I was very excited about this game when I first put my hands on it. Seeing as to how I heard that it had a huge library of cars to choose from and drive, I imagined having an exciting and fun time driving the cars that I could only dream of having at this point in my life. Little did I know of the huge level of dissapointment I was in for.
First of all, this game is drastically unrealistic. The turning in this game is not even approaching fathomable. I can barely turn in any car at all, no matter what I do. It seems that front wheel drive cars turn better than rwd ones, but, IRL, i believe a rwd car going 60 miles per hour can handle a turn that is 15 degrees in a given direction from the original point the car was facing quite easily. In this game, any turn attempted is impossible. Cars hate turning, unless that is, they're being turned by the computer. Second of all, this game seems to try to perpetuate the message that 4-banger ricer cars are superior to the muscle and sports cars of yesteryear. For example. I get a `69 corvette stingray 427. It is by far faster than any Honda on the road, yet for some reason in this game 'handling' the car is something that isn't even possible. The car spins with the slightest push of a button or movement of an analog stick. But, with the trusty Civic, I can handle turns without spinning out, never mind the fact that it's still exceedingly difficult.
Another thing that is annoying about this game is the fact that one's effort is mostly in vain. It took me quite a damn long time to get the gold medals in the b class license test. After doing so I finally got awarded with a Honda Spoon S2000. When reading a strategy guide for this game from a reputable source, that being IGN, I was told that this car would get me through all 16 of the Gran turismo league races... Even though it has too much horsepower to get to one of them. Figures that it'd be a Honda... This car that I was awarded was pathetic. Not only did my 197 horsepower celica handle better than it, but it was as slow and rickety as an old shopping cart. Not only that, but my 3 hours of work were only worth $12,000. I couldn't even get slick tires for my celica when selling the wretched thing.
After playing for a while longer and getting my gear ratios on my corvette just right, it started to spin out even worse than before. Given the fact that this car was designed for racing and is supposed to handle (maybe not perfectly, but well) at high speeds, I wouldn't have expected it to start fishtailing and spinning at every turn. If this game were mine, I'd have broken the cd over my knee, and melted the other CD in the pot I use to melt AOL cds. I was hoping for a realistic game in which advancing wouldn't be too difficult, but would be realistic, and instead i got crap. Oh well, it was worth what I paid for it, seeing as to how it was borrowed. >=/
First of all, this game is drastically unrealistic. The turning in this game is not even approaching fathomable. I can barely turn in any car at all, no matter what I do. It seems that front wheel drive cars turn better than rwd ones, but, IRL, i believe a rwd car going 60 miles per hour can handle a turn that is 15 degrees in a given direction from the original point the car was facing quite easily. In this game, any turn attempted is impossible. Cars hate turning, unless that is, they're being turned by the computer. Second of all, this game seems to try to perpetuate the message that 4-banger ricer cars are superior to the muscle and sports cars of yesteryear. For example. I get a `69 corvette stingray 427. It is by far faster than any Honda on the road, yet for some reason in this game 'handling' the car is something that isn't even possible. The car spins with the slightest push of a button or movement of an analog stick. But, with the trusty Civic, I can handle turns without spinning out, never mind the fact that it's still exceedingly difficult.
Another thing that is annoying about this game is the fact that one's effort is mostly in vain. It took me quite a damn long time to get the gold medals in the b class license test. After doing so I finally got awarded with a Honda Spoon S2000. When reading a strategy guide for this game from a reputable source, that being IGN, I was told that this car would get me through all 16 of the Gran turismo league races... Even though it has too much horsepower to get to one of them. Figures that it'd be a Honda... This car that I was awarded was pathetic. Not only did my 197 horsepower celica handle better than it, but it was as slow and rickety as an old shopping cart. Not only that, but my 3 hours of work were only worth $12,000. I couldn't even get slick tires for my celica when selling the wretched thing.
After playing for a while longer and getting my gear ratios on my corvette just right, it started to spin out even worse than before. Given the fact that this car was designed for racing and is supposed to handle (maybe not perfectly, but well) at high speeds, I wouldn't have expected it to start fishtailing and spinning at every turn. If this game were mine, I'd have broken the cd over my knee, and melted the other CD in the pot I use to melt AOL cds. I was hoping for a realistic game in which advancing wouldn't be too difficult, but would be realistic, and instead i got crap. Oh well, it was worth what I paid for it, seeing as to how it was borrowed. >=/