result of too many people living in too confined an area, climatic changes at least partially a result of our "modern" societies waste products, famine (no offense meant towards our esteemed moderator naturally ;)) as a result of vast depletion of food stocks (if not out right extinction of food stocks given the current issues with over fishing), etc.

As horrible as abortion can be, if we (meaning every single human) cannot responsibly manage our own reproductive habits one day it just might prove necessary for medical science to do it for us. And, alas, if that day arrives and science doesn't do it then "nature" surely will. The potential exists that we could literally over consume and over populate our way to a planet wide population crash. A very nasty business is that. Hopefully all cultures/societies/nations learn some reproductive restraint and that day does not arrive.
In the 80's the crime rate in the United States was at extreme highs and looked as if it was going to continue to elevate well into the future.

Abortion was legalized.

The crime rate dropped dramatically within years.

We are currently reaching a Homo sapien population of 7 billion, an increase of 1 billion in a little over a decade. We are currently exploiting every natural resource the Earth has, draining her dry, and we have begun the 6th Mass Extinction. The first mass extinction unrelated to natural causes, this one is man made. We have seen decreases in wildlife populations as high as 90-95% in the PAST 100 YEARS ALONE. This is due to habitat loss, illegal hunting, and rapid human expansion.

Currently natural selection is no longer affecting the Homo sapien population. Due to scientific, technological, transportation, and medical advancements in the past few centuries humans are living longer than ever and gene flow between populations has begun leveling the diversity that once made the different races so different. Long story short, there are already too many humans on Earth for long term sustainment. The future only looks worse.

Odds are any fetuses aborted in womb by its parents will not have had a good childhood or teenage development period. This would most likely lead to crime, leading to incarceration, causing a further overpopulation of our prison systems. Food for thought.

I don't really know what your argument is here... but that's just a few things to think about.

I support population control.

It only looks worse when you list the problems, but not any means of going about on how to solve them, or at least alleviate them. This is not an attack by the way, just a stab at that sentence.

If I were to say how the future looked, I'd say it would be challenging.

A challenge can either be good or bad.
So, A2K78, you support whackjobs blowing up Planned Parenthood outlets?

It's the likes of you, A2K78, that make me lose faith in Americans. I keep having to remind myself that not everyone is a gun-toting, Nascar-watching, Bush-worshipping, slave to that great propaganda bureau that is Fox News.
Derp... Let em all get borned so we can put em in the army to kill the evil moslims! Also, I hate welfare so let's make sure all there babbies are from rich white people!
It only looks worse when you list the problems, but not any means of going about on how to solve them, or at least alleviate them. This is not an attack by the way, just a stab at that sentence.

If I were to say how the future looked, I'd say it would be challenging.

A challenge can either be good or bad.

That is my opinion. Since this thread is about measures taken by Planned Parenthood I did not include any potential solutions. If I were to give my honest opinion of an encompassing solution to the problem of overpopulation I would be deemed a Nazi and most likely kicked off of this site.

However, I am doing my part in ensuring the future sustainment of endangered species. I am currently in school finishing my Bachelors of Science in Zoology before I continue my education in Veterinary School after which I plan to work with wildlife conservations to keep the species alive that we are quickly slaughtering.

The fact is our population growth is not slowing down and people could care less about the overall health of the world. The average human cares more about their fast food, their 9-5 workday, the latest fashion, having the biggest and baddest technology, and ultimately declares climate change a myth. How people can live in such ignorance is beyond me. But if you were to ask me I would blame religion. Many religious people declare the scientific history of the world incorrect, seeing as how it does not correlate with the 4500-6000 year old estimation found in the Bible, and therefore declare evolution, past mass extinctions, climate change, and ultimately the extinction of species an overall lie. Since the establishment of the church, religions have been prosecuting anything that does not coincide with their beliefs, including the SHAPE of the Earth, the AGE of the Earth, and the origin of species. Now that we have discovered alien bacteria inside of a meteorite similar to the cyanobacteria found on Earth, religious fanatics will cry out SATAN! The belief that the majority of people view: "this life" is a temporary gateway before "eternity," has caused a significant problem when attempting to signify the importance of our populations' choices as a whole. And no I am not an atheist, I simply do not believe in religion.

The fact is we are simply another species created by billions of years of evolution just like any other species found on Earth. The only thing that separates us from other species is our intelligence. The knowledge we have gained as a species has been both crippling and our greatest achievement. However, as an entire population, if we do not use our intelligence properly it will become our greatest downfall and the cause of the last mass extinction.

This is not an attack on religions nor anyones personal beliefs or opinions. I have only stated facts and seeing how religion is based upon "faith" and not fact I have not included any corresponding information in my post. I am sorry if I offend anyone and it is not my intention to initiate an aggressive argument.
So, A2K78, you support whackjobs blowing up Planned Parenthood outlets?

It's the likes of you, A2K78, that make me lose faith in Americans. I keep having to remind myself that not everyone is a gun-toting, Nascar-watching, Bush-worshipping, slave to that great propaganda bureau that is Fox News.

It's weird though - he said he was against the "warfare state". That doesn't sound like a Fox News Republican to me. I can only assume he meant "welfare" because then he'd be right on topic of regurgitating more of the bilge that FNC is selling.
It's weird though - he said he was against the "warfare state". That doesn't sound like a Fox News Republican to me. I can only assume he meant "welfare" because then he'd be right on topic of regurgitating more of the bilge that FNC is selling.

I took that as a typo as well. Welfare is doing nothing but crippling both the economy and the work ethic of Americans.

But if he did mean warfare state he should take a look at other species and observe how they compete for natural resources similarly to how we do. We just do it with weapons. The possession of natural resources is crucial to national security and that is why countries go to war over them, since the beginning of written history.
So, A2K78, you support whackjobs blowing up Planned Parenthood outlets?

Question, how can I support the destruction private property while at the same time being a lover of private property rights?

I keep having to remind myself that not everyone is a gun-toting, Nascar-watching, Bush-worshipping, slave to that great propaganda bureau that is Fox News.

I might like watching NASCAR, but in no way I do I support war criminals like Bush(or Obama). With that mind I guess you must be talking about somebody else.
Question, how can I support the destruction private property while at the same time being a lover of private property rights?

I might like watching NASCAR, but in no way I do I support war criminals like Bush(or Obama). With that mind I guess you must be talking about somebody else.

Do you have any evidence classifying Bush or Obama as a "war criminal?"

Suggestion: Only know what you can prove.
Here's how I look at the abortion issue:

1. People are always going to accidentily get pregnant. It's human nature.
2. Some of those people mentioned in #1 are going to terminate those pregancies before they come to term.

I know those two things for certain. Why not have it done in a somewhat humane fashion doctor's office instead of some back alley coat hanger abortion?
There is an abortion thread, but as far as this particular thing goes, I agree, I don't agree with public funds going towards this.
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but you're against government grants for scientific research and public education?

Yes and you know what why? taxpayer money to scientific research is nothing but welfare for scientist. Now if these scientist want money for research, then there are tons of private money out there instead of relying on taxpayers.

As for public education,why should taxpayers continue to feed a ineffective socialist program?
Yes and you know what why? taxpayer money to scientific research is nothing but welfare for scientist. Now if these scientist want money for research, then there are tons of private money out there instead of relying on taxpayers.

I'm guessing you are a "the government is evil no matter what" kind of person?

Also, there isn't a whole lot of private cash out there for science, why do you think it takes so long to find cures? Why do you think basically all research labs are located on public college campuses? Why on earth am I constantly asked to donate to fund research?

It's not like they sit there twiddling their thumbs, they are working for their money, just like everyone else who has a job does.

You still haven't responded to my post saying PP isn't a government organization and that none of the funding they get from the government(a whopping 1/3) can go to abortions or forms of birth control.
A2K78, you do realize that taxpayer money for scientific research has contributed towards some of the greatest modern technologies and achievements, right?

Also, lest you forget, most private corporations exist to make money. Given that constraint, companies will never conduct long-term, expensive research that is valuable to our understanding of the world, but may not net them an immediate profit.

What does Planned Parenthood have to do with all this anyways? Going from your point of view, if the government "hand out" should stop, then the government should stop funding roads, the Interstate highway system, NASA, infrastructure, public transportation, national parks, military and defense, courts, etc. :rolleyes:
Yes and you know what why? taxpayer money to scientific research is nothing but welfare for scientist. Now if these scientist want money for research, then there are tons of private money out there instead of relying on taxpayers.

Surely you cannot be serious?

Without the proper funding for scientific research, how far do you think stem cell [research] would have gotten? Where would all of the cancer {research] centers have come from? Yes, a good deal of them are privately-funded but I'm certain the investor(s) have some ties to government-funded projects; and these research facilities are some of those endeavors. Private funding is an option but it really isn't a long-term solution to anything.

As for public education,why should taxpayers continue to feed a ineffective socialist program?
Again, really?

"Ineffective socialist program"? The PE system is in the condition it's in because of improper funding, or funds being misused, or in other cases just stolen altogether. Everyone deserves a proper education and a good facility to have said education in. My solution would be to privatize schools but that's not cost-effective nor would enough parents agree with it for it to become a widespread movement. Everyone has access to a public school, regardless of their heritage, creed, lineage, social status, intellect, and the likes thereof.

I'm hearing more and more of teachers (or at least so they refer to themselves as) that just don't care enough, that are in it for all the wrong reasons. I understand the youth (in general) these days lack proper manners but that shouldn't deter someone from wanting to encourage other people to learn. Should everyone else suffer just because some foul-mouthed brat doesn't want to learn? Absolutely not.
Yes and you know what why? taxpayer money to scientific research is nothing but welfare for scientist. Now if these scientist want money for research, then there are tons of private money out there instead of relying on taxpayers.

As for public education,why should taxpayers continue to feed a ineffective socialist program?

Your life would be cut very short if you had your way.
The best life saving drugs can be the most simplest cheapest. Take Aspirin, it has recently been shown to have many uses for anti-cancer and various lethal diseases. Everyone should take it now, if it were not for a potential side effect in the stomach. Scientists can research how to bypass this side effect.
No private business would fund them, even though it could save millions of lives every year on year. Why? because Aspirin only costs a few pence, it's too cheap.
Business invests in thing that make money, a government will invest in health of the public through science.
Yes and you know what why? taxpayer money to scientific research is nothing but welfare for scientist. Now if these scientist want money for research, then there are tons of private money out there instead of relying on taxpayers.

As for public education,why should taxpayers continue to feed a ineffective socialist program?

Ok so my thoughts: Judging by the quoted comment, this kid is trolling and obviously has no education so any opinion he might have is made in ignorance and therefore void. Thus, this is my final post regarding this thread.

Good night.